Alms giving and Peace

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[ Jun 12th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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โครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทยโครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทยโครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทยโครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทยโครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทยโครงการตักบาตรพระ 500,000 รูป ทุกวัด 76 จังหวัด ทั่วไทย

Alms giving and Peace


In Thailand, at every early hours of the morning, we always see monks wander on the streets on their daily almsround to collect food for their day. In Buddhism, alms or almsgiving is a sign of respect given by lay Buddhists to Buddhist monks. It is not a charity as presumed by the Western culture; rather, it is perceived as an opportunity for the laypeople to make merits.

Merit, being considered as pure energy, is behind all successes in life, such as physical appearance, economic standing, and reputation. In addition, almsgiving establishes a symbolic connection among spiritual enthusiasts as they all come together for a single purpose. It is also their way of showing their humbleness and respect for the noble ones. At the break of each new dawn, Thai people always prepare the alms food that would include rice and other recipes for the monks.

Giving is an act of peace and a basic moral fundamental for anyone who wants to live in this world with kindness and compassion. This belief has been embedded in the Thai people’s heart for thousand of years. Moreover, almsgiving is a stress of inner peace and personal honesty, which is the first step to the purification of the mind that will lead to the higher inner grace which are scruple precepts and meditation. Therefore, the peace takes over the hearts of Thais everyday at the crack of dawn.

But in a competitive society we live in today, this moral and ethical activity seems to be gradually ignored in the rural provinces.
Luang Phaw Dhammajayo
The president of Dhammakaya Foundation,
For this reason, the most venerable Prarajhavanavisuth (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu), the abbot of the Dhammakaya temple who had tirelessly performed peace works since the very first day of his ordination, has shown up his figure to renovate this peaceful function to be reappeared especially in the rural cities.

To continue this peace and moral tradition that every Thai has learned since childhood, he had persuaded and assembled people to perform good deeds both in the temple and their local community. With Prarajhavanavisuth’s generosity to light this world with goodness and peace under the World Ethics Recuperation Program, the massive almsgiving of 500,000 monks in seventy-six provinces across Thailand has been carried out throughout the year. It happened very quick and easy; each assembly was organized simply on the main roads in many provinces where the first time took place in Lam Pang Province on the 10 February 2008 with 1,000 monks.


Alms givingAlms givingAlms giving
10,500 Monks in Lam Phoon
10,000 Monks in Lam Phoon
Samutprakan Province
Rama I Bridge, Bangkok
Hadyai, Songkhla
Samutprakan Province


As this arrangement became widely known and accepted across the country, the assembly of monks in each province has increased in number and reached a record of more than 10,000. Almsgiving event organizers also received an excellent cooperation and support from both the local monastic and the governmental section. The success brought a jubilant moment of merit to every local people’s heart.


พระเดชพระคุณพระเทพปริยัติสุธี เจ้าคณะภาค 3 กรรมการมหาเถระสมาคม
พระเดชพระคุณพระวิสุทธิวงศาจารย์ เจ้าคณะภาค 7 กรรมการมหาเถระสมาคม
The most venerable Pratheppariyatsutee,
Monastic Dean of Region Three and
Committee of Senior Monks Association
The most venerable Pravisuttivongsajarn,
Monastic Dean of Region Seven and
Committee of Senior Monks Association


The most venerable Pratheppariyatsutee, Monastic Dean of Region Three and Committee of Senior Monks Association. The Senior Monastic Assembly.

The main objective of this assembly is to maintain the honorable monastic culture and provide an opportunity to all citizens to perform a massive giving. I have not seen so many monks and the people gather together for the same purpose like this before. These foods and supplies will be given to all deprived monks and people under natural disaster areas. Please keep this activity conserved because alms giving is the continuation of the age of Buddhism.

The most venerable Pravisuttivongsajarn, Monastic Dean of Region Seven and Committee of Senior Monks Association.

Because the act of giving and charity is the basic goodness that everyone can do regardless of religion, race, and educational background. The Lord Buddha said sharing is the first good deed of all sages. Sharing is great and can warm this world. With the heart of love and care, people will live peacefully.


นายสมชาย วงศ์สวัสดิ์ พลเรือตรี บงสุช สิงหณรงค์

Mr.Somchai Wongsawat,
Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Education

Rear Admiral - Bongsush Singhanarong,
Senior Veteran of Thai Navy


Mr.Somchai Wongsawat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education.

I was very pleased to be a part of this event and saw the gathering of people who perform good deeds. More importantly, this moral activity will maintain the good Buddhist culture of Thailand and will be able to use these alms to help monks in the southern four border provinces. I will encourage and support this activity to be further arranged in all provinces.

Rear Admiral. Bongsush Singhanarong- Senior Veteran of Thai Navy. He supported for Navy force to comfort traffic and hands in this arrangement.

It was my first sight of jubilance. I will recognize this moment of joining a massive alms giving. The sharing is great for us all. This World Ethics Recuperation Program is needed to be maintained and supported to occur in all areas of Thailand.
Now it is the time to share your merits and your generosity through the act of giving. Everything that is collected will be distributed to the monks in deprived areas such as the four southern provinces in Thailand. In addition, these alms will be given to countries that underwent natural disasters, such as Burma and China. Please join your local almsgivings when arranged close to your community. Let the good deeds from this act of giving generate your happiness and inner peace. Share your peace and wish that all beings depart from suffering and find themselves happiness. Believe it or not, little sacrifice of your necessities will eventually reach a point of harmony in which selfishness can overcome you no longer.
“Sharing is great.”


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