International Vesak Celebration at Washington, D.C., Sunday, May 31st, 2015

It started from the registration and conversation of international Buddhist monks. The international monks who came to the temple included ones from Thailand, America, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

Dhamma Articles > Scoop
[ Jun 6th, 2015 ] - [ read : 18265 ]
International Vesak Celebration
at Washington, D.C., Sunday, May 31st, 2015

It started from the registration and conversation of international Buddhist monks. The international monks who came to the temple included ones from Thailand, America, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

Then, the international monks from different sects lit the principle Vesak lantern together to worship Lord Buddha’s relics in harmony. Next, Phra Khru Vinaidhorn Charnchai Piyavajako, the abbot of the Meditation Center of D.C. gave an opening speech to welcome the monastic assembly and all guests.

And after that, speeches to extol the favors of Lord Buddha were given by honorable guests, i.e. Charge d’ affaires Saroj Dhanasanti–the representative of the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington DC, Mr. John Rossler, the representative of the U.S. Homeland Security, etc. And then monks from every nation and sect chanted to worship Lord Buddha.

After that, everybody purified their minds through meditation together to worship Lord Buddha. When the time came, all people lit Vesak candles in harmony until the entire field became illuminated. Then, the international monks led people to chant Itipiso Katha and took 3 rounds of circumambulation at Lord Buddha’s relics before spread loving-kindness together to conclude the holy ceremony of Vesak Day which brought great happiness to everybody.



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