Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) held the ceremony for Medical Building Fund

Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) arranged the ceremonies for collecting the Medical Building Fund and dedicating merit to the dead

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[ 23 มี.ค. 2558 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18265 ]
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) held the ceremony
for Medical Building Fund
DMC News – March 18th, 2015
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) held the ceremony for Medical Building Fund
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) arranged the ceremonies for collecting the Medical Building Fund and dedicating merit to the dead.
All laypeople meditated to purify their action, speech and mind before requesting precepts together.  Then, they offered meals to the monks; Ms. Mitpang Intharaksa led the others to say the meal offering speech.  After that they offered alms to the monks together.
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) held the ceremony for Medical Building Fund
In the afternoon, they held the ceremony for collecting fund for Medical Building; Mr. Sitthichai and Ms. Patthra Mekpongsathorn led them to say the offering speech.  After that Ms. Buakhai Chantharaj and Ms. Petchsakhorn Mekdara led the others to say the merit-dedicating speech.  Phramaha Sanguan Suriyavangso taught dharma on the lifestyle in this era which had the main idea that they should not be careless, associate with kalayanamitra (best friends), meditate and make merit regularly.


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