Victory Celebration: The 6th V-Star Change the World

Victory Celebration…The 6th V-Star Change the World... When millions of children came to do good deeds at Dhammakaya Temple, what happened?

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[ Feb 12th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18268 ]
Victory Celebration…The 6th V-Star Change the World
Edited from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program broadcasted on DMC

  V-Star Children and the Kind Adults from Nepal

It was gone successfully and impressively when V-Star Children from all over Thailand came to join the 6th V-Star Change the World Day together on Saturday January 28th, 2012.  They were shining their goodness to brighten Dhammakaya Temple and the world. Even it was the 6th time, but there was something special and unique in each time.  Not only V-Star Children, but also the Kind Adults came to join this event after they had known this news from DMC, internet, TV, radio, etc.  Some people flew from the oversea such as V-Star Children and the Kind Adults from Nepal.  They unveiled that “Today we are pleased and happy to go to Dhammakaya Temple and open the exhibition booth to present the Buddhism in Nepal where it was the Lord Buddha’s birthplace.  We’re happy and funny that V-Star Children are interested in our booth. We are also surprised when we see Millions of children gathering at the Meditation Square around Dhammakaya Cetiya. It is the amazing picture which we intend to do like this in Nepal.”
 Prof. Dr. Suchart Thadathamrongvej, Minister of Education

Another special thing was when the Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Suchart Thadathamrongvej, had known this news, he came to encourage the children as well and unveiled that “Today I am very impressed when I see lots of children coming here together to do good deeds. I also offer myself to solve the social problems and change our social to be the social of goodness.  I would like to thank Luang Phaw that you have thought and done the good project like this.  It is the first place in the world and now expands around the world which turn people to be interested in mass meditation, especially more children are interested in Dhamma since they are young.  I’m confident that Luang Phaw’s method is right and correct to change this world to be beautiful because of morality again.”

  The model of the Physical Body of the Lord Buddha
 V-Star Children worship the Lord Buddha politely

The atmosphere of this event was not as loud as the past especially the areas in which the Lord Buddha Images had been established.  The children queued up to worship the Lord Buddha Image calmly, orderly and respectfully.  They agreed that it was their first time they have ever seen the most beautiful Buddha Image sitting under the Bodhi Tree. They felt like sitting in front of the real Buddha.

 The Dhammakaya Body of the Lord Buddha


V-Star Children visited the exhibition happily

The most vigorous zone is in front of the Master Nun’s house because it was outstanding with golden color.  There were many merit activity simulation zones for the V-Star Children to recall their big merit they had done, for example, the Remain Kathina Ceremonies, the Ceremony of paving the rose petals to welcome the dhutanga monks, etc.

Nong Lookkaew or Miss Chindamanee Srisawang read the Change the World Speech which it had been translated from the lyric of Change the World Song.

 V-Star Children stood up to sing the Change the World song together

After they finished the moral assessment, all V-Star Children went to the Meditation Square around Dhammakaya Cetiya.  The weather on that day was very good because there was not sunny or hot at all.  When they were ready, the ceremonies in the Meditation Square began sacredly. One of the most impressive moments was all V-Star Children stood up to sing the Change the World Song together and they could sing it beautifully.

Mr. Howard McCrary, the Original Singer of the Change the World Song, was very impressed so that he smiled all the time.

Nong Lookkaew or Miss Chindamanee Srisawang, 6 years old, one of V-Star Children from Pinkarat School in Chiang Mai province, had been selected to read the Change the World Speech, she unveiled that “I practiced intently by stilling my mind at the center of the body. I saw the clear crystal ball as big as the world, so I could concentrate and was not excited at all.  I could read smoothly even though there were some words difficult to read. But, I stilled my mind and read them from my abandon. After reading the speech, I sang the Change the World song with my friends at the Meditation Square. I was glad, delighted and very happy.”

At the meditation time, all V-Star Children meditated by Luang Phaw’s voice peacefully

 At the meditation time, all V-Star Children meditated by Luang Phaw’s voice peacefully

At the funny time, the children were funny and at the meditation time when Luang Phaw led them to meditate, all children could still their mind and meditate peacefully.  Even though it was a short period, but many V-Star Children unveiled that they saw the clear crystal balls in their stomachs and the balls were very bright. Some of them saw the Buddha Images in their abandons like the Buddha Images on Dhammakaya Cetiya.  The Buddha Images were very beautiful and they were very happy.  This was because the children’s minds were clear and innocent.
 The Kind Adults were Luang Phaw’s representatives to give the scholarship for 60,000 V-Star Children

After that, V-Star Children’s teachers cried with joy when all V-Star Children praised the teachers’ kindness by saying the Chanting of Respecting Teachers loudly.  All teachers said that it was the most beautiful chanting because it really came from the bottom of the children’s hearts.  Then, it was the honorable time of Super V-Star Children.  60,000 V-Star Children who had practiced themselves until they became accepted within their communities got the scholarship from the Kind Adults who were Luang Phaw’s representatives.

The historic picture of the 6th V-Star Change the World Day

We closed the ceremonies on that day by lighting the Victory Fireworks to celebrate the continuous good deeds of V-Star Children all around the country and to announce around the Triple Realms that the 6th World Morality Restoration began from then on.

 The Close Ceremony by lighting the Victory Fireworks for the V-Star Children’s continuous good deeds

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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