Change the World song by Howard McCrary

"Change the World" song by Howard McCrary and his friends who would like the world peace happen.

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[ Nov 27th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18267 ]
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Change the World song by Howard McCrary
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten Program broadcasting on DMC
Dearest and Most Beloved LuangPhor,

I greet you with a heart full of humility and wonder. A few weeks ago when you requested Lp Burin to contact us concerning the song , ‘Change The World’ ,I was very happy that I could once again be allowed do something to help you in your vision for world peace.
When you asked for a song that the whole world could sing that would be the best song ever written I felt that I was unable to accomplish such a majestic mission. It was never that I doubted you your Holiness, I doubted myself. I believe that’s why in your wisdom you closed the letter by saying, “Tam Die, you can do it my son!”

So I began to retrace and research all the biggest world hits about unity to no avail.
I searched five days going through the exercise of finding a hit that could inspire me to achieve this quest.

Exhausted thoroughly I decided to meditate and go to bed. Early that next morning you came to me in a dream. You told me, “Tam Die my son! It is easy and the melody goes like this, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, etc......”

You actually sang the lead melody to me in a dream! I immediately went to the piano and played this melody in the same key you sang to me in my dream!

The miracle was that it matched perfectly with the lyrics you sent me!

As I began to put this magical musical puzzle together, tears of joy began to fall. Ivy told me before that to her the most difficult part of a song is the melody for it carries the words. If your melody is not strong, your words will be forgotten.

Because you sang it to me, the beautiful melody flowed out like honey. This is the third time this has happened in my life. The first time was Michael Jackson, the second was my mother after she went to the celestial realm, and the third time was you.

I cannot take credit for this melody because you sang it to me. In all of the 800 or more songs that I have written, not one has a melody so strong as this!

And then when you asked us to have the chorus sang in 8 languages , one by one the nations came forth to the last with no complications.

When you say' Tam Die' to me again I will never again waiver or hesitate.

 Thank you for entrusting Ivy and I with the greatest honor to represent you and our Dhammakaya family on a song so important to the world and our future.

With love and the greatest respect,

Your ever devoted son,

 Howard McCrary
The Singer

French:  Stephen Wong (Born in France)
A Hong Kong TVB channel Artist and he opened a France Restaurant in Hong Kong few months ago. He is not a singer but he loves singing.
He born in France and came back HK few years ago and started to learn speaking Cantonese. He was so happy when we asked him to sing this song. 

Spanish: Oscar Azahar (Born in El Salvador)
He is a saxophone player in Hong Kong. He said he was happy to be a part of this project that helps to bring the world together.

Russian:  Nadya Salcedo (Born in Moscow Russia)
She is the wife of one of the top arrangers and musicians Roland Salcedo in Hong Kong. She is a housewife. She said Thank you for the privilege to represent her country, she knew how important it is that everyone knows that Russia wants to be a part of helping to make Peace for the world.

Arabic:  Jamal Chafra (Born in Morocco)
He is one of Howard's friend, he loves music and always went to support Howard and listen to Howard's music. When Howard called him and asked him if he would like to help to sing a song for World Peace, he didn't doubt and said Yes immediately.
He said this world need that kind of song very much right now and he believes World Peace will happen. He said this song is very beautiful. He was sick but he still came to our home to record, before we recording his vocal, he called two of his colleagues to confirm if the Arabic is right and perfect, he told us Arabic is a very difficult and deep language. He wanted to find us the best sentence of "Let's come together to change the world" in Arabic. He loves the song so very much and remind us to send him a copy when we finishing the song.

Chinese:  Idy Lai (Born in China)
She is a singer and singing teacher in Hong Kong and China.
She said when she listened to the song, she can feel who created this song would be a peaceful person. She said she would love to bring our teaching to China, she said she can help us to do that with Chinese government. She wants to visit Dhammakaya Foundation next year Maha Paju Day.

German:  Natascha Wright (Born in Germany)
She is Howard’s sister-in-law, she is a singer in Germany. She recorded her vocal in German and sent us by email. She said she would love to help us whatever is doing for World Peace. She loves the song very much !

Portuguese:  Christine REMEDIOS (Born in Portugal)
She is a singer in Hong Kong, she loves Howard’s music. Actually her mother just passed away and she came to our home to record her vocal after she finishing her mother’s funeral. She said it’s her pleasure to help this song.

Japanese:  Hatsumi Masuda (Born in Japan)
She is Howard’s fan, she loves Howard’s music. She works in China and stay in Hong Kong, her daughter also sang in the chorus with Sahuchai, she loves this song very very much, the first time she sang she didn’t like it and requested us to let her record her vocal again, she came to our home at almost midnight to record her new vocal, she said this song is very powerful and she felt so happy to involved
Hebrew:  Morris Goldberg
Mr Morris wanted us to invite him to do Charity thing, he loves charity. And he agrees World Peace through our Inner Peace. He is a Jewish but he also studied Buddhism when he studied in Australia. He was so happy to sing this song with all of us.
English:  Howard McCrary


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