The 6th V-Star Challenge Day 2012

Another day for children who love to do good deeds. We call them "V-Star Children."

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[ Jan 28th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18269 ]
The 6th V-Star Challenge Day
We are the leaders of World Morality Restoration
On Saturday January 28th, 2012
At Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani province

The World Morality Restoration Project of the Year 2012
Period:  May 2011 – April 2012

1.    Principle and Reasons
The morality and ethics cultivation to youths is not easy.  It needs the cooperation from all sections to make it successful.  The International Buddhist Society would like to be a force to drive morality and ethics to youths in Thai society and expand it to the world society by arranging the “World Morality Restoration Project” to create the youth leaders who are the virtuous models, real Buddhists and have the basic morals.  This is to worship the Lord Buddha, humbly dedicate merit to H.M. the King and conform to the policies of Ministry of Education.

The “World Morality Restoration Project” aims to create the youth leaders who are the virtuous models called V-Stars (Virtuous Stars).  V-Star children will be trained by the daily routine until it becomes their habit.  Moreover, V-Star children have to do the social creative activities and study about the Triple Gems.  This is the cooperation among the main institutes of Thai societies which are homes, temples, and schools.  The previous operation was very successful, both quantity and quality.  In the quantity aspect, there were more educational institutes and students participating in this project and in the quality aspect, the participating schools satisfied their students’ behavioral changes (moral behavior).

2.    Objectives
a.    Create the youth leaders who are virtuous models, have basic morals and are the real Buddhists and develop them to be groups or networks of virtuous youth leaders.
b.    Strengthen the morality to the home-temple-school networks in all levels of societies across Thailand
c.    Support and encourage the educational institutes across Thailand to cooperate with all sections in the socials to restore morality continuously and concretely.
d.    Restore the Buddhist Cultures to Thai societies because many countries have chosen Thailand to be the Center of World Buddhism.
e.    Improve the moral standards of Thai and world youths and human beings.
f.    Conform to the policies of Ministry of Education, humbly dedicate merit to H.M. the King and worship the Lord Buddha.
3.    Goals
a.    Schools and educational institutes have at least 45 virtuous youth leaders.
b.    Create groups of virtuous youth leaders
a.  At least 80% of youth participants pass the moral standards.
b.  Groups of virtuous youth leaders have the moral works with their communities at least 2 activities and each temple develops morality with one school or more.
4.    Responsible Organizations
a.  The Participating Educational Service Areas
b.  The Participating Educational Offices of the Local Government Organization
c.  The Participating Schools or Educational Institutes
d.  The International Buddhist Society Club under the patronage of Somdejphramaharajmangalajarn (IBS)

5.    Schedule
Period:    May 2011 – April 2012

6.    Project Pattern
The project operation emphasizes in the moral operations combining with the duties of schools according to the policies of Ministry of Education by arranging the student development activities.  They are Child Center Activities.  The students will be trained by their daily routine and the Activity Based Learning in the aspect of mind combining with the education management concepts, modern technology and interesting innovative multimedia.  This is to develop the desirable qualities and capacities of the students as well as assess the moral standards which are all youth leaders’ knowledge and behavior.

7.    Operations
a.    The interested Educational Service Areas, the Educational Offices, Schools, Educational Institutes apply to participate in this project
b.    The participants attend the orientation session and receive the teaching multimedia, user manual, and the Good Deeds notebooks
c.    Enroll/Select and train the students to do their daily routine and creative activities throughout the academic year
d.    Attend seminars, training, and meditation and exchange knowledge among the managements, teachers and students continuously for more knowledge, clear understanding and the sustainable development
e.    Assess the moral standards in the individual, school, provincial, regional, country and world levels

8.    Courses
a.    Daily Routine
8 basic moralities of Ministry of Education can be summarized to be 3 important moralities of this project which are discipline, respect and patient.  The youth leaders will be trained about these moralities via their daily routine and do it continuously until it becomes their habit. Finally, the youth leaders will be good people and have morals.  However, its success depends on the cooperation among three main institutes which are homes, temples and schools.  Their parents, teachers and monks have to look after and encourage the children by signing their names and giving positive comments in the students’ Good Deeds notebooks.
b.    Social Creative Activities
Social Creative Activities are the Activity Based Learning which the committee has selected some outstanding activities in the local lifestyle, custom, tradition or culture to develop the students to prefer seeking knowledge, doing good deeds, thinking in the right way, have teamwork mind and give the helping hand.  These activities conform to the students development activities of the National Core Basic Curriculum 2008.
-  The Abandoned Temple Restoration Activity
-  The Change the World Speech Contest

c.    Teaching about the Triple Gems for being the complete Buddhists. 
We use many interesting multimedias:
     Buddha - Teach the students about the Lord Buddha’s biography
     Dhamma - Teach them about Law of Kamma, Ten Merit Making ways and other benefit Dhamma
      Sangha -  Teach them how to treat the monks, deportment and Buddhist manners

9.    The expected results
a.    Create networks and virtuous youth leaders who have basic morals and are the real Buddhists
b.    Create the home-temple-school networks in all levels of societies and strengthen the morality
c.    Educational institutes and schools drive the moral works continuously and concretely
d.    The good Buddhist Cultures will be restored to Thai societies as well as the moral standards of Thai youths, world youths and human beings will be increasing.

The 6th V-Star Exhibition


Translated by Chadawee  Chaipooripat


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