Meditation for Locals // July 3, 2016 - Japanese Meditation Center, Japan

On Sunday July 3, 2016, Japanese Meditation Center of Japan, Tokyo, arranged meditation and gave a Japanese sermon by Phra Thanawut Tissaro.

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[ Jul 14th, 2016 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
Meditation for Locals // July 3, 2016
Japanese Meditation Center, Japan

On Sunday July 3, 2016, Japanese Meditation Center of Japan, Tokyo, arranged meditation and gave a Japanese sermon by Phra Thanawut Tissaro.  The teaching monk told them his experience about visiting a patient at a hospital in Saitama Prefecture before the patient passed away.  The teaching monk went to be the merit field so the patient offered a saffron robe set and alms and then, the teaching monk taught meditation and meditated together at the hospital. 
After that the teaching monk explained about mind and how the still mind helped solve problems in the daily life.  We can distinguish the problems best by still mind.  The teaching monk also explained the word “conscious”. When you do something, you decide with your mind, not only brain.  We will solve and determine the problems easier by meditation and monitoring our mind every day.  After that the teaching monk led them to meditate for 30 minutes and finally, they had a dharma talk before leaving for home with impression.  We rejoice in your merit and share our merit to you all.


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