Buddha Images: The image of Faith

Thai souls are peaceful. The peace is natured in Thais since the break of dawn. The Lord Buddha taught all Buddhists to practice peaceful mind by three ways of merit cultivation-giving (alms), precepts and meditation; Thais take these ways of peaceful mind since the break of new day. https://dmc.tv/a4790

Dhamma Articles > Scoop
[ Feb 17th, 2009 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
The Buddhist Tradition
Casting Buddha Images
to pay homage to the Lord Buddha


Thai Buddhists and Nature of Peace
Thai souls are peaceful. The peace is natured in Thai hearts since the break of dawn. The Lord Buddha taught all Buddhists to practise peaceful mind by three ways of merit cultivation-giving (alms), precepts and meditation; Thais take these ways of peaceful mind since the break of new day. The root of Thai Culture regards to monks and the faith to the Lord Buddha, with food and necessities of given by laypeople to monks will continue the monks to study the teaching of the Lord Buddha and to remain the age Buddhism. This is the know-how of Thais to take peace in their mind which transferred from the past for over thousand years. Therefore, Buddhism is the great gems which persistently last in Thai culture for a long time. The Buddhist teaching is ready to be given to every people who seek for the peace in mind; because Buddhism is likely to be the river running through all borders without choosing where to feed the freshness. By taking and studying Buddhism and keeping it in practice in daily life, peace will occur in the mind and it will be ready to be sharing to the others too.
Tradition of Casting Buddha Statues
It is the tradition for the Buddhists to build a Buddha statues or image in order to pay homage and to represent their high respect ion to the lord Buddha. This comes from the heart of veneration and faithfulness to the Lord Buddha which natures in their soul since the very beginning of the Buddhist era.
The tradition of casting the Buddha Statues in Thailand has started in the 13th-14th B.E (8th-9th AD) since the reign of Tavaravadee until nowadays, the Ratanakosin dynasty. In different dynastic monastery, the Arts and the forms of casting the Buddha images have been changed and adapted by sculptor’s imagination in each period of time.
Even though the time and the Arts of casting Buddha images in each time has changed but the objectives of casting is mainly focused to the representation of worship and faith  in thy wisdom, benevolence and  virtues. Because, the Buddhists believe that the paying homage to the Lord Buddha will instill all his goodness in their mind.
Casting numerous of Buddha statues will show the faith in mind of the castors and this will also represent the luster and glory of Buddhism in that period of time. Moreover, casting the Buddha statues will remain the age of Buddhism to be down with all Buddhist posterities.

The Cetiya and The Personal Buddha Images
The Cetiya will be a place for a lot of people to meditate in order to purify their minds so that the feeling of peace to be resided within them. The Mahadhammakaya Cetiya is the great stupa enshrined  one million Buddha images; each Buddha image will be grooved the name of the donator at the image base so called the personal Buddha Image; the size of the base is about 9 inches, the whole body material is made from Silicon Bronze with the ion plating technology (Gold Coating) which will remain our Buddha images to be lasting over 1,000 years.
As mentioned above that casting the Buddha image will be a part of routes to take peace in the mind. With belonging of each image, out of one million, at the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya, the gathering of millions people who seek for peace in mind will be together at the cetiya for making meditation. By means of meditation, it will be lasting peace in mind and eventually on the Earth.
Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya: The Vanue of Peace
The 700,000 Personal Buddha Images
enshrined inside the Cetiya
Last Chance to be one out of a million.
The Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya consists of one million personal Buddha images, 700,000  will be enshrined inside the cetiya. but 500,000 is already belonged to the donators,  Only 200,000 left without owners. Now, it is our last chance on the 22nd April 2009, earth day, to be the owner of the personal Buddha Images. Let’s create the peace vibration by being one of the owners of the personal Buddha images.
For More Information about the donation please do not hesitate to contact us at pr@ dmc.tv, donation@ dmc.tv
Rejoice in your merit...

"The Worship to The Lord Buddha, ones who make.
The fruits will be equal whether thy is alive or Nirvana (Death)"
                                                                                                 Theragada, Khudaka Nikaya




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