A Daughter Dresses Too Risque

A government officer once came to a venerable monk at the temple for advice about a problem regarding the way teenagers dress these days https://dmc.tv/a13328

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 9 มี.ค. 2555 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18257 ]
Meditation for Peace
A Daughter Dresses Too Risque
The Lord Buddha said, ‘Do not dress inappropriately.
The Lord Buddha said, ‘Do not dress inappropriately.
A government officer once came to a venerable monk at the temple for advice about a problem regarding the way teenagers dress these days.
The officer felt that teenage girls these days dress in a way that reveals too much of their body. This trend coincides with an increase in sex crimes, and the police presently do not know how to address the situation. The venerable monk gave his response, and those who were there listening agreed that his solution was practical and applicable for every family with a young daughter. His words were as follows:
“I don’t agree that the overly provocative dressing by these children is entirely the fault of the fashion industry. Instead I place the blame on parents who neglect their children and teachers who do not properly instruct their students.
“If we look at the problem clearly, we will discover that its origins took root even before these children became teenagers and started to dress provocatively. We can trace it back to when these children were still small, when they were still in kindergarten or elementary school.

“Parents and teachers misunderstood that encouraging creativity and instilling confidence required the children to dance and perform on stage. Practicing the choreography of the dance introduces them to sensuality at a tender age. In addition to dancing, teachers put makeup on them and dressed them in short skirts or clothes that were too revealing before sending them on stage. Parents and teachers commented on how adorable these children were when they saw them perform. To them this seemed like a successful production. Unfortunately the situation they created did not end when the performance ends. After everyone has encouraged the children to dress in revealing clothes and perform sensual dances and praised how they looked, it is no wonder that children do not listen when told they should dress more modestly. They’re so used to dressing in revealing clothes that they no longer feel embarrassed.
“When children are exposed to activities that promote sensuality at such a young age, on whom do we place the blame? We have to blame the parents and teachers who encouraged this behavior. Therefore, if we want to correct this problem, we must teach them good behavior and how to dress appropriately while they are still young.
To cover the body parts that should not be exposed.
To cover the body parts that should not be exposed.
“The Lord Buddha said, ‘Do not dress inappropriately.’
“Dressing inappropriately means dressing with the hem above the calves and exposing one’s shoulders.
“In the past, parents dressed their daughters with a sarong that went down to their calves from the time that they were little girls. It would become natural and as adults these women dressed modestly. However, if girls are encouraged to wear short skirts at a young age, it is unlikely that they will want to cover themselves with a long skirt when they are older.
“Allowing young children to dress inappropriately is the root cause of the sexualizing of children, and its consequences like child prostitution, that lead to the Roads of Ruin (Apayamukha).
“If we want to rectify this situation, we must first understand the purposes for wearing clothes.
1) To protect oneself from heat and cold.
2) To protect oneself from the elements like sunlight, wind, and rain, as well as from insects and small animals.
3) To cover the body parts that should not be exposed.
“If parents teach their children about the real purpose for wearing clothes when they are young, their minds will not be fixated on the sensual. Additionally we must protect them further by teaching our children to chant and meditate before they go to bed. Teach them to bow at their parents’ feet before bedtime. If we practice this regularly, we will be able to rectify the problem and raise wonderful, wholesome children.”
The teaching from this venerable monk makes us realize that the problem of children dressing in ways that attract sexual attention will disappear when parents teach them modesty from early childhood. Moreover, it may reduce and eventually eliminate sex crimes against children.



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