Do Not Associate With The Fool.

Actually, good and outstanding personalities are the most desirable for all human beings, which is impossible for everyone. The main cause of this impossibility is failure of consideration.

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Meditation for Peace

Do Not Associate With The Fool.
drinking alcohol, gambling, being a beau, being a liar etc.
Actually, good and outstanding personalities are the most desirable for all human beings, which is impossible for everyone. The main cause of this impossibility is failure of consideration. One cannot consider what is good or bad, right or wrong, good deed or bad deed, do or don’t do, with such choicer as: drinking alcohol, gambling, being a beau, being a liar etc. All are bad, some may have thought they were good. So when one tried, they got a bad result, in return.
Where does the consideration come from?
1. Being trained by ones who are close to us.
2. From our own judgment.
drinking alcohol
 All are bad, some may have thought they were good.So when one tried, they got a bad result, in return
If we get wrong information from the Fool, our judgment will be wrong, then consequently it is followed by wrong thinking, wrong speech and wrong actions on our path, and maybe throughout our whole life.
Wrong judgment leading to wrong thinking, wrong sp0eech and wrong action are comprehensively known as “Bad” or known as “The Fool” in the monastic vocabulary.  
Subsequently, “The Fool” will relay his “Foolishness” to others in society, influencing others to behave similarly.
Our responsibilities are to identify whom the Fools are, not to associate with them and not bring them into our homes, as wall as getting rid of the Fool inside us.

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Dhammakaya Temple


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