The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 12th, 2012)

The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 12th, 2012

Dhamma Articles > Scoop
[ Jan 18th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18261 ]
The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga
In Six Provinces, 365 km long
To Welcome New Year 2012
Remove dangers and troubles
Make the big merit to Thailand
On January 12th, 2012
Khlong Khwang Temple – Bang Phai Temple (distance: 22 km)

The Most Ven. Phrakrusobhitdhammavisudh, the abbot of Khlong Khwang Temple, stood to honor the dhutanga monks leaving Khlong Khwang with happy mind

The photo collection of the paved rose petals on this day

Congregations were waiting to welcome the monks

Congregations were waiting to welcome the monks

Congregations were waiting to welcome the monks

The Dhammachai Dhutanga Monks who are pioneering the Great Master’s Paths

The congregations rejoiced in this merit very loudly

A little child was learning the Buddhist Cultures from welcoming the dhutanga monks

Congregations went to welcome the monks continuously

Police protected the monks and congregations who welcomed the monks

The monks reached the K.M. No. 155

The Dhammachai Dhutanga Monks who were pioneering the Great Master’s Paths

 The Monks were coming!!

Congregations welcomed the monks


Congregations welcomed the monks
All employees of one factory went to welcome the monks

The monks arrived at the rest point, Esso gas station

The monks began to walk again at 13:30 p.m.

The belief in Buddhism will be stable forever

Residents went out to welcome the monks continuously

Burmese girls who loved and believed in Buddhism

The construction workers went to welcome the monks too

They decided to stop selling for a while and came to welcome the monks

The monks were going to Bang Bua Thong district

A lot of people there came to welcome the monks

The Dhammachai Dhutanga
To pioneer the Great Master’s Paths

The monks reached the second rest point, Wat Lahan Municipal School, at 17:01 pm

Bang Bua Thong people waited to welcome the monks continuously

A lot of congregations

Although the sun set, the congregations still waited to welcome all the monks

The monks reached the destination, Bang Phai Temple, at 19:30 pm

 The monks reached Bang Phai Temple at 19:30p pm. The distance on this day was 22 km.

Rejoice in merit of paving rose petals to welcome the dhutanga monks in this occasion

Translated by Chadawee  Chaipooripat


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