How happy we are with the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga

We interviewed some participants who joined the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga about our activity. They are very happy with it.

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[ Feb 10th, 2013 ] - [ read : 18266 ]
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How happy we are with the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga!!

As many online media that have commented about the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga in the negative ways such as the Dhutanga caused the traffic jams along the Dhutanga ways, we would like to apologize and rejoice in the concerned people’s merit because our PR staffs had informed this information to public not wide enough and when a lot of Bangkok people saw our Dhutanga monks, they became more faithful and came to welcome the Dhutanga monks overestimated so that our small Buddha images were not enough to give each participant as a souvenir.  However, this is auspicious that our Buddhism will thrive further.

The 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga
January 24th, 2013
The Most Ven. Somdej Phramaharajmangalajarn, the abbot of Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple, Bangkok:  All Buddhist congregations who support 1,128 Dhutanga monks’ good deeds get merit like angels.  It is your great merit!  I know that your golden ladders are marigold petals you grew.  They will lead you to the heaven.  The monks perform the Dhutanga because they want to get rid of their defilements and make their mind happy.  I wish you to be patient and calm.  Both Dhamma will cause you to be successful.  If you are a monastic, you will be successful, happy, undisturbed, and have Vihara Dhamma. If you are laypeople, you will live happily and thrive.  All of you, the Dhutanga monks and the congregations, please apply both Dhamma – “patient and calm” – to practice, to behave, to do and you will be successful in your life.
Mr. Chalermpon  Chotinuchit, Phasicharoen District Governor:  I am surprised that there are a lot of monks and Thai people faithful in Buddhism.  The Dhutanga monks have good manners.  They have walked past many provinces and enable Thai people to get merit together.  I wish to see such pictures in the next, next year, again and again.  We may participate in this project more, to spread it wider than in our country, spread it around the world.  Phasicharoen District Office is pleased to be a participant.  We are happy and honored and rejoice in this great merit.
A participant boy:  Other people who think and blame the Dhutanga monks are so bad.  They think wrong because the monks are very good.  The Dhutanga monks are changing this world to be the Crystal World.  I want to be a monk and perform the Dhutanga like this.
A participant:  I intentionally went to the market at about 3:00 a.m. and bought the flowers.  I am very pleased because the Dhutanga is not arranged easily.  I intend to join since I got a brochure and want my children’s, grand children’s lives to be good, so I want to make merit very much.
A participant:  It’s really a rare picture.  I am a teenager and don’t see it much. So I want to invite and persuade the new generation to welcome the Dhutanga monks together.  This is a part of Thai history.  We can tell foreigners that this is our Thai culture.  It is a culture which is able to pass on our descendant.  I am impressed and happy very much.  It’s worthy.
The 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga
January 22nd, 2013
The Most Ven. Phrakrusoonthornsakornkij, Thamai Sub District Ecclesiastical Governor:  The Dhutanga monks are walking for a long way in this time.  They are very patient.  So, the laypeople going to welcome them will get a kind of merit.  The Dhutanga is a good activity for monks and our country because it makes Thai people harmonize.
A participant:  It is the luck in my life and is the big New Year gift for me.  I am proud of this Dhutanga in Bangkok because monks usually performed the Dhutanga in the forests or mountains.  Here is the Dhutanga on the highway. Oh! I am very happy. 
A participant:  I am overwhelmed with joy.  I have never come before.  I am very, very happy.  When I saw the monks’ saffron on the yellow mats, I was very happy.  I think that others will feel as same as me.  I am still happy so that I can’t stop my tear of joy.  It is a good thing and is a good image for Thailand.  When people around the world see these pictures, they will be overwhelmed with joy because there is nowhere in the world.

