The Morning Alms Round to 1,113 Monks in Chom Thong Chiang Mai

The Morning Alms Round to 1,113 Monks On Sunday November 24th, 2013 During 6:00 – 8:00 a.m. At the Slope in front of Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong Voravihara in Chiang Mai

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[ 2013年11月22日 ] - [ 閲覧回数 : 18269 ]

The Morning Alms Round to 1,113 Monks

On Sunday November 24th, 2013
During 6:00 – 8:00 a.m.

At the Slope in front of Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong Voravihara in Chiang Mai


We would like to invite you and Buddhists to participate in the Morning Alms Round to 1,113 monks at the slope in front of Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong Voravihara, Chiang Mai, on Sunday November 24th, 2013 since Chom Thong’s 113 Foundation Anniversary and the Most Ven. Phradhammangkhalacharn (Thong Sirimangkhalo)’s 90 Birth Anniversary and 70 Ordination Anniversay.  The Most Ven. Phradhammangkhalacharn is Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong Voravihara’s abbot and the Consultant of Ecclesiastical Chiang Mai Province Governor.  Rice and dried food collected from this Morning Alms Round are going to be delivered to offer monks in 323 temples in four unrest Southern provinces.

Some fruits of the Ceremony of Offering Alms Round

1.    The donor will reborn in the Buddhist country every lifetime
2.    The donor will be rich and have a lot of properties.
3.    The donor’s properties will be durable and not be damaged because of any dangers.
4.    The donor will be the beloved one for lots of people.
5.    Good people prefer to associate the donor.
6.    The donation will bring the good reputation to the donor.
7.    The donor will be confident and not feel ashamed in any meeting.
8.    When the donor passes away, he/she will be reborn in a fortunate realm.
9.    The donor will attain Dhamma or Nirvana easily

What you should do:

-    Wear white suit or at least white shirt to worship the Lord Buddha
-    Offer only dried food
-    Seal all packs of rice
-    Don’t offer the cup drinking water
-    Don’t offer money in the monks’ bowls.  Please donate your money at the donation points or the picked–up trees which the staffs are looking after.
-    Keep your mind bright and happy while you are offering your alms
-    Offer your alms respectively by letting people in front of you offer their alms first

For more information or making merit, please call 08-1742-0173, 08-0677-3173, 08-5625-4472, 08-7185-5839, 08-1614-6303 or 053-342266.


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