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[ Feb 5th, 2009 ] - [ read : 18262 ]
     Makhapuja Ceremony

Light the mind with faith

9th February 2009

The Lord Buddha, the blessed one, the supreme nonesuch, can conquer the cycle of Samsara. In Thee, all deities and humans venerate and worship.The great man, the fearless man, he is. No one can be thy level.

Eight years after thy enlightenment, the moon turned full at the 3rd lunar month (about the early week of February). On that day, 1,250 of Arahant monks gathered together without prior appointment at Veluvana Temple, Rajagaha, City of Magadha; this occasion so called Magha puja day. The makha puja day is considered one of the most important Buddhist celebrations. It refers to the worship that takes place on the full moon of the 3rd lunar month to commemorate the day on which Lord Buddha recited the "Ovadha Patimokkha" (the Fundamental Teaching) to his disciples.
This day marks the great four events that took place during Lord Buddha's lifetime, namely;
  1. The time of the full moon in the third lunar month,
  2. 1,250 Buddhist monks from differents places came to pay homage to the Lord Buddha himself at Veluvana Temple in Rajgaha City of Magaha State, without any appointment,
  3. All of them were Arahants (enlightened monks) who had attained the Apinnas (Six Higher Knowledges),
  4. all of them had been individually ordained by Lord Buddha himself (Ehi Bhikkhu).

The discourse Ovadhapatimokka is ready to be applied in real life.

In the evening of that day, Lord Buddha gave the assembly a discourse "Ovadha Patimokkha", laying down the principles of His Teachings to be followed by all Buddhists, summarized into three acts;

  1. Suppa papassa agaranam, to abstain from bad action (by mention, speech or act)
  2. Kusalasu pasampada,  to do and maintain good in all actions
  3. Sajita paroyadapanam, to purify the mind by means of meditation.

Ways of peaceful life

Moreover, the lord Buddha also gave the aim of being a good behavior by three objectives of life.

  1. Kanti paramam tapoteetikha : Patient endurance is the ultimate asceticism.
  2. Nibbanam paramamtibuddha : Naibbana (Nirvana), Profound liberation, say the Buddhas, is the supreme goal.
  3. Nahipappachito parupakati samanohohi  paramvihedayanto:  The renunciate should not oppress anyone. Forbearance is the best austerity,  He is not one gone forth who harms another. He is not a recluse who molests others. Cease to do evil,

And the direct route to a peaceful life for the Buddhists and everyone who want  to life in happiness.

  1. Anupavado: Not insulting
  2. Anupakato:  Not harming,
  3. Patomoke jasamvaro: Cultivating restraint with respect for the training,
  4. Muttanyuta Japadasamin: Modesty in eating
  5. Pundanja sayanasanam : Contentment with one's dwelling place,
  6. Adhijitte Ja ayoko: devotion to mindful intent by means of meditation:

Ovadha Patimokha is the fundamental way of building a world peace. It can be happened easily when every body palnts the faith and the wisdom of enlightenment in the mind. The ways to create the world to be a better place for everyone is mentioned the the discourse of Ovadha Patimokha. Please gather yourselves to commemorate the Lord Buddha teaching and be a part of the ceremony. On that night, Come and feel the delicate and fascinating moment while keep the mind fulfill with the lord Buddha teaching.

It could be one beautiful petal of peace among hundreds of thousands, all are performing the enormous living lotus throne that is the seat of true peace possibly existed on this planet Earth. 

Come and be a drop of water in the tide of wisdom determinedly flows to the ocean of true freedom and real happiness in the warm embrace of Absolute Truth.

Let's come and join the celebration. May the crack of next dawn promise the best day… and every next day.


Grand Meditation Stadium
Alms-giving Ceremony at Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya
Grand Meditation Hall
Mass meditation led by Luang Phor Dhammajayo

Magha Puja Lanterns Offering Ceremony and Lunch Offering Ceremony

Lunch Break
National Dhamma Quiz Award (Path of Progress the 27th)

Donation time for offering the personal Buddha images for more than 30,000 temples across country.

Grand Meditation Stadium

Parade of Delivering the Throphies of World PEC III Award.


The award for the World PEC III winners

18.30 .
Cetiya Circumambulation in homage to the Lord Buddha
Chanting and spreading loving-kindness


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