The Great Master Day

The Great Master Day of Dhammakaya Temple is February 3rd every year. Who are they?

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[ Feb 2nd, 2014 ] - [ read : 18265 ]
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The Great Master Day

The Great Master Day of Dhammakaya Temple is February 3rd every year.  In this year it is on February 3rd, 2014.

This day is the death anniversary of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro) who recovered Dhammakaya Vijja.

This day is also the death day of the Master Nun Thongsook Samdaengpan who was the first meditation teacher of the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong.

This day is the cremation day of the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong as well.

All three Great Masters were similar to the light shining to guide our lives because they were the models of the perfection pursuance.  They taught us to know the right ways to make merit and pursue the perfections, know the truth of life and Law of Kamma clearly and deeply enough for us to live in this world safely.  Because everybody was born in this world to make merit, pursue perfections and reach Nirvana, however, the Great Masters did more than this.  They have the strong will to get rid of the sources of all defilements, defeat Maras and take all beings to the Utmost Dhamma.  Their behaviors are limitless and they have not set the deadline.  This means they do not mind how many lifetimes they will pursue the perfections.  They mind only that they must go to the Utmost Dhamma.

So their minds focus on the main goals – to eliminate the source of Maras and take all beings to Nirvana – even if they will be the last persons who enter Nirvana, they do not mind.  Their brave and strong hearts including their extreme kindness have impressed us all along.

The real perfection pursuers do not have these words “pause” or “rest” in their lives.  Don’t think that you made a lot of merit, so you want to spend the merit before or to have a rest before.  These thoughts have not been in the Dhamma Soldiers’ hearts or dictionaries.  We have to pursue the perfections every day and night, or all the time.  We must understand that this world is not the place of spending merit or living happily only.  But it is the world of pursuing the perfections.  Whenever your perfections are much more, you will be able to reach Nirvana.  When our Great Masters were born in this world, they pursued the perfections fully like they were bet with their lives.  So let’s bring them to be our model of pursuing perfections to reach the Utmost Dhamma.


Schedule of the Great Master Day – February 3rd, 2014

The Ceremony of Chanting Buddha Mantra since the Great Master Day

10:20 a.m. Gathering and sitting on your place at the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong’s Refectory
-  MC leads the others to request precepts and Dhamma
-  Monks chant Buddha Mantra
-  The ceremony of offering meals to monks
12:00 p.m. Donors offer their alms
-  End of ceremonies


Update by Chadawee  Chaipooripat


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