Letters from the Novices – Novices and Dharma Attainment

Novice Siriwut Wokhwa (Nickname: Singto), Novice Danish Sereerak (Nickname: Tawan) and Novice Chatthara Manthedman (Nickname: Earth) https://dmc.tv/a19927

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[ Apr 19th, 2015 ] - [ read : 18266 ]
Letters from the Novices of the Buddhist Youth Novice Project
Novices and Dharma Attainment
Edited from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program broadcasted on DMC
We pay the highest respect to Luang Phaw
1.  I am Novice Siriwut Wokhwa. My nickname is Singto.  I am eight years old and I will study grade 4 this year.  It is the first time in my life that I have been ordained as a novice.
Novice Siriwut Wokhwa (Novice Singto)
The Buddhist Youth Novice Project (Batch III)
First, I would like to tell you that I had taken this photo before I was ordained.  My father told me that he will buy a tricycle for me after I finish participating in this project.  I think that it is good.  In fact, I also intend to do it for my parents because I want them to get merit and this merit will make them happy.  Now I am a novice at Wat Phra Dhammakaya and I am very happy.  I have a good chance to do good deeds, get more knowledge and merit, make more friends, know more the teaching monks, washing the toilets, pray the chanting, and practice meditation.  We meditate in the morning, afternoon and in the evening.  In the earlier meditation session, I used to sit, sleep and wake up repeatedly.  However, a few days ago, I sat in the lotus posture, closed my eyes and recalled all merit I had done; surprisingly that I saw crystal balls in my stomach.  They were as big as my stomach.  They were transparent like water.  At that time I felt so happy, comfortable and very still…I was very, very happy.
Novice Singto was stilling and seeing the bright crystal balls which were as big as his stomach
It is great that when I open my eyes, I still see the crystal balls.  They are clear spheres in my stomach but their size are not the same.  The ones I see during the meditation session are bigger.
I love and respect Luang Phaw very much.  When you visited us last time, I missed to welcome you.  Please visit us again.  If you come, please wait for me.  I want to bow and talk with you.
2.  I am Novice Danish Sereerak. My nick name is Tawan.  I am a Thai-Pakistani half-breed who is ten years old.  I will study grade 5.
Novice Danish Sereerak (Novice Tawan)
The Buddhist Youth Novice Project (Batch III)
I was ordained to be merit field for my mother, aunt, elder sister and relatives.  Now I have more meditation time than I was at my house.  While I am meditating, I am so happy.  I follow your teaching that is I close my eyes gently and do not press my eyeballs.  Then I recite Samma Arahang mentally and continuously.  I place my mind and balance it comfortably, without any tension and thinking.  My crystal spheres become bigger and bigger.  The Buddha’s images appear in my stomach as well.  After that the Buddha images superimpose in the middle of the crystal spheres.  This makes me very happy and it is not the same kind as any happiness I have experienced.
The Buddha images were emerging from the center of Novice Tawan’s body
I have learned many Dharma here.  When my parents visited me, I told them some Jataka stories, some ideas from the stories.  I think that the ordination is good.  It makes us not to be immersed in the defilements.  In the next summer after I pass grade 5, I will apply for the novice ordination again.  I want to study Pali.  I would like to dedicate my merit of this ordination to you, Luang Phaw.  I wish you to be healthy, long live and be with Wat Phra Dhammakaya forever.  I love and respect you, Luang Phaw.  I love your smile.
3.  I am Novice Chatthara Manthedman. My nickname is Earth.  I am 12 years old.  I was ordained as a novice because of my parents; they had waited for my ordination for a long time.
Novice Chatthara Manthedman (Novice Earth)
The Buddhist Youth Novice Project (Batch III)
In the first week of this project, I had cried many times because I missed my mother.  My teaching monks encouraged me that my mother was pregnant and carried me for 9 months, so I should be a good novice for her.  After then, when I miss my mother, I no longer cry and think that I will do my duties well for her.  The teaching monks taught me to discipline, love cleanness, be polite and punctual.  This changes me in the positive way very much.
      While I was meditating, I recited Samma Arahang continuously until it was bright inside.  I saw some crystal balls in my body.  I felt that there was nothing in my body except the crystal balls.  They were clear and as big as table tennis balls.  When I was absent–minded, the crystal balls disappeared.  However, when I thought of them again, I saw them again.  I felt that my body was clear, open, and comfortable.  I was happy, not serious and had no concern.  Then, I dedicated merit to my parent.  I do it like this every day.
      Luang Phaw, I intend to do it best as a good novice.  I love and will serve and keep Buddhism forever.
Novice Earth was happy with the inner dharma sphere

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat



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