Pollen Allergy vs Lipstick Allergy

An audience who has the pollen allergy symptom and many health problems wrote a letter to ask Khunkru Maiyai about them. What bad retributions caused her to be like this? How can she do to solve these problems? https://dmc.tv/a14407

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[ Oct 7th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18270 ]
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Pollen Allergy / Lipstick Allergy

The Japanese landscape is so beautiful in the spring especially during Sakura flowers bloom from March to May.  Sakura flowers always bloom from the Southern region to the Northern region.  Everybody prefers this period except me because I have the pollen allergy symptom in spring.  I irritated my nose, eyes, and neck.  Some native residents have the same symptom. Moreover, someone breathe difficultly.
Initially, my eyelids had not fold, causing my eye lashes to droop over my eyes, thus making me look like I'm drowsy all the time. After the cosmetic surgery that makes folds in my eyelids, I now look much better.  I also have the lipstick and lip pencil allergy symptoms, i.e. my lips were dark and it made me look like a smoker, however, my lips were cured to be faded.  I also have varicose vein on the leg which makes me trouble periodically.

Questions from the audience:
What bad retributions have caused me to have the pollen allergy symptom every year?  And how can I solve this problem?

What bad retributions caused me look like I’m drowsy and a smoker?  What good retributions caused me to be cured successfully so I look much better?  What bad retributions have caused me to have varicose vein on the leg?

You have the pollen allergy symptom during the spring because in one previous lifetime, you were born in the agricultural community and always burnt grass in your farmland which disturbed your neighbors.  This bad retribution caused you to have this symptom.  You can solve this problem by going exercise, making merit and making a wish to lessen this bad retribution many times.  If you do like this, the problem will decrease or gone.

You looked like a drowsy because you had mimicked a friend who looked like this so much that he/she was disgraceful.  This bad retribution yielded fruit.

You looked like a smoker because you had mimicked a friend who had dark lips so much that he/she was disgraceful.  This bad retribution yielded fruit.  Later, you were cured until it is better because of the merit of persuading people to do good deeds.

You have varicose vein on the leg because you chained your pets’ leg such as dogs or cats until they troubled.  This bad retribution yielded fruit.

By Khunkru Maiyai
February 19th, 2007
Translated by Lt. Chinawat Noiwan and Chadawee Chaipooripat




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