IDOP - Blissful Life in Monkhood is a Dream come true

Another good program for foreigners who want to experience the everlasting happiness.

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[ Aug 19th, 2011 ] - [ read : 18271 ]
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International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (9th version)
Episode: Blissful Life in Monkhood is a Dream come true
Edited from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten


International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP)  9th version
After the 100 International Dhammadayada monks have ordained into monkhood, they are all determined to do their best and to prove themselves in this training program. Firstly, the International Dhammadayada monks went to Chiang Mai province to practice their meditation, and at the same time learning about the life of a monk. They went to receive alms from the villagers in the morning, while at the same time walked almost ten kilometers. No matter how steep, curvy, and difficult the path may be, every International Dhammadayada monks were able to walk to the finished line. The most important goal that the each Dhammadayada monks have in mind is that “After ordination, I will find inner peace within myself.” The goal is attainable, and thus all of them are successful. Today, we have examples of letters written by the International Dhammadayada monks to the Luang Phaw Dhammajayo.
3 pieces of clothing for day time and night time
The villagers went to give alms to the monks

 Beautiful Trails of the International Dhammadayada monks
Even though the trails are long and difficult, the monks will pass this test to prove themselves
 1.  Phra Jonathan Taechapo (USA)

Phra Jonathan Taechapo

Pra Jonathan told us that, “This is the second time I have been ordained. My son, George used to be ordained here. He has recommended Wat Dhammakaya for me to become ordain. For this reason, I decided to become ordain at Wat Dhammakaya in the year 2007. After I had become ordained in the year 2007, I promised myself that I will return here and ordain again. The reason I would like to be ordain again is because so I will have the time to study Dhammakaya lessons and spread it worldwide. In my meditation, I’m able to find inner peace and put my mind in the center of my body. After a while, I’m able to find the crystal Buddha appearing in my center. The crystal Buddha also holds a crystal ball in his hands. The crystal ball is my heart that has stopped thinking. The crystal Buddha is bright and translucent, and is connects to me. Even when I’m not meditating, I still feel that the crystal Buddha is still with me. It is not difficult at all in finding the center of my body and the path toward enlightenment. For this reason, I have been practicing meditation not only in the sitting positions, but in all my postures.”

2.  Phra Manabae Oudtalow (Japan)

Phra Manabae Oudtalow

Pra Manabae told us that, “In the beginning, my mind began to wander, while my body began to ache, so I wasn’t able to meditate very well. However, I have been receiving advices that I should continue relaxing and putting my mind at the center of my body. However, after some period of time, I have been able to meditate well as I have been able to see the bright light appearing at the center of my body. During my meditation session, the bright light I’ve seen began to shine more brightly and have been appearing in a flash. After having seen the light flashed, I can feel my body getting smaller as if my body has been sucked in by the light for around 40 seconds. Later, I can feel the atmosphere around me has disappeared. The two months period in this ordination program is not enough for me to practice my meditation to become skillful. This is the reason why I decided to stay in monkhood for one more year, so I could practice mediation in Buddhism that has been adopted from the Buddha’s era. After one year, I will ordain as a Japanese Buddhist monk, and will spread the Dhamma teachings all over Japan.”
3.  Phra Jeang Hun Chayakano (China)

Phra Jeang Hun Chayakano

Pra Jeang Hun told us that, “When I was a university student, I’ve made a wish that in this life; I will dedicate myself to Buddhism. Finally today, I have become a part of the three Buddhist gems. Most importantly, the activities organized by Wat Dhammakaya are excellent, because they teach us to respect ourselves, have good social relationships, and can live in harmony with others. I feel that I would like to purify my mind to a higher stage and make myself valuable to the world peace. For this Buddhist Lent, I decided to stay in the Wat Dhammakaya for three months. Currently, I’m very happy in practicing meditation. One day at Pranawat, when I was stilling my mind, I felt myself falling from a great height. The first time, I felt myself falling only a little bit. But at the second time, I felt myself falling very much. Suddenly, it became very bright and I felt as if I was floating. I also felt myself as if I have no attachment to my physical body. I felt as if I was the only person alone in this world. As I continued to relax myself, bright light suddenly shone from the center of my body. Suddenly, the bright light turned itself into a Buddha image of about 6-7 centimeters. The Buddha image is very bright and I felt so much happiness that I never imagined before.
4.  Phra Williams Taeshakalo (Singapore)
 Phra Williams Taeshakalo

Pra Williams told us that, “While I have been meditating, I have seen a crystal clear circle similarly to the moon appear in front of my face. Afterwards, the moon-like circle slowly climbed toward the center of my body and began appearing in a flash. Currently, I am 49 years old. The average of the human’s life is 75 years old. I’ve lived carelessly for two-thirds of my life already. I will not let myself waste any more time. I will continue to live my life in monkhood and dedicate the leftover one-thirds of my life to Buddhism. I will continue to practice meditation routinely, and will help Luang Phaw spread the Buddhism teachings worldwide.

Praying before eating time to change energy from food into merit

Still the mind at the center of the body to reach the monkhood’s goal

Meditation under the shades of the trees

International Dhammadayada monks are conversing about Dhamma
International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP) is a project of international agencies, held annually by the Wat Dhammakaya. 2011 is the year that the International Dhammadayada Ordination Program has been organized for the 9th consecutive time. This project is usually organized during the summer time or the semester-break of foreigners.
Translated by Pichayapa Suenghataiphorn


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