A participant:  I have tears of joy.  In fact, I am a Roman Catholic, but when I saw the Dhutanga monks, I wanted to get merit and encourage them.  I love Buddhism more.
Mr. Kanok Saenprasert, Deputy Director General of the National Office of Buddhism:  Participating in the Buddhist ceremony is a Dhamma way to harmonize people in the nation.  I would like to rejoice all monks especially the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni, the abbot of Dhammakaya Temple, who initiated to arrange the Dhammachai Dhutanga.  Please arrange it every year and so do the other regions.  The National Office of Buddhism is going to support it with monks fully because we think that this activity is beneficial and is able to harmonize Buddhists, both in Thailand and oversea.  I rejoice in your merit. Sadhu!
Mr. Amnaj  Buasiri, Deputy Director General of the National Office of Buddhism:  It was an impressive picture when I saw the Dhammachai Dhutanga monks walking along the Great Master’s Path to Buddhamonthon.  Buddhamonthon residents were very exciting when they saw lot of Dhutanga monks.  They are walking as the line of merit and make everybody very happy.  As the National Office of Buddhism, we are willing to support and welcome them every much.  And I want to see such good picture, the picture of Buddhists’ harmony, again.  We are proud of making merit in the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga together.  So, let’s come to welcome the monks along the way and making merit together.
Mr. Somdej  Chuencharoen, Deputy Director of Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1:  I am happy to see this kind of activity that applies Dhamma to train.  It makes me joyful.  I have no idea before that I will feel good like this. So, this activity is a good one and should been arranged again to sustain Buddhism.
Mr. Jirachai  Theekham, Deputy Director of Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2:  I am pleased with the beautiful picture in this evening and would like to invite everyone to see this impressive picture among the Dhammachai Dhutanga monks who are gathering here.  I want Thai children to see this picture.  It is a wonderful picture.  I really want everyone to experience this kind of atmosphere. Thank you.
The 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga
January 17th, 2013
Mr. Sombat Jamjankasem, President of Nakhon Pathom Chamber of Commerce: I was very happy. I would like to invite all Buddhists to join.  The opportunity of making big merit is happening now. If the Dhutanga monks are walking past, let’s come to welcome them.  Only paying respect to them, you will get very, very big merit.
Mr. Noppadol Denduang, Director of Kanchanaphisek College in Nakhon Pathom province:  It is so good because now, few children really go to temples.  When our youths see the Dhutanga monks walking to spread Buddhism like this, I believe that they will appreciate the good things and will become our good Dhamma relatives.  So, this Dhutanga is very good and we should support it.  When I asked the students, they answered that they believed and wanted to join this activity.
Mr. Jirawat Boonchoei, Deputy Director of Kanchanaphisek College in Nakhon Pathom province:  Today, our students were very happy because they had joined the Dhutanga together.  They were willing to do and so were the teachers.  I brought about 970 students and 50 teachers, over 1,000 total people, to join this activity.  We were very happy and would like to say that if the Dhutanga monks walk past this area in the next time and every time, we are happy to welcome them again.
Participants from Lao:  We came from Vientiane, Lao.  I was very happy because I never saw it before.  I went to pave the rose petals last year and the marigold petals in this year.  I was very, very happy.  It is the historic event for me. // I was very happy and couldn’t stop the tears of joy.  I never saw it.  I was happy and proud, so I cried because of joy.
Mr. Somkiat Chansaeng, Mayor, Khlong Yong sub-district, Buddhamonthon district, Nakhon Pathom province:  I am pleased and think that it is beneficial for societies and communities in this area.  It is auspicious and I hope that such activities will be arranged in Buddhamonthon district again.
Mr. Sayam Jamkrajang, Governor of Naraphirom Tambon Administration Organization in Bang Lane district, Nakhon Pathom province:  I was very happy when I saw the monks’ effort.  They are the Lord Buddha’s disciples and Most of Naraphirom residents are Buddhists.  When we saw the Dhutanga monks, we became more faithful and were very happy to welcome and encourage them to perform the Dhutanga in this time.
Mr. Narong Lertsitthiphan, Governor of Lamphaya Tambon Administration Organization in Bang Lane district, Nakhon Pathom province:  It was the rare and valuable opportunity for Lamphaya residents to welcome over 1,000 Dhutanga monks today.  It was our good luck to get this chance and the monastic welcoming brought us great merit.

