My feeling about being a mother - From Mrs. Sasina Wimuttanon

A Thai Celeb and her husband revealed about being a mother and father.

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[ Jul 24th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18270 ]

My feelings about being a mother...

From Mrs. Sasina Wimuttanon, a Thai Celeb who is now a famous news anchor.

To the Most Venerable Dhammajayo with the utmost respect,
My name is Mrs. Sasina Wimuttanon.  I would like to share the feelings and experiences I had when I knew I would be a mother.
Although I married Mr. Suwit Wimuttanon when I was 23 years old, we had to wait for our lovely son, Porpieng, for seven years. Since that time, my family has returned to join the Dhammakaya community and pursue perfections with you, Luang Phaw.  I believe that my dear son has great merit accrued from previous lifetimes.  I hope he will continue to accrue further merits and eventually make the decision on his own to ordain and become a true monk.  This will bring great merits to him and our family in the future.
About seven years ago, my husband and I consulted with a doctor because we were having difficulty conceiving. We had been married for seven years and still had not had a child. The doctor offered several treatment options but had us start with the easiest one first. He prescribed fertility drugs, which would influence my ovulation to occur in a scheduled timeframe. During the first timeframe, the doctor injected my husband’s semen, but this attempt was unsuccessful, even though I had been especially careful. During the second attempt, we encountered a few obstacles, but our long awaited day came in the end. When I knew that I was carrying another human being within me, I chanted and meditated more often, so that these merits would protect my baby.
I overcame morning sickness because of the inherent patience I had, which I’d had since  a young age.  We monitored his development via ultrasound every month. Although my belly had enlarged, I felt just as active and nimble as I had been before and continued to go to work. Then, the day came, the one we’d been waiting for.  It was December 11th, 2003.
I stayed at the hospital since the morning because my water (the amniotic fluid) broke.  I intended to give birth naturally, so I decided to wait for my cervix to fully dilate.  The excruciating pain from the uterine contraction is very hard to explain.  I endured this pain periodically until 3:00 p.m.; I felt like I was going to die. So I asked for the epidural anesthesia, which completely numbed the lower part of my body. I felt much better, and at around 8:00 p.m. the doctor told me to be ready.  At that point, my family and I began to chant a great number of Buddhist chanting verses to welcome the baby. After we finished, only my husband and my mother were allowed to stay with me to provide support in the delivery room.  The nurses counted, “1…2…3…push!”  I tried to, but I simply couldn’t; I had no sensation down there.  Finally, the doctor pulled Porpieng out safely and brought him to me.  When I held him in my arms, I saw his red face; this is an image that I have never forgotten. Luang Phaw, it feels like such a miracle, that this human being could come from my body. And at that moment, I made the commitment to be the best mother that I could be.
However, I had no idea that breastfeeding would be as or even more painful than giving birth. Although this period was difficult, I was able to navigate through it with my husband’s love.  He was always beside me and cheered me on every time I breastfed our baby.
The love of parents, at least in our minds, is to see their child happy, follow age-appropriate development, and accrue merit everyday.  So we usually go to the temple with him, and teach him Dhamma and meditation.  Moreover, we regularly organize merit activities at our house or the Dream Team’s office. We do all this for our son and for our family, so that we live with Dhamma in mind. I hope that my son will have the chance to ordain and become a true monk, in order to study Dhamma in the future.  If that day comes, I will be very happy and very proud of him.
Next, my husband would also like to share his feelings and experiences of fatherhood as well.  
To the Most Venerable Dhammajayo with the utmost respect,  
My name is Mr. Suwit Wimuttanon.  My wife gave birth to our son when I was 48 years old, which is very late for most people who have their first child. However, I’ve experienced a great number of things in this world. And at the very least, I do know the truth about life, what matters in life, what is trivial, and what merit and sin are.
Before we had our baby, we made merit everyday and hoped that someone who made merit together with us would be reborn as our child.  My love for Porpieng is similar to the love that other parents have for their child.  I can give him all that is good, even if I have to exchange it with my life.
I do understand that I can’t protect him all the time.  Only merit can protect him, so I have fostered my son’s love for merit and have encouraged him to make merit continuously since his birth in this lifetime. I believe that each child is born attached with merit and sin performed from previous lifetimes, and the merit in the present lifetime can bring my son good health, longevity, and wealth to live and to considerably accrue further merits with.  A parent’s love for a child does not end in one lifetime.  It is always and forever.

As a father, I would like to invite all true men around the world to completely repay their parents’ love by joining the 100,000 monk mass ordination during the Buddhist Lent.  For this special opportunity, my family has taken out regular advertisements about this training program in many newspapers with the Dream Team, including Thai Rath, Daily News, Kom Chad Luek, Siam Rath and Ban Muang. Again, I would like to invite all true men to be ordained as monks and to study the Lord Buddha’s Dhamma during the Buddhist Lent.  It will be one of the most valuable and rewarding experiences for you.  
Most respectfully,
Mr. Suwit Wimuttanon
Mrs. Sasina Wimuttanon


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