Conclusion of Living in Peace without Worry

Living in peace is the way that we practice what we should do to others and ourselves with right understanding. Those who practice the teaching of each chapter in this book wisely or bring the teaching to their daily life practice will live in peace without worry.

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Meditation for Peace

Conclusion of Living in Peace without Worry
The virtuous are protected by their own virtues.
Living in peace is the way that we practice what we should do to others and ourselves with right understanding. Those who practice the teaching of each chapter in this book wisely or bring the teaching to their daily life practice will live in peace without worry. They will live without worry that they will lose their jobs, and they try to follow the path to accomplish the goals in both this life and the next life.
When our minds are pure, we can think clearly, and when we can think clearly, nothing can worry us. When we are in peace, we don’t want anything more. When we feel our lives are fulfilled or sufficient, we can let worry go.
Buddha called these things the “8 worldly conditions”.
People need to realize that we all are in both good and bad situations in our lives as follows:
1. Being lucky
2. Being unlucky
3. Being powerful
4. Being powerless
5. Being happy
6. Being unhappy
7. Being praised
8. Being criticized
Buddha called these things the “8 worldly conditions”. These things come and go in our lives. No one can avoid these things. Therefore, we should keep our minds stable and peaceful. We need to be ready to accept these common situations. We should not let our minds be fluctuated and distracted by these situations.
When we feel our lives are fulfilled or sufficient, we can let worry go.
When things get chaotic or problematic, we can use the phrase “at least”.
For example,
I got in a car accident and my car was totaled. At least, I still have my life.
My work was sub-par and my car was totaled. At least, I did not lose my job.
I lost my job. At least, I still have food to eat tonight.
My husband walked out and is living with another woman. At least, I  still have a place to stay.
When we are in peace, we don’t want anything more.
“At least” is a simple phrase, but makes us optimistic and reduces our worry or anxiety. It makes us look for the good even in bad situations. Let’s be thankful for and optimistic about what we have and what we can do.
We should not be afraid of or worried about anything, if whatever we have done and will do comes from our good and pure intentions and minds.
Yesterday has passed; tomorrow has not arrives; the future is too far to cause us worry. Live our lives day by day with happiness. What we worry about may or may not happen. Many times problems are solved by doing nothing. Let our minds be stable and with brightness and purity inside. Life is not easy, but it should not be too difficult.
“The virtuous are protected by their own virtues.”
“Those who follow the Dhamma live a happy life.”
“Peace is the highest bliss”(Buddha)

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