Mr. Banpoj Damapong:  Today is an important day. It is an auspicious day of Thailand.  Dhutanga will bring merit to Thailand, Thai people.  It will make the country peaceful and thrive.
Ms. Pornpen Boonsiriwattanakul:  In the name of the spokesperson of the Committee of Religion, Art, and Culture of the House of Representatives of Thailand, we are happy very much when we see the development and model of the World Morality Restoration in this time that we support Buddhism to move forward and thrive further.  It will be the good inspiration that makes people to believe in our Buddhism and come together to maintain and keep it since then.
Mr. Paisarn Taweechaithaworn:  I am impressed the color of marigold that it is gold-like color. Like we cover the path with gold for the Dhutanga monks to walk on.  It is a very impressive picture.
Ms. Saowanee Hiranyasiri:  Monks who are performing the Dhutanga today are the real fertilized merit fields because they have been cultivated and trained themselves well since the Buddhist Lent Day.  It is the meritorious fortune for people who meet them.  It is a good way to welcome New Year by getting merit fully.  The Most Ven. Luang Phaw taught that today would be the past for contemporary people to turn and see that how we devote our lives to keep Buddhism.
Dr. Supachai Srisuppaaksorn:  Today is a historic Buddhist Day in the 25th Buddhist Century. To celebrate Buddhajayanti, we pave marigold petals to welcome the Dhutanga monks.  It is an amazing thing in this era because it is to worship the Lord Buddha, announce Buddhism, restore morality, cultivate people to love the Triple Gems, and the most importance is to change someone’s life from bad to be good.  This is the very important thing and rarely happens.
Ms. Pimaksiporn Winkomin:  Those who never join this event are like me in the first time.  I could not imagine that what this event was.  When I saw it in the first time, oh! There were a lot of monks perform Dhutanga…
Ms. Saijai Sangkhapan:  I am impressed very much.  I had no idea that it is great.  When I accepted to join this project first, I felt that I was inspired.
Mr. Wichian Phutthiwinyu, Nonthaburi Governor:  I would like to say that it is a great merit for us to make merit together.  It will make Buddhists especially the Buddhists youths and the new generations to access Buddhism.
Mr. Jaruwat Kliangklao, Sheriff of Sainoi:  This is the first time to offer meal to a lot of Dhutanga monks. I am so happy and residents in Sainoi district are happy too.  We are willing to make merit with all congregations from all directions.
Mr. Naruphan Chanmuanwai, a student of Sotsuksa Khonkaen School:  I thought that my friends and I could chant to worship Luang Pu very well.  I could sense of my voice during the chanting time. I tried to do it and I could do it at last.  I can speak by myself.  I have never forgotten the chanting of worshipping Luang Pu because I chanted it in my mind, so this enabled us to speak.
Mr. Chana Nonthawong, Director of Sotsuksa Khonkaen School:  A group of our students practiced chanting to worship Luang Pu.  They tried to do it very much because they cannot speak.  Because of their intention and their belief in merit, finally, they can chant amazingly.
Miss Nanthasorn  Chaodorn, a student of Sotsuksa Udonthani School:  I had a good chance today that I joined this activity today.  When my friends saw over thousand monks walking past, we paid respect and said “Sadhu.” We are happy and our minds are joyful. We wish to be lucky and meet only the good things.
I am glad to see Luang Pu and the Dhutanga monks. It is my first time and I want my father and mother to join.  They are busy but it is okay. I already made merit for them.
I think that the monks are walking in the sunny day.  The road surface is hot. If we support them to practice Dhamma more comfortably, we will get big merit.  Like we make merit with them while they are pursue perfections, if we help them and they attain Dhamma, we will get it like them too. It is really a big merit.
Dr.Michael Stern, International Development Official, India:
Students of Sotsuksa Setsathien School: We did the activities today happily.  We are deaf. We came to make merit at Dhammakaya Temple.  We sat in rows and when the monks arrived, we said “Sadhu.”  We did it intentionally and the monks will protect us from now on.

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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