Change the World in Johannesburg

The Dhamma light is shining in Johannesburg, South Africa, when the brothers in Christian School took their teachers and students to meditate at Dhammakaya Johannesburg Temple. It insists that meditation is not conflict with any religion at all.

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[ May 20th, 2011 ] - [ read : 18272 ]
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Change the World in Johannesburg
The 7th base of mind – the connection point of peace in everyone’s mind
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten program broadcasting on DMC
The Buddhism in South Africa has been accepted widely as the religion of peace and wisdom.  A lot of locals would like to know what the Buddhism teaches.  The Buddhist Customs have been accepted as the customs of peace as well.

St. John School is one of the first class Christian School in Johannesburg and managed by the Anglican clergy.  If you compare it with the schools in Thailand, it would be like Assumption College or Bangkok Christian College.  Even though it is the Christian school, the clergy is broad-minded, open-minded and interested to introduce their teachers and students to learn what the Buddhism teaches.  They took their teacher and students, a total of 100 persons, to meditate and study the Buddhism together at Dhammakaya Johannesburg Temple.

The new location of Dhammakaya Johannesburg Temple is in the center of the city, but the temple is silent and comfortable.  There is a meditation room for over 100 persons.  And then, the wonderful pictures appeared…when the teaching monk started with the Lord Buddha’s basic principles which are:
1.    Don’t do bad deeds – by keeping the 5 precepts
2.    Do only good deeds – by giving, keeping precepts and meditation
3.    Make your mind clear and happy – by meditation

After that Brother York had sent the signal to request the teaching monk leading the teachers and students to meditate, and then the students asked the questions about the meditation and Law of Kamma.  Brother York changed his mind, he requested the monk to lead them to meditate again instead of allowing the students to watch the Buddhism exhibition and having lunch.

For the activity on that day, the temple had Thai and local volunteers to help and a Thai restaurant for the delicious lunch.  All of them wishes Dhamma in Buddhism will be the light guiding people in Africa continent to live in the right way.  So the picture on that day is their common dream and it becomes true.

Before they left, Brother York asked the teaching monks if the school would take the students to meditate at the temple again and if the school would invite the teaching monk to teach how to meditate at school.  The teaching monk answered that the temple always welcomes.

It was the fulfill day for everyone and the picture on that day is the evidence that sitting and stilling your mind at the center of the body is not conflict with any religion at all.  It also insists that all of you have the even right to attain the inner peace without the boundaries of religions, races, nationalities, and ethnics.




Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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