Power of the Conquering Mara Model of the Luang Pu Amulet :- Mr. Rom Kimprakone

Power of the Conquering Mara batch of the Luang Pu Amulet. Mr. Rom Kimprakone unveiled his experiences about the power and holiness of the Great Master Luang Pu. https://dmc.tv/a8515

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[ Oct 10th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18271 ]
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Power of the Conquering Mara Batch of the Luang Pu Amulet
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten Program

Mr. Rom  Kimprakone
Pay the highest respect to the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh,

I am Mr. Rom Kimprakone and 49 years old.  I live in Namon district in Karasin province.  I am one of the disciples who love and believe in the Great Master Luang Pu for a long time.  I experienced his holiness by myself that I never forget.

On the Earth Day, April 22nd, 2001, it was my first time to visit Dhammakaya Temple and I had lost the way in the temple for 6 hours before I found the bus to go home.  That was when all Earth Day’s ceremonies had finished around 7.00 p.m., I was walking to the bus to go home, and I suddenly found a novice crying on the sideways.  He was crying and did not talk to anyone, so I was pity and asked him that where he came from and helped him finding his bus until we found it nearly 9.00 p.m.  After I had sent him to his bus, I walked to my bus but the parking was nearly empty and my bus had left.  I was worried about how to go home.  So I decided to walked and asked people in the parking as well as I made a wish with the Luang Pu Amulet to help me.  I had walked until it was nearly 1.00 a.m. and then I saw there were only 2-3 buses there. Suddenly, I noticed that a bus driver looked like the Northeastern Thai people.  So I walked to him and asked that where he came from.  When he answered, I was extremely happy because he came from my district, but he drove in another way.  Then, he persuaded me to get on the bus to go back home together.  He told me that he really had to leave the temple since 8.00 p.m. but there was an unseen thing telling him to wait for someone all the time.  So he did not drive out.  He and all passengers were waiting until he saw me around 1.00 a.m.  The passengers were not upset and were very happy to see me because the bus driver told them to wait too.  I felt like I was going to the heaven and believed 1,000,000% that the Great Master Luang Pu had helped me.
Since then I have kept this amulet with me all the time.  The holiness of the Great Master Luang Pu I had met is not over.  In 2009 during the 100,000–monk Mass Ordination Project I experienced the power of the Great Master Luang Pu again.  I went out to persuade men in a village to ordain in this project.  Once, I had to pass a house which the owner raised a big nursing mother dog.  So the owner had a sign warning that “No Entry, the dog bites.”  But I did not see that sign because I was only thinking about seeking men to join this project.  Suddenly, when I had stepped into this house, the dog growled and jumped to me at once.  It wanted to bite me certainly.  I was not ready or prepare anything, so I was shock, drew back and thought only “Luang Pu, help me please.”  At once it looked like an unseen hand pushing the dog’s head and it could not bite me.  This was happened three times. Finally, the owner picked a stick to chase it away and wondered why the dog could not bite me because it bit everyone passing this way.  I was silent but I was impressed in the power of the Great Master Luang Pu very much.
I was sure 1,000,000% that the dog could not bite me because of the power and holiness of the Great Master Luang Pu.  These have caused me to have extreme willpower to persuade men to ordain in this project and I could persuade about 50 men in Namon district.  I would like to share these merits to my beloved Luang Phaw as well.
Last but not least I would like to invite you to attend the ceremonies in October 10th, 2010 because it will be the great merit day.  It is a good chance for you to express your gratefulness to the Great Master Luang Pu.  Don’t worry about losing the way because now Dhammakaya Temple has improved the traffic & transportation system to support million congregations.

Pay the highest respect to Luang Phaw,
Mr. Rom Kimprakone



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