Earth Day 2009 at Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand

Earth Day Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 Pra Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand. Casting of Personal Buddha Statues Ceremony & The Grand Assembly of more than 100,000 Buddhist Monks from 30,000 Temples across country.

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[ Feb 21st, 2009 ] - [ read : 18264 ]

Earth Day

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Pra Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand 

Casting of Personal Buddha Statues Ceremony & The Grand Assembly of more than 100,000 Buddhist Monks from 30,000 Temples across country.

As the earth day is rapidly approaching, Buddhist Laypeople from all over the world need not be reminded that an opportunity has arrived once again to cultivate the supreme merits through the Earth day ceremony; it is gathered through the casting personal Buddha statues and the offering neccesities to the assembly of Buddhist monks.  The event is one of the biggest and the most anticipated event of the year at Wat Pra Dhammakaya.  What makes it more special this year is the fact that the Venerable PraRajpavanavisuth, the Abbot of Dhammakaya Temple has invited over 100,000 Buddhist monks from over 30,000 temples nationwide to take part in this Sangha Assembly to be offering neccesities at the Meditation Stadium.  This assembly of Sangha is to offer food and basic neccesities required in the daily life of monks (Sangha).   Afterward, the casting of Buddha statues will take place at the Grand Meditation Stadium at the vanue of peace, the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya.   

The Grand Sangha Offering to over 100,000 Buddhist Monks from 30,000 Temples  


The Grand offering to more than 100,000 monks from over 30,000 temples is a rare event indeed. The congregation of 100,000 monks participating this year will certainly make the event so enriched with the purest of merits that can only be cultivated by those who attend.  It is not easy to gather many monks at the same time since they are having their personal work to do. But, in regading to fulfil the jubilant of this assembly and be laypeople's sorce of merit, they come to he ceremony.  It is the magnificent sight indeed and it will only happen at Wat Pra Dhammakaya on April 22, 2009.

Lord Buddha praised the congregation of monks as

A rare event that must be seen even though one has to travel extra long distance”.

In the Earth day’s perspective, this event can be regarded as a “warm hearted effect” as the sight of Buddha Statues, the assembly of Sangha and the chanting of the great lord Buddha’s Dhamma will pure the minds of those who attend.  This pured mind will transcend its warm hearted affect to those around them and in turn will make this world to be a better placefor everyone.   The opportunity to be seeing this Sangha Assembly will definitely be a life time experience to those who participate and  the one event that those who attend will revere for the rest of their life.  Think of the length of time it will take to travel all over the country or the world to offer Sangha dhana to 30,000 temples.  The chance to succeed is likely to be zero.  However, with this opportunity presenting itself here, at Wat Pra Dhammakaya, with the offering of Sangha Dhana to 100,000 Buddhist monks from over 30000 temples, then the mission can be accomplished within one day.  It should be pointed out once again that a Sangha congregation of this magnitude happens very seldom.   

 Fruits of offering Sangha food and neccesities from over 30,000 temples     

Fruits from Offering Food - Will be blessed with longevity, physical beauty, happiness, strength and wisdom.  

Fruits From Offering RobeWill be blessed with glow, aura, super natural power, fine skin, delicate touch. Once in heaven, the body will always be miraculously adorned with celestial attire made of the finest fabric.  When being born at the time Lord Buddha comes into existence, and having a chance to be ordained by the Lord Buddha himself (Ehipikku Upasampada), the body will be miraculously adorned with the finest robe.  

Fruits From Offering Medicine - Will be blessed with longevity, health, physical strength, power, high social status, love, intellect, happiness, freedom from danger and unpleasant incidents, abundance of wealth (for it will not be consumed by health issues).  

Fruits From Financial Donationwill be blessed with wealth and the freedom to grant every wish.  Will know no poverty and most importantly will use the wealth to forever support Buddhism.  

Fruits From Offering bag- Will be blessed with safety of one’s wealth because bag is considered a safe keeping place of treasure.  Wealth will be safely guarded from all dangers.   


The End of the Tradition of Casting Personal Buddha Statues & the completion and closing of Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya.   



This highly sacred tradition of casting Buddha statue will come to an end this year as the last set of 30,000 statues are scheduled to be cast on April 22nd, 2009.  This occasion will also mark the completion of Maha Damakaya Cetiya (Pagoda) which will be closed as soon as the last statue is enshrined inside.

On April 22nd, 2009, this will be an occasion for all Buddhists to be united, to pay homage to the Lord Buddha through making contribution to the casting of Buddha Statues which will be revered and paid homage by both humans and celestials. These Buddha statues symbolize the purest of all the virtues (goodness) which will help extending the boundlessness of happiness to the mass of the people.   The personal Buddha statues and the Cetiya will be in existence as the center of Buddhism for thousands of years.   The merit of paying homage to one Buddha statue is immeasurable; imagine the merit that one will earn when paying homage to the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya enshrined with 1,000,000 Buddha statues.  The Cetiya will be the center for Buddhists all over the world to come to pay homage.  Being a part of casting personal Buddha statues adorned and enshrined on and inside this sacred Cetiya will result in great merit that will forever continue until the time the ultimate path of Dharma is reached.  Think of the impact the sight of Cetiya will have on people.  Think of how many people will feel motivated to have a clear mind and reach inner peace and eventually reach high Dharma when they pay homage to 1,000,000 statues.  The number will be countless and so will be the merit.  The fruition of merit will be transcended to those who helped adorn this sacred place to have a long and plentiful celestial life (plentiful in celestial wealth) and so in their reincarnations thereafter.  This merit will be with them until the ultimate path of dharma and Nirvana is reached.    

Please join us in casting personal Buddha statues with your name or your loved one’s name engraved at the base of the statue and enjoy the merit of being a part of introducing this body of enlightenment of Lord Buddha to the world.  This body of enlightenment when visualized as a virtuous symbol, placed at the center of the body when meditating, will be the gateway of reaching inner peace and eventually the body of enlightenment or Dhammakaya.    

Merit from Casting Personal Buddha Statues   

The merit from casting Buddha statues is immersurance and can be summarized into the following 3 major elements:   

  1. Physical Beauty (good appearance) - One will be born with good appearance, fine skin and all other attractive qualities, along with longevity and freedom from all disease and sickness.
  1. Wealth- one will be born in high places with wealth and prosperity.  Any business one touches will turn to gold.  One will be blessed with an abundance of wealth and will become a generous wealthy person who helps support Buddhism.
  1. Good quality (Intelligence & Wisdom) - One will be born with sharp wit and intelligence.  One will be a fast learner and will be able to reach inner peace in a short period of time.  Will have wisdom in both worldly and Dharma affairs

White Attires is favorite at the  temple to be respectful to the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha) and to help preserving our fine Buddhist tradition.  

For more information please call: 
02 831-1771
or email us forDonation:


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