World News on March 22nd, 2013

Dhammakaya Seattle Temple arranged Sunday Merit Making Activities; Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the Meditation Retreat for natives; Meditation in Hull

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World News on March 22nd, 2013
Dhammakaya Seattle Temple arranged Sunday Merit Making Activities

The teaching monk led Buddhists to meditate and requested to keep the 5 precepts

First, the teaching monk led Buddhists to meditate.  After that Buddhist requested to keep the 5 precepts and offered meal to monks as Sangha Dana.  The Laypeople Presidents were Kal. Dourine Rammasut, Kal. Noppadech Thepthee, Kal. Boonyoung Apairaj and Kal. Tua Kijnikorn.  Then, congregation offered alms and lunch to monks, and prayed the Morning Chanting together.

Buddhist congregation offered alms and lunch to monks, and prayed the Morning Chanting together

In the afternoon, the teaching monk led the congregation to meditate to purify their action, speech, and mind and then, they made donation. Kal. Suepsawad – Associate Professor Dr. Chanpim Saisamorn were the president who led other congregation to say the offering speech.  Congregation offered alms to monks.  All participants were very happy.

Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the Meditation Retreat for natives

Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the Meditation Retreat for over 20 natives

Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the Meditation Retreat for over 20 natives and there were newcomers participating in this retreat.  Everybody exercised to relax their bodies and mind before the meditation session.  The teaching monk, Phrasaravut Viriyavangso, led them to meditate and gave a sermon which impressed them very much.

Meditation in Hull

The Most Ven. Phra Dhammasarn Cittabharano and Phra Nicolas Thanissaro from Dhammakaya Manchester Temple kindly went to be fertilized merit fields for Buddhists

The Most Ven. Phra Dhammasarn Cittabharano and Phra Nicolas Thanissaro from Dhammakaya Manchester Temple kindly went to be fertilized merit fields for Buddhists at Spring Bank Community Centre in Hull.  First, The Most Ven. Phra Nicolas Thanissaro led the congregation to meditate in Thai and English.  Everybody had good meditation results and had clear mind.  Then, they offered alms to monks as Sangha Dana and offered meal to monks as well.

The teaching monk gave a sermon about the fruits of donation in the daily life and a guideline of the way to do  Kalayanamitra’s duties

In the afternoon, there was the picked-up robe offering ceremony to make fund for building Dhammakaya Manchester Temple.  Kal. Sumanas Lawson and family were the presidents.  Then, Phra Dhammasarn Cittabharano led the congregation to meditate to purify their mind before offering the picked-up robes.  Moreover, the teaching monk gave a sermon about the fruits of donation in the daily life and a guideline to do  Kalayanamitra’s duties to persuade people to do good deeds.

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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