December 5th: Father’s Day in Thailand

December 5th of each year is a significant day in Thailand as it commemorates the anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday. This day is also known as Thailand’s national Father’s Day since His Majesty is recognized as the father of the Thai nation. He is an exemplary model father who is revered for his generosity and benevolence.

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[ Dec 5th, 2014 ] - [ read : 18285 ]
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December 5th: Father’s Day in Thailand

December 5th of each year is a significant day in Thailand as it commemorates the anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday. This day is also known as Thailand’s national Father’s Day since His Majesty is recognized as the father of the Thai nation. He is an exemplary model father who is revered for his generosity and benevolence.

His Majesty has devoted himself to his royal duties and carried himself gracefully from the beginning.

Before a large crowd that gathered on the day of his Royal Coronation on 5th May 1950, His Majesty declared in his first royal proclamation that still remain in the hearts of the people: “We shall reign this land with righteousness, for the benefit and happiness of the people of Siam”. The word ‘righteousness’ refers to the supreme virtue called ‘Thossaphit Raja Dhamma,’ or commonly known as the ‘Tenfold Virtue of the King’.

The Tenfold Virtue of the King has been firmly upheld by His Majesty and has had positive impact on the people throughout the nation. His Majesty has conducted himself gracefully and immaculately since childhood. Everyone in Thailand, including his grandchildren, is tremendously grateful for his immense kindness and compassion. He is the ‘father’ of the Thai nation who has shown great devotion and love for his people.

“…For a long time, our nation has been unified and peaceful because we have a strong allegiance to the nation and hold firm our collective duties to the nation as one of our most important goals. Each and everyone in the crowd and every Thai person shall have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and must perform them dutifully, with care and mindfulness…”

(King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s royal proclamation delivered to scores of delegates in attendance in honor of His Majesty’s birth anniversary on December 5th, Amarin Winitchai Hall of the Grand palace.)

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the father of the Thai nation who is revered and loved by the entire nation. His leadership continues to inspire and be followed and has kept the country prosperous.


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