Having Done Good Deeds In The Past

Good selected fruits with tasty seeds, whenever they are planted, always bear fruits of fine taste without taking much care of them. Meanwhile, and person who performed good deeds adequately in their past life, https://dmc.tv/a10685

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Meditation for Peace

Having Done Good Deeds In The Past
Having Done Good Deeds In The Past
What is punna (merit) ?
     Good selected fruits with tasty seeds, whenever they are planted, always bear fruits of fine taste without taking much care of them. Meanwhile, and person who performed good deeds adequately in their past life, will be innocent, will have a cultivated purified mind, will exhibit wisdom, will present a pleasant appearance, will radiate fine health from opportunities presented to them to do more meritorious deeds than others besides,
What is ‘punna” (merit)?
     Punna or Merit is goodness or happiness. It’s meaning reflects the occurrence of cleansing the mind of dullness, which in turn creates a clearer and sharper state of mind.
     “Merit” may not even be tangibly seen, but we can always clearly see the harbinger of Merit. That is, as we receive Merit in our mind, the result produced is a peaceful happiness, and Merit aids in the development of our qualities of mind to become pure and bright. With a marked lightness in demeanor there remains little intensity, a softening of seriousness, and a warm relaxing feeling. The mind graced with Merit is responsible and reliable to perform work or daily tasks. Moreover it can be collected in the mind as well.
For example:
     Merit is classified into two categories, namely: Merit in the long-term distance and Merit in the short-term distance.
Punna or Merit is goodness or happiness
1. Merit in the long-term distance represents our good deeds that we have done in the past from the first day of our birth in this life. This enhances the benefits of great quality in this life from our birth on. It makes us have mire opprtuities to do good deeds. As long as we are not careless, and we keep on making merits in the present, we will be able to rapodly progress in life. On the contrary, if we are careless, and do not continue to perform good deeds presently, we then becomea metaphor for a tree which is broken at the top and cannot grow upwards or develop any more.
2. Boon in the short-term distance speaks of our good cleeds in this life from birth until the present time, such as paying attention to one’s studies, displaying perseverance, associating with the wise, training our mind to be purified from childhood, all of which makes our thinking, speech and capacity to work be of a finer quality than others of the same age and affords us the ability to progress much further in life while growing up and in the future.
Peace Position
     All good deeds we have dones we have done benefit us with Punna (merit). For easy recognition of the three kinds of merit in brief from Lord Buddha’s instruction, are namely: making merit, observing precepts and practicing meditation.



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