International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP12)

Join the International Monk Ordination Training Program with International Dhammadaya Ordination Program April 5th - May 4th, 2014 and July 6th - August 4th, 2014

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[ Feb 12th, 2014 ] - [ read : 18274 ]

International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP12)

Join the International Monk Ordination Training Program with International Dhammadaya Ordination Program
April 5th - May 4th, 2014 and
July 6th - August 4th, 2014
1. Male, heterosexual, between the ages of 18 and 60;
2. Of good mental and physical health, free from infectious diseases, drug or alcohol dependence, facial piercings, inappropriate tattoos, and severe physical handicaps;
3. Content with non-vegetarian diet and simple accommodation provided by the temple;
4. Free from commitments that might cause interruptions during the program such as examinations and vocational placements;
5. Willing to strictly follow IDOP instructions and observe the Buddhist Eight Precepts as part of the training experience. The Eight Precepts involve abstaining from taking the life of any creature; stealing; unchastely; speaking falsely or abusively or maliciously; consuming alcohol or intoxicants; taking food after midday; dancing, singing romantic songs, perfume and cosmetics; and sleeping on luxurious high seats or beds;
6. Have a visa valid for at least 60 days stay in Thailand.
How To Apply
1. Fill in the Online Application Form (at and submit it to the temple from there.
2. If the application gets through, you will receive an immediate automatic response.
3. Once your application is approved and your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive a notification from the temple via email sometime later.
4. After receiving such notification, you will be asked to obtain a medical examination record with a physician’s statement confirming that you are in good health. It should be presented to the temple’s ordination staff upon arrival.
5. As a successful applicant, you will be asked to provide a written permission/acknowledgement from your parents, guardian, spouse or relative, whichever is applicable in your case. This should be presented upon arrival.
What you will need to bring
1. Passport and a photocopy of your passport.
2. Photocopies of applicants’ identification documents.
3. Two recent 2" passport-style photographs of the application.
4. Written permission from applicant’s parents or guardian.
5. Medical examination record with physician’s statement of guaratee.
6. A small amount of cash for the registration fee 5,500 baht and for taxi fees from and to the airport upon arrival and departure.
7. Personal medication (if any).
8. Personal toiletries.

What's IDOP?
International Dhammadayada Ordination Program was first organized in 2005. Aim to open the chance for foreigner from worldwide to be a Buddhist monk.
IDOP – 70th Year Phrathepyanmahamuni Schedule
Training Period                                           5th April – 4th May 2014
Days                                                          30 Days
Languages                                                ENG
Registration                                               5th April 2014
Hair Clipping Ceremony                            10th April 2014
Ordination Practice                                   13 – 16th April 2014
Ordination Rehearsal                               17th April 2014
Ordination Day                                         19th April 2014
Alms Offering For New Monk Celebration 20th April 2014
Meditation At Retreat Site                         23 – 3rd April 2014
Return To Dhammakaya Temple              2nd May 2014
Program End                                             4th May 2014
IDOP #12 Schedule
Training Period               6th July – 4th August 2014
Days                               30 Days
Languages                     ENG/CHI
Last day of Registration 1st July 2014
Registration                    6th July 2014
Hair Shaving Ceremony 10th July 2014
Ordination Day               19th July 2014
Program End                   4th August 2014

Daily Schedule

04.30             Wake Up
05.00             Morning Chanting, Meditation Session, and Spreading Loving Kindness
06.30             Community Services
07.10             Breakfast
09.15             Meditation Session and Dhamma Talk
11.00             Lunch
12.30             Personal Time
14.00             Meditation Session and Dhamma Talk
16.15             Exercise
17.00             Refreshments
18.30             Evening Chanting
19.00             Meditation Session and Dhamma Talk
21.00             Personal Time
21.30             Sleep in Peace
For more information, go to
Email us at: [email protected]
Call us at:  081 - 448-3548, (or) 081 - 619-8708


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