The 14th Meditation Retreat of Peace Revolution, June 2nd-15th, 2015

This meditation retreat was participated by 27 people from 21 countries, e.g. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Slovania, Lithuania, Belarus and the United States.

Dhamma Articles > Scoop
[ 2015年06月25日 ] - [ 閲覧回数 : 18269 ]
The 14th Meditation Retreat of
Peace Revolution, June 2nd-15th, 2015

This meditation retreat was participated by 27 people from 21 countries, e.g. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Slovania, Lithuania, Belarus and the United States. This time, the retreat was special compared to the other times they had retreats  because it was the first time that they played the game called “Be at the Center” adapted from the Dhamma homework. The rules were very simple and easy since they only needed to place their minds at the center of their bodies in all activities that were identified.

They all mentioned the same that this thing helped them control their consciousness and maintain their minds at the center of their bodies very well, and it also affected their meditation. The center of the body is the most valuable and precious in their lives.

Several times, the participants requested for a 2-hour meditation session because they felt relaxed and could see a vivid sun at the center of their bodies, and that brought them to another world where their bodies did not exist. For them, time flew so fast and they did not want to get up. Some people saw a crystal ball at the center of their bodies or even saw that the crystal ball expanded until it covered them and still continued so until it covered the entire meditation hall.

These all proved that meditation is the common thing of the world. Anybody, regardless of their races, religions and languages, can practice meditation to achieve the peaceful state of their minds. And this is the miracle of the mind that has been waiting for the discovery from wise people who tend to change themselves before progressing to change the world since everything started from ourselves. It is like the slogan that says “Peace in, peace out.”


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