Global Warming or Climate Change

The Global Warming has been caused from people making more Carbon dioxide such as from the fuel burning, transportation, and production in the industrial factories

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[ May 30th, 2011 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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Global Warming or Climate Change
Global Warming
Global warming
You can feel that the temperature on the world is increasing. 
     The Global Warming or Climate Change is the big problem now.  You can feel that the temperature on the world is increasing.  The main cause of this problem comes from the Greenhouse gases.  Greenhouse effect has the important role because the kind of gases like Carbon dioxide or methane will keep some heat on the ground and not reflex the whole heat back to the atmosphere.  This has caused the temperature on the earth does not like on the moon.  The temperature on the moon, it is very cold at night and very hot at day because there is not atmosphere on the moon to filter the energy from the sun.  But the earth has the atmosphere, so it makes the earth warm.  The principle is similar to the greenhouse for planting plant, so we called it “the Greenhouse Effect.”
natural warming
The Greenhouse effect is a natural warming process.
     The Global Warming has been caused from people making more Carbon dioxide such as from the fuel burning, transportation, and production in the industrial factories.
What does the Global Warming affect?
Which effect has been come from the Global Warming?
      The Global Warming affects the earth widely.  It affects the ecologies worse.  It also affects the economics and human being’s health and living.  The increasing temperature on the earth and the higher temperature of the sea have melt the ice on the poles more than usual and caused the sea level higher.  The important cities located near the ocean may be flooded under the water because of the higher sea level.
The higher temperature on the earth has caused the dry weather,
 flood, and cyclones which are more harmful and often.
     Moreover, the Global Warming also affects the climate to be varied.  There are more cyclones which are more harmful and often.  The weather is hotter or colder than usual.  The higher temperature on the earth has caused the dry weather, flood, and cyclones which are more harmful and often.  The farm products are decreasing and the rich natural resources have been destroying by the changing ecologies.  Food is more rare and expensive.  The hotter world has caused the harmful environment to people but good for many diseases.  So, the diseases and epidemics such as malaria, cholera, dengue fever, and food poisoning, etc would happen.
climate change
You can see that the effects from
Global Warming affect the whole world. 
     The effects from Global Warming have happened to all system in the world such as the ecology, economics systems, etc. and affect widely.  Everyone has been affected certainly as long as they live on the world.  So, the specific survivors for only some people, groups, communities, or countries are impossible.  You can see that the effects from Global Warming affect the whole world.  So, it is the time to prevent, protect and relieve the Global Warming together.
The plastic bag and Global Warming
Does the plastic bag cause the Global Warming?
 The plastic bag is the cause of the Global Warming
      The relation between the plastic bag using and the Global Warming is the more you use the plastic bags, the more Carbon dioxide has been let into the atmosphere of the world.  This gas comes from the burning in the production processes.  When you have more plastic bags, you have to burn them more and this causes the consequent pollution problems.
     The plastic bag is the cause of the Global Warming.  It needs 450 years for its decay.  It you burn it, there is hydro-carbon compound which causes the pollution problems and Global Warming.  If you use the cloth bag, it will reduce the contamination of carcinogen.  If everybody changes to use the cloth bag only one day a week, it will reduce over 100 million plastic bags per year.
global warming
In September 2007, Bangkok had to collect the garbage as much as 8,500 tons/day.
     In September 2007, Bangkok had to collect the garbage as much as 8,500 tons/day.  21% of them or 1,800 tons/day was the plastic bags.  So, if you change to use the cloth bag instead, it will reduce the garbage collection fee as much as 1.78 million Baht a day or 650 million Baht a year.
     At this time, there is no one refusing that they don’t know the important phenomenon called the Global Warming.  In 2010, the North and Southeast regions of Thailand experienced the colder weather than usual, while the Central region faced the heavy flood that they had never faced before.  The South of Thailand also faced the stronger storms.
     In February 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) including over 2,500 scientists from 130 countries had found the clear conclusions that the causes of the Global Warming, 90% came from people burning the fossil fuels which let too much Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere so that the heat from the earth surface is not able to reflex out of the earth.  This has caused the climate change heavily over the world.
No plastic bags
      So, the common duty for us is to reduce the fuel burning and Carbon dioxide as much as possible.  This is to extend the time for this world to be longer.  The plastic bags we use have been produced from the plastic seed which it comes from the Petrochemical industry and uses the fossil fuels as the raw material.  The plastic bag production is able to do in mass amount and low cost.  The lifetime is short and people usually use it for only one time especially the small plastic bags.  Some used plastic bags were thrown to be garbage.  This kind of garbage is difficult to deal because it is light and thin.  When it is attached with the other kinds of garbage, the decay will be more difficult as well.
     If you are asked whether the reduction of using plastic bags concerns with the Global Warming and an individual reduces using plastic bags would affect anything, the answer is yes.
The good points of using the cloth bag
Reduce the plastic bag, reduce the Global Warming
     If we use the cloth bag one day a week, it will reduce over 100 million plastic bags per year.  The good points of using the cloth bags are:
·       Reduce the Global Warming
·       Easy to clean
·       Soft and handy, and not affect the press on your hand as much as the plastic bag
·       Easy to use and hard to tear.  Allow the owners to paint it as they want.
·       Able to decay and not been left to cause the environmental problems
·       Durable and reusable more than the plastic bag
·       Reduce the amount of garbage and not cause the Greenhouse gases
·       Show that the cloth bag user is response to social and environment
·       Able to use anywhere and anytime and able to carry many things
·       Easy to carry with and ready to use in every chance.
·       Use to be the alternative media to promote the environmental understanding and awareness widely
·       Reduce the causes and contamination of Dioxin compounds which are the carcinogen
·       Promote the Green Tourism, so use the cloth bag now and share it with your friends and others to widen the effort of reducing the Greenhouse gases and the Global Warming
·       No disturb noise during the meditation session
Using the plastic bag in the temple
The plastic bag for shoes
      Due to the increasing amount of Dhammakaya Temple’s goers every year from many projects such as the V-Star, Upasika Kaew Mass Training, Dhammadayada Mass Ordination projects, etc, this causes the amount of plastic bags for shoes is increasing as well.  Even though the temple has recycled the plastic bags, but sometimes, some congregations don’t bring it back to the responsible volunteers or staffs.  Even if the plastic bags had been recycled, there were the limit of using time and finally, they were torn or not able to use it again.
V star
      In addition, the plastic bags make the disturb noise during meditation session.  So, the temple would like to save money, reduce the disturb noise, reduce the Global Warming, and save the environment by reducing the plastic bag usage.  Dhammakaya Temple will be the model temple for other temples in the good deal of shoes and the good model of the environmental maintenance by using the cloth bags together.
The “Change the World reducing the Global Warming” cloth bag
The cloth bag for shoes for the Global Warming reduction
the cloth bag
“Change the World reducing the Global Warming”
      The “Change the World reducing the Global Warming” cloth bag has been created from the idea to support the Global Warming reduction and good deal of shoes.  This will cause the good ordering for looking; preventing the shoes losing and no disturb noise during the meditation session.  The world is not hot and everyone will be calm and peaceful and attain Dhamma easily.
save the world
     The “Change the World reducing the Global Warming” cloth bag will be coming soon.


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