Sustainable Ethical Development

Sustainable Ethical Development Program

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[ Jun 27th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18258 ]
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Sustainable Ethical Development

Through the World Ethics Recuperation Program

by Luang Phaw Dhammajayo

19th May, 2008
Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand


The attempt to use ethics to solve societal problems has been promoted extensively. Yet, only a few numbers of associations have been successful in doing so. To apply ethics to solve world’s problem is neither a task that can be done overnight nor a responsibility to be held single-handedly by just one organization. Rather, it has to be a unity of all alliances. The sustainable development would not be successful in macro society unless the smallest unit, e.g. family, becomes a part in the process. A positive and lasting development has to come from everyone’s input. It has to begin in society’s smallest unit before it can be expanded to society’s mainstream.


Luang Phaw Dhammajayo
Luang Phaw Dhammajayo

The President of the Dhammakaya Foundation

The goal to recuperate world ethics have been created by a program called The World Ethics Recuperation Program or known as Virtuous Stars Challenge (V-Stars Challenge). This program was founded by the most Venerable Prarajbhavanavisuth (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu), the president of Dhammakaya Foundation, who, for more than forty years, has tirelessly dedicated himself to the creation of a peaceful society. He envisions all youths, known as V-stars, from all school levels to practise social ethics and to incorporate these ethical standards into their daily activities while at home and school. These activities include: making bed in the morning, paying respect – Wai - to parents before leaving and after arriving home, wearing school uniform properly, helping their parents do housework, saving money, chanting prayers, and practising meditation. Students’ involvement in these tasks will improve their disciplines and be installed them a sense of responsibility. Currently, more than 5,000 schools in Thailand have adopted this program. It will be spread across the country to every school in the future.

link to more V-Star activites on Vesak day


Chanting every night
Paying respect manner
to parents

Making the bed
Reading good books
Writing friend and
other's goodness
Saving money
Helping parents for
Sharing some chores
Helping parents for
Sharing some chores

V-Stars Activities

Advocated Education School (Suksa Song Krua School) in Chiang Mai Province is one of many schools in remote areas that joined this program. Its student population represents various tribal roots in Chiang Mai. Not only do their cultures differ from that of metropolitans, its remote location serves as the continuation of societal problems that are difficult to solve. One such problem includes illegal child labor. It occurs when teenagers immigrate from their hometown, due to a perceived lack of opportunities available to them- in the city with a hope of earning wages. Their eagerness for work places paid them at high risk for being explored. To resolve this crisis, the World Ethics Recuperation Program has taught these students to appreciate their village and encouraged them to use their knowledge to improve their hometown. Many teachers have reported the changes in their students after this program was adopted along with the normal education.


At the beginning of this program, students did not even know how to pay respect to their parents. They have changed ever since. They pay their parents respects (Wai) before leaving and after arriving home. They chant and meditate before going to bed every night. The problem of leaving home to find jobs in the city has nearly disappeared. They love their home and family. This program taught our students to love their motherland and also taught them to be both good and smart. Said Ms.Chamanant Chomchuenprueksa, Teacher.


All schools in my area have applied this program along with the normal education. Today, all students can improve their learning ability through meditation and self disciplines. They can manage their time both in school and at home. It reduces their parents’ worries. It is good because the youths are the foundation of the country’s development. This is the most useful teaching tool and a long-term development in the educational system. Said Mr.Sompol Tantisantisom, the Principal of The First General Education Office - Sukhonthai Province.


Mr. Yeeh Lee, tribal villager, also had his son on this program.

My son’s behavior changed positively. He is humble towards the elders. He tidies the house without being asked.


Not only do these students take part in this program when school is in session, but also during the holiday.


My V-Star activities include helping my parents at home, chanting and meditating before going to bed every day even during the holiday. Joining V-Star is good because I make good friends. I am not alone anymore when I have problems. This summer I am going to persuade my younger friends to join this program as well.


In addition, after having watched the V-Star series (TV series based on the real experience of the students and teachers who joined the program), students in the World Ethics Recuperation Program learned ways to improve themselves. Up to this date, four episodes of V-Star Series have been filmed under this program. This includes, the Miracle of Virtuous Stars (a story that teaches young students about bad and good deeds through the characteristics of three monsters), Thong Lon Lung (a story of a man who did all good deeds without wanting any recognitions but was finally recognized in public), Fah Plein See (a story of two family neighbors who enroll their daughters in the same school. Both girls grew up to be different when one joined the program while the other did not), Seang Heng Sattha (a true story about a teacher who tried to introduce the recuperation program in her school without any agreement of the school management)


 meditation for student

After seeing how the V-Star series brought a new and better way of thinking to the youths and how they improved themselves, Prarajabhavanavisuth believed that small good deeds can be the starting point of the greatest thing. With the help and encouragement from their families and teachers, children can improve the world with their small hands. These children learn how to be kind and caring to their school friends. They can generate the cycle of goodness both at home and with other individuals in society.


After the introduction of the World Ethics Recuperation Program, the numbers of student participants increased rapidly. To celebrate its success, students were all gathered at Dhammakaya Grand Meditation Stadium on May 19, 2008, Vesak day. These youths had a chance to learn about the life story of the Lord Buddha in the world’s longest exhibition of four kilometers around the four wings of Grand Meditation Stadium. This gathering was also open to more than 10,000 adults who wanted to volunteer as a mentor, known as V-Gide, to guide the V-Star. These V-Guides acted as a host to welcome each student. They offered comfort and encouragement during students’ participation in the activities that were scheduled throughout the day. Many V-Guides are Thai high-ranking businessmen and women and they believed in the importance of taking care of the younger generation, as the latter hold the future of Thailand in their hands.


Mr. Anant Asvabhokin, The CEO of Land and House Ltd. PLC., one of the biggest real estate companies in Thailand and Mr. Boonchai Benjaronakakul, the president of Total Access communication Ltd. PLC., one of the major telecommunication companies in Thailand voluntarily joined the V-Guide team. They were impressed by the success of the event.

I am impressed by these youths. Their little hands will bring peace and joy to this world. Said Mr.Anant Asvabhokin.

This program has to be continuously arranged in all areas as it is important because the youths are the future of the country. I, too, created my own program for the youths called Rak Ban Kerd (Love Your Hometown) which brings university graduates back to their home province make improvement with their knowledge. The objectives of these two programs are similar. This grand meditation stadium, which used to be able to assemble more than one million people seems to be small now. Said Mr.Boonchai Benjaronakakul.


Even though the time of joy ended at the end of the day, the happy and joyful memory of all V-Stars are filled in their hearts and will remain in their minds for years to come. It is as if the goodness seeds are waiting for the rain to fall so that kindness and peace can be brought to the world.

Meditation for students


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