Fight to save Buddhism

A true fighter becomes a true monk! This monk unveiled why he fights to save Buddhism. The true Buddhists don't miss!!

Dhamma Articles > Scoop
[ Aug 20th, 2011 ] - [ read : 18262 ]
Changing Life by the Ordination Merit
I'm gonna fight to save Buddhism
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten program broadcasted on DMC

I pay the highest respect to the Most Venerable Luang Phaw Dhammajayo.

My name is Pra Nob Dhammapalo. I am 49 years old. I am a Buddhist monk at Tako Ordination Training Center in Nakhonsawan province, Thailand.

Dear Luang Phaw , “ Life is a matter of survival ” was my motto in the past.  Because I was born in a very poor family in Uthaithani province. My parents had 5 children. I am the second child. My father was a tricycle driver. My mother was a labourer. We had just enough to eat . When I was about 9 years old I also had to help my parents . I did all kinds of jobs that a child could do. I earned some money not only for my family, but also for my own studies. Finally I could only manage to finish 4th grade. I would like to say this. Even though I had a difficult life, giving it all up never occured in my mind. I am the true fighter.

Pra Nob  Dhammapalo
I went to Bangkok to find a job. I became a construction worker. I earned 50 baht a day. No matter how hard life was, I kept working, and was able to send money home. Till I got bad news from home that my father was sick from cancer. I really wanted to go home to see my father, but unfortunately I got hit by a car. It was a terrible accident, and I had to stay in the hospital for almost a month. My condition was so bad that my left leg was broken into 3 pieces. My right knee was smashed completely. My pelvic bone was misplaced and almost all of my ribs on the left were also broken. Dear Luang Phaw, I kept saying to myself “ I can’t die yet, I need to see my dad first ”

As soon as I was released from the hospital, I went right away to my father. Even though I couldn’t  walk normal yet, with the help of a walking stick I could manage to travel. It was such a blessing to see my father again. He passed away short after that.

At that time I learned about the truth in life. I realised that nothing could stay with us forever and everything is uncertain. Even ourselves can’t escape from this rule.

Life goes on. I found a new job, and became an employee at the dairy farm of a couple, who recently invited me to join in the mass ordination program.  It ‘s the 3 months ordination program for 100,000 monks during the rainy season. The objective of this program is to save Buddhism, and let it progress forever more. I was convinced after I heard of this objective. I decided to fill in the application form right away.

From that moment on, I felt so bliss and so proud of myself.  “ I am going to be one of the 100,000 monks who will save Buddhism.”  It ‘s the most valuable and the greatest work one can do. In addition, it ‘s not only performed on local level but it ‘s national. This makes me even more proud of myself. Nothing else ever gave me such a happiness and pride than having a chance to ordain and train myself on Buddhist disciplines. Above all, I get a chance to practice meditation which is the core of Buddhist teaching.

Dear Luang Phaw, I have to admit that my mind wandered a lot in the beginning of the meditation sessions. Images of nature, mountains, creeks or villages kept distracting my mind. Until I heard what you told us about the meditation experience of the other monks. They felt so happy and bliss, and furthermore they saw crystal balls and Buddha images in their meditation. I was inspired by them. I tried to adapt and worked on my meditation technique. I began my meditation with relaxation of the mind. I looked at the crystal clear Buddha image on the table in front of me. I then imagined the image in the center of my stomach. I kept the image inside of me and recited the mantra “ Samma Arahang ” constantly. After a while, I really saw the Buddha image in me. The image is translucent and bright, very beautiful. Firstly the image was as big as a fist. I saw the Buddha image in the meditation posture, and it faced the same direction as me.

After looking at the image for a while, the image expanded gradually till my whole body was covered up by the crystal clear Buddha image. I was so excited about this experience. I told my coach. He adviced me to stay calm and keep looking at the Buddha image calmly.

His inner experience

Dear Luang Phaw, nowadays I can always see the Buddha image in my meditation. During meditation I feel weightless and very happy. I don’t want to come out of it. I want to meditate all day long. During the day while I am doing any activity, I keep my mind centered all the time. Dear Luang Phaw, may I say that you give us the most valuable program of all. It ‘s the greatest merit. It makes me feel so lucky to become the son of Buddha and being one of the 100,000 monks who keep Buddhism alive.

Finally, I would like to tell you that I am willing to do my best to be a good monk .

With highest respect to the Most Venerable Luang Phaw Dhammajayo,

Pra Nob Dhammapalo

Translated by Sunee Vongnoi


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