The Great Master Day 2010

The Great Master Day 2010. The ceremonies of the Dhammakaya Master Day. Schedule.

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[ Sep 10th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18274 ]
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The Great Master Day
Thursday September 23rd, 2010
the day of rediscovery Vijja Dhammakaya

The ceremony of the circumambulating the golden
Statue of Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro)
Around the Dhammakaya Cetiya before placing inside
The Phramonkolthepmuni Mahavihara in Suphan Buri province

Dhammakaya Temple welcomes everyone to attach the small golden sheet to the Golden Statue of Phramonkolthepmuni on Sunday 12th and Sunday 19th of September 2010 at 4.00 p.m. in the International Dhammakaya Meditation Hall.
For more information, please call 0-2831-1234

The Rediscovery of the path to attain Dhammakaya?

The ceremony of the great master Pramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), the former abbot of Paknam temple and the re-discoverer of Vijja Dhammakaya, the genuine teaching of the Lord Buddha which had been lost for more than 2,000 years, has been taken place in Dhammakaya Temple on the 23rd of September 2010. All of people who studied his teaching view this day as the arrival of a significant and extraordinary person who sacrificed his life to re-discover the knowledge of the utmost purity to emancipate all beings from being enslaved by evil; we will find that his day was a special and holy day.

What is Dhammakaya?
80 years before Buddhist Era, prince Siddhattha was born in the full moon night of Vesak day called as the day physical body’s occurrence. And 45 years after his birth, the great man or the Bhodhisattava meditated according to the Majjimapatipada, a technique of meditation that concentrates the mind in the center of the body, until enlightenment; also that day was in the full moon night of Vesak day and called the occurrence of Dhammakaya (the body of enlightenment appeared within). From then, 45 vassas of Buddhahood, the Lord Buddha processed his Buddha traditional duty to bring the all mankind to attain Dhammakaya and revealed the truth of life. There were many learnable persons who could follow and practice meditation until they could manage to achieve the true happiness, "Dhammakaya". But from the lord Buddha nirvana for approximately 500 years; the Dhammakaya was vanished and seemed no one could know its exact meaning. A lot of Buddhist texts and scriptures referred the word “Dhammakaya” but the way to achieve was no longer on the earth. Until the full moon night in the tenth Lunar month, in that night, amidst the quietness of the temple named Boadbon Bangkuvieng; sit motionlessly the young monk, the most venerable Phramonkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro) meditated and aimed his mind not to get up unless he could achieve the truth of the Lord Buddha’s teaching.  Finally, with his life, he could rediscover the path to the Dhammakaya. This is why there are many people paying the most respect to his kindness, Luang Pu Wat Pak Nam , the great master of "Vijja Dhammakaya"
Boadbon Bangkuvieng Temple
Why we have to pay respect and homage?

No matter how knowledgeable in Dhamma (the Lord Buddha's teachings) we are, whether we be ascetics or laypeople, but we often find it is hard to apply the knowledge in terms of practice. This is because expressions and statements written in the Buddhist Scriptures are deep and profound. If we attempt to interpret the meanings on our own with our restricted wisdom and perception, we are prone to misinterpret and end up practicing in a way that was not intended. If we want to be profound in dhamma and be able to apply rightly in practice, the most important thing is “Having a great teacher”.

Besides discovering Vijja Dhammakaya, Luang Pu also kindly taught his disciples to attain it so that they could prove its existence and be the witnesses of the Lord Buddha’s enlightenment. And it is Luang Pu’s benevolence that guides us to know about “Dhammakaya” and the ultimate goal of life, and for that we should express our gratitude. Therefore, he was the great teacher.

Luang Pu held Dhamma and meditation as dear as his life and set guidelines for his followers to practice. Understanding Dhamma profoundly takes time and needs practicing. He encouraged his students to practice meditation and dhamma seriously, since only people who took it seriously would attain the real dhamma.
And laypeople who came to Luang Pu felt so happy and joyful because they found a source of knowledge and merit in him, and he could tell them about the law of cause and effect. Not only did he pay attention to teaching his Thai students but he also paid put effort into international propagation and this made Paknam temple have foreign people come to ordain for the first time in Thailand.
Before his death, he was aware that after he would die, people who had enough wisdom to understand Dhamma would still be waiting for pure knowledge of Buddhism, but without his guidance, they would not know the true meaning of the Teachings, for example the difference between merit and sin. So he taught his disciples to bring Vijja Dhammakaya to people around the world before he passed away.

The Dhammakaya Temple is his result. We expressed of utmost love and respect by casting him in pure gold on his Birth date, 10th of October 2008. His statue is 1.5 times his life size and casted by Pure Gold weighed 1 metric ton. On the 23rd of September 2010, the Dhammakaya Master Day in this year we will present and circumambulate his golden statue around the Dhammakaya Cetiya before placing inside the Phramonkolthepmuni Mahavihara in Suphan Buri province, his mother land, since the 126th anniversary of his birthday.
Why we have to cast him in Gold?
Phramongkolthepmuni has become the Great Master to whom we owe a lot for his benevolent acts. He should be respected and worshipped by all humans and celestial beings. His virtues must be proclaimed until they are widely disseminated throughout the world. His Golden statue would inspire his followers and people of the world including new generations to come and pay homage to him and learn about his magnificent biography and teaching. Having learnt about him, these people will be motivated to do good deeds, meditate and become “Kalayanamitra” (Virtuous friends) to each other, making the world full of peace and happiness. Everlasting world peace can occur through inner peace.

9.30 a.m.        The morning meditation session
                      The ceremony of worship the Great Master, the re-discoverer of
                      Vijja Dhammakaya

1.30 p.m.        The ceremony of lighting the Forever Victory Candle
                      The afternoon meditation session / Making a wish
                      Donation / Listening to the sermon
3.30 p.m.        Preparation for circumambulation

4.30 p.m.    The ceremony of presenting and circumambulating the Golden Statue of
                   Phramonkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro) around the Dhammakaya Cetiya
6.00 p.m.    Chanting the Phramonkolthepmuni verse
6.15 p.m.    End

Please wear the white clothes in all ceremonies.

The memento for each attendant
1.    The picture of Phramonkolthepmuni
2.    The medal of Phramonkolthepmuni


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