Buddhism shines in Geneva

Buddhism shrines in Geneva. A great events of Buddhism in Geneva https://dmc.tv/a7979

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[ Sep 4th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18265 ]
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Buddhism shines in Geneva

Geneva is a small city in Switzerland but it is worldly important.  The European Regional Office of the UN and the offices of other worldly important organizations are located in this city.

Today the golden ray of Buddhism shines in Geneva.  The Swiss Buddhist Association leading by Mr. Offery Ratsapong, the small Lao man but big heart, invited the relic of the Lord Buddha from Thailand, Sri Lanka and Burma to enshrine at the meeting room in Geneva.  The Buddhist and interested people worshiped to get better fortune to their life.  Many international Buddhist Associations in Geneva and Europe cooperated to arrange this event as well.

When the event finished, Mr. Offery and Ven. Valpora came to visit and thank at the temple.  They discussed about the relic invitation from UN to enshrine in Geneva again.  This is to celebrate the 2600th Anniversary of the Lord’s Enlightenment Day.  They request Dhammakaya temple, Dhammakaya Foundation and Buddha Geneva Temple to be the hosts of the next event.





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