Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth

Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!

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[ Oct 7th, 2011 ] - [ read : 18267 ]
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Fundamental Information
Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Interesting Questions about Meditation
Complied from Inner Dreams Kindergarten

Peace Revolution Program for the Youth

The Peace Revolution Program already has been organized for the 5th time. In the 5th time, there were 20 people who were involved in the program from 12 countries including Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Romania, Sweden, U.S.A, Britain, Jordan, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan and Ethiopia.  There were 8 men and 12 women in this program. After they finished practicing mediation for 12 days at Mook Tawan, Phang Nga province, every single youth participants all received happiness. Some felt light-weighted as if they could float and disappear. Some felt themselves getting larger. Some saw brightness and a crystal ball inside themselves.

Peace Revolution Program for the Youth

Questions from the Peace Revolution Youth on June, 2011.

Questions concerning Meditation:
1.    When I meditate until one point, I’m afraid of going deeper, what should I do?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

The thing that you should do is not to be afraid. Keep your mind calm because you have gone to the right way. The more you penetrate into the deeper levels, the more your mind will become purify. In addition, you will become happier and more knowledgeable. You will also gain universal love for all living beings. Therefore, you should let your mind go to where you want it to be. If you would like your mind to penetrate into the deeper levels, you must learn to still your mind further. It is now up to your inner experience that will lead you toward the deeper levels. Do not become too determined, because you will either fight or force your inner experience. This will cause your inner experience not to develop further. 

2.    When I’m meditating, my mind is neutral, without any feelings. If I continue to practice meditation continuously, will I become emotionless and indifferent toward other people?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

If you continue to practice meditation further, your mind will lost the unhappy feelings, and gain only the happy feelings such as liveliness. You will not be indifferent, but rather lively toward other people. For example, if you’re lively 100% in the past, you now will be 200% or 300% lively if you continue to practice meditation further. There is not a negative effect for meditating; rather there are only positive benefits except if you choose to reject the good feelings.

Questions concerning applying Meditation to our Daily routines
1.    When I return back to my home country, what should I do to preserve my meditation level? I know that I have changed for the better after meditating, but I don’t want my friends to think I’m strange or have changed a lot after participating in this program.

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

“Meditation” is a thing that you should practice routinely everyday, in order to keep up with the same meditation level. Meditation should be a daily routine similarly to taking a shower, washing our faces, and brushing our teeth. If you don’t want your friends to think that you’re weird or have changed a lot, it is now impossible after you have joined into this program. This is because you have changed for the better. If your friends have changed in the same way that you have changed, they would become happier and livelier. 

2.    I feel like I like to only look at the negative perspectives about myself. It is not creative at all. What should I do to love myself more?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

Look at yourself from the “true” perspective. Inside us, there are also both good and bad sides about ourselves. If we have discovered our bad sides, we should be able to fix it. If we have discovered our good sides, then we should be encouraged to do more good. The more often we do this, we will see that, “We have changed for the better and are different from what we were in the past.” This is the type of inspiration for those who are close to us and for those who have heard about our reputations from all places; they would want to be like us.  “World peace will begin from us.” We are the creators of inspirations for everyone.

3.    To be compassionate is like deceiving ourselves because we haven’t love everybody that much?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

To be compassionate is not like deceiving ourselves. But we are actually accumulating good feelings so that our mind will rise higher.  Finally at one point, when our mind rises high enough, we will be able to love everyone in this world. This will cause us so much happiness because we will gain universal love for everybody from our hearts for the first time.

Questions Concerning Life’s problems and different beliefs:

1.    I don’t want to be like a follower that has been led by the nose. However, I would like to use Buddhism teachings to apply to my daily life. What should I do?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

If we take all the good teachings from all different faiths, such as Buddhism teachings, it will provide us with more chance to study on new knowledge. Afterwards, we can prove that: “There is reasoning behind all things that we have studied. Moreover, new knowledge will bring us beneficial effects for us and those around us.” We can then use the new knowledge to apply to our daily lives. After studying the new knowledge, it is not considered as being led by the nose. Infact, studying new knowledge is considered similarly to going the university and enrolling in different classes to study. Teachings from all different faiths are considered as universal knowledge that everyone can study and know more about it. This is similar to everyone looking at the moon on the full moon day or looking at the sun in the sky.

2.    If I meditate until I discover the truth inside myself, do I automatically become a Buddhist?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

Please don’t be afraid. Don’t think about whether you are Buddhist or not. When you meditate, you will discover the truth that is hidden inside, which does not depend on your religious beliefs. The truth inside us will stay that way, never changing. The word, “Putha” means, “The knowledge one from seeing the truth inside ourselves.” For example, if we see a bright crystal ball inside ourselves, no one can accuse us of not seeing. This is because we have seen the truth, feel the happiness, which will cause our minds to be lift higher. If you have experienced all this, you will be considered as the “knowledge one,” or also known as the “awakening one,” because you have awakened from the world of defilements. The person who has been sleeping, gain liveliness from being the knowledge one and the awakening one, and is called “Putha.” If someone has experienced all this, he/she will be calls “Putha,” but it is up to you whether you choose to call them “Putha” or not.

3.    Do different religions lead to the same direction and goals or not?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

Because different religions have different knowledge, end goals are also different as well. For example, if we learn how to fix bicycles, then we will know the methods to fix the bicycles. If we learn how to fix motorcycles, then we will know the methods to fix the motorcycles, but not bicycles. If we learn how to build ships, then that new knowledge will lead to the creation of new ships, not motorcycles, nor bicycles.

4.    Can normal civilians enter Nirvana?

Answers from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh Luang Phaw Dhammajayo:

Only normal civilians will be able to enter Nirvana. This is because everyone have to start from being normal civilians first and then accumulate knowledge to continuously improve themselves until their mind become purified enough. Sorrow and sadness will be lower similarly to a large fire gradually begins to stop completely. The end results will yield coolness and a relaxed mind. Everyone have a heart burning with desires and defilements. But when one meditates, the fire inside the heart disappears by fixing at the beginning cause of all illusions. For this reason, normal civilians can enter Nirvana very easily by knowing, “where the beginning point of Nirvana starts.” Those who know the truth will be able to reach this beginning point, which starts at the 7th mind base at the center of our body. When you have reached the 7th mind base at the center of your body, you should stop thinking, and keep a still mind in order to improve your inner experience.
Translated by Pichayapa Suenghataiphorn


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