World Peace can become a reality

Dhamma For People :- World Peace can become a reality.

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[ Oct 23rd, 2012 ] - [ read : 18260 ]
World Peace can become a reality

We are fortunate to be born as human beings. Since we have already encountered with Buddhism, we should conduct moral Buddhist activities such as donating items, giving alms to the monks, and practice meditation. This is because we don’t know the day when death will arrive at our doorsteps. Our physical body is gradually being destroyed by the fire of old age, sickness and we are approaching death closer each day. No one can escape from Three Universal Characteristics; impermanence, suffering and non–self. All living things must decay, which will eventually lead to death. We should not underestimated our lives and act recklessly. Instead, we should started accumulating good deeds, and practicing to still our minds, so we can achieve Dhammakaya inside ourselves. Dhammakaya is a real and true reliance that we can trust, which made us feel more comfortable and safer. Even after we depart from this world, we will receive respect for our bravery on our victorious day as we deserved.

The Lord Buddha once stated this verse in the Dhammapada,
“Uppamādaratā  Hotha
Dukhkhā  Uddharathattanaṃ
Paṃke  Sannova  kuñjaro”

    All of you must be proud of not being reckless and should protect our mind and feelings when we fall down similarly to an elephant that had fell down into the hole is able to bring itself out of it. 

    This world of living creatures is the world of defilements. Most creatures are stuck in the earthly desires. For those who haven’t purified their minds daily seem to have fallen deeper into the hole. The Lord Gautama Buddha suggested ways to bring oneself back from falling into the hole by not acting carelessly, and must keep reminding ourselves of the Dukkha, and how carelessness is dangerous for us. It is like the obstacles in our round of rebirths. Carelessness is considered as obstacles for doing goodness in our round of rebirth. We must take care of our mind in the heart to purify it at the 7th center of the body, which is the permanent resting place of heart, consciousness and knowledge.

    You must learn to take care of the mind and heart, so that it does not wander in troublesome issues such as sin, so that you won’t act malice, jealous and greedy toward others. You should have the right truthful perception, have belief in the law of Karma, and do only good deeds so that you can lift your heart higher by practicing meditation daily, which is the best way to take care of the heart that followed the path of the Lord Buddha. This path will lead us toward the end-goals of life and can carry ourselves up from the bottom of the hole by getting rid of all our defilements and desires.

    The perfection of a purified life is an ideal life that will create an ideal world. We can make it come true by starting from ourselves first. We should try as often as possible to purify our mind, practice meditation to achieve Dhammakaya inside ourselves. Thus, our suspicion will be gone, so that we can tell our family members, relatives, colleagues, and close friends, and other human beings to learn how to still their minds. And the things that everyone thinks are impossible can become possible. We will all get a chance to see a peaceful and serene world during this lifetime.

During the period that the Lord Buddha was still accumulating merits as a bodhisattva, he was born as the son of the King Bromdat and was named by his parents as Prince Janasandhakumara. We he grew up, he became an expert in all field of studies. After the king or his father had passed away, Prince Janasandhakumara, he recognized the value of being born as human beings, and wished for this world to be in peace and serenity. Even though he was a skilled warrior, he didn’t do not wish to wage wars as he governed his people with fairness, equality and morality. He ordered to build the six food shelters and donate 600,000 of his money.  He accumulated merit in the field of donating so much that this news traveled very fast all over the world. He also ordered the release of prisoners in his prisons to open the door for them toward freedom. It was his mission to help the earthly people with the 4 Sangahavatthu, which consists of giving, kind speech, useful conduct, and equal treatment. When the poor and homeless people reached his territory, all were helped. He determined to get rid of suffering and poorness by supporting happiness and prosperity. He was not picky when choosing who to help, and who not to help. He would recommend everyone to take the five precepts daily. As a result, he became the respected public person of his people.

On the 15th full moon day, he made vows to keep the precepts and invited the public to follow his example. He ordered his servants to bang on the drums to invite the Buddhist followers all over the kingdom to gather around and listen to his preaching. When the time had arrived, he would sit in the honor seat to begin preaching his people to be obedience, not act recklessly, and issues that could create chaos afterward such as,

“We should not let time passed away carelessly without doing any goodness. When, we are a young adult, we should work quickly to earn a living for ourselves and for our family, so that we will not be in trouble later. Moreover, we should be honest, without cheating on others, because we could become unreliable in other people’s perspectives. Moreover, we should not go to cause trouble by irritating or angering other people.

Human beings are considered to have the highest-mind of all creatures, so therefore human beings should have resilience and kindness toward all others. Moreover, human beings should be satisfied with their spouse, should not seek happiness in expense of other people’s sorrow. This is because one day, other people might bring trouble and sorrow back toward us, similarly to a rowel that is thrown out. In the end, the rowel will return to us.

The wise should donate their goods daily, so life will not become difficult later as years passed by. Do not become stingy, because these people will become troubled later due to the fact that during the time that they were plentiful supply of rice and water, they never donate anything to anyone. As a result, they have to be born as a poor person. Therefore, we should be in the position of being a giver as much as possible. After receiving care from our parents since childbirth until we grew up, we should find a chance to return their kindness and gratitude for raising us up. Moreover, we should become obedience towards our parents, like a respectful son or daughter.”

Moreover, the new king also recommended his people to visit the holy monks with good conducts because they would point out the path to heaven and nirvana for us. Moreover, people should go out to converse with the holy monks, so they could come closer to the Triple Gems, which would lead them to a higher level of knowledge.

When the bodhisattva saw that whatever dharma was able to provide good benefits to the world, he would tell the dharma for the public to listen every half month. Moreover, the citizens stayed in his order, therefore the town and cities in those days were very peaceful. Everyone tried their best to do only good. There were no robberies or thieves. Everyone lived together peacefully and serenely. There were no fights or quarrels between each other. When they had passed away, they were reborn in the heaven world.

Scholars in the past were very clever in leading their daily life. When they got to become leaders, the led the public to follow their example how to live a worthwhile life by showing the benefits of accumulating merit instead of competing with one another.  Moreover, he tried to show this people the benefits of working as a team instead of working for personal benefits. He would recommend his people not to act carelessly in life and to see the value in human life, which was the greatest treasure of all in accumulating merit. When everyone had this deep consciousness in mind, they would act like a team and they would work together to create peace. They would live their lives on the basic principles of kindness and mercifulness toward each other. Thus, the aura of gratitude and peacefulness would spread continuously.

The wish to create world peace in this world comes from every era. Our bodhisattva had accumulated merit so he helped create a true world peace. This is the dream of mankind and is considered as a wish that have been shared together for a long time. But the true peace can only occur in one way, which is to achieve inner peace, or the Dhammakaya inside our bodies. Thus, the Dhammakaya is the center of happiness and pureness.

The Sermon by the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu)
Previous name the Monst Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh

Translated by Pichayapa Suenghataiphorn


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