The Letter From Howard McCrary

Howard McCrary expressed his feeling and opinion after he had joined the 5th V-Star Day.

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[ Dec 15th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18280 ]
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The Letter From Howard McCrary
Dearest and Most Venerable LuangPhor and Our blessed Dhammakaya Family,

To think that I have lived to see the day that the world would change means that my living has not been in vain.

Last night as I witnessed the greatest event of my life, I stood there in utter awe and amazement as history unfolded before my very eyes. The wisdom of our Holy Father Luang Phor is beyond searching. By providing a powerful moral and ethical foundation for this army of devoted young people a dynamic shift of consciousness took place on planet earth last night that is irreversible. I stood there in the wake of this tidal wave of resounding principles and values stirred in the hearts of these dedicated young people and was completely overwhelmed by their allegiance to change the world as they sang the song you asked me to write with you.

Whenever there is a movement if there is a musical heart cry of a theme, then it causes the momentum to become an unstoppable force, a movement of good to be reckoned with. I shook with delight as I heard them sing in all the languages of the world as in the production Ivy and I originally produced from our hearts by your design.

At the same time I felt the presence of my dearly departed father on stage with me smiling as if he knew the only way he could be there was in spirit, to comfort and acknowledge my contribution to the greatest moral movement in the history of our world. So I felt he passed away just days before this event so he could be right by my side with his arm around me as the children sang. Saying “ Sathu my boy, Sathu!”

Most Beloved LunagPhor, all the credit and praise belongs to you for this inspiring world anthem of hope.

Without your vision and direction, this could not be possible. When the music came to me, I was nothing more than an instrument being masterfully played by your divine hand. Every note of this song came through me … not from me. In all my compositions, nothing has ever been written quite in this way, with this melody and with this arrangement.

Most Venerable and Most Wise LuangPhor, If I should die today I want you to know that I have seen the mountaintop of my purpose for living in this world. Now I know why I was born, why Ivy devoted her life to helping me for world peace and why I was so privileged and honored to meet you. Because you called me “my son”, this caused me to meditate and live my life a certain way so that such a song could come from a divine realm to touch the hearts of these pure children. This song could not come from a heart pickeled in alcohol or lost in delusion. My Father… you have changed me so that I may help to change the world.

I love you my Father.
With all of my heart and dedication,

Howard McCrary (devoted son of LuangPhor)


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