Dhammakaya Nagano Temple arranged the merit activities on December 12th, 2010

Dhammakaya Nagano Temple arranged the merit activities on December 12th, 2010. https://dmc.tv/a9607

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[ Jan 2nd, 2011 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Dhammakaya Nagano Temple arranged the merit activities
On December 12th, 2010


On December 12th, 2010, Dhammakaya Nagano Temple in Japan arranged the meditation and V-Star Day of Dhammakaya Nagano Temple.

The Morning Ceremony of Indefinitely Offering Alms to the Monks

At 10.00 a.m. There was the ceremony of indefinitely offering alms to the monks which many V-Star kids and their parents, both Thai and Japanese, coming to offer alms together.  After that they offered the meal to the monks at the Master Nun’s refectory and then they chanted to glorify the Triple Gems together.

The laypeople offered meal to the monks together

At the Dhammakaya Time 11.30 a.m. in Japan which was 9.30 a.m. in Thailand, everybody chanted and meditated by following the Most Ven. Luang Phaw as well as other disciples around the world.

The laypeople chanted together

At 2.00 p.m. There was a V-Star Manner Test which the contestants had to bow in “Benjakapradit” style.  There were 13 contestants and they did this test by doing in front of the committees one by one.  After they finished this test, the next test was the contestants chanted to glorify the Triple Gems and the temple gave a chance to the laypeople to give the kids’ scores.
The V-Star Manner Test
A cute child's bowing made the everyone smile

Even though the contestants are Japanese and can read Thai a little, they tried to chant as best as they can with cheerful voice and mind.  Their will including their cuteness made the committees and attendants happy to see the little kids, who have potential to change the world in the future, doing good deeds together.

The V-Star kids never gave up because of the test
When they finished the practical tests, they did the theoretic test.  The children had got “The Master Nun who was second to none” book to read at their house before doing this test.  The test took 40 minutes and all children did it seriously and could do it good.  The test results would be announced a week later.  When the children finished all tests, they took the historic photo together.  Finally, the teaching monks led to pay homage the Triple Gems which was the final V-Star activity of Dhammakaya Nagano Temple in Japan on that day.  We, Dhammakaya Nagano Temple, would like to share and rejoice in your merit.
Taking the historic photo together




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