How to Manage Family Life #5

We do not search for these and do not wish to encounter them. Even when they have not arrived, we are afraid that they will soon arrive

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Meditation for Peace
How to Manage Family Life #5
The Frightened Mind is fear and anxiety of loss or discontentment
The Frightened Mind is fear and anxiety of loss or discontentment
The Frightened Mind is fear and anxiety of loss or discontentment, which are:
1) Loss of Fortune is losing what one already possesses, such as loss of money, a house, a child or a spouse.
2) Loss of Prestige is loss of authority, rank, or the power to control.
3) Gossiping is direct or indirect criticism.
4) Suffering is both mental and physical suffering.
We do not search for these and do not wish to encounter them. Even when they have not arrived, we are afraid that they will soon arrive. When they arrive, we pray for them to leave. After they leave us, we are still afraid that they will return.
Since we encounter the causes of infatuation or fright, our grandparents tried to teach us to be aware of these life truths through meditation practice to still our minds and prevent them from being vulnerable to the Eight Worldly Conditions.
The purpose of meditation practice is to familiarize ourselves with the experience of a calm and peaceful state of mind.
When we face loss of fortune, loss of prestige, criticism, or difficulties, our minds will remain calm, alert, and strong.
When we receive fortune, prestige, recognition or happiness, our minds will remain calm, not overwhelmed or attached.
A person who is aware of suffering and happiness has trained the mind to be as stable and solid as the earth through meditation practice. When the mind is stilled, we become aware that the Eight Worldly Conditions are impermanent. Fortune rises but can turn into loss. Prestige can fluctuate. We must all face praise, gossip or happiness, which will eventually disappear, in accordance with the Three Characteristics (tilakkhana):
 Suffering (dukkhata): means the state of suffering. In this instance, it does not only refer to sorrow and tears
 Suffering (dukkhata): means the state of suffering.
 In this instance, it does not only refer to sorrow and tears
The Three Characteristics are the characteristics true of everything in this world.
Everything in this world has a value. Gold is valued for it bright shiny color. Diamond is strong. Glass is clear and reflective. Humans have their own minds and thoughts. Whether living or non-living, everything shares these same three characteristics:
1. Impermanence (aniccata): means that life is impermanent. We do not remain in the same stage of life. People change over the time. How we were yesterday is not the same as how we are today.
2. Suffering (dukkhata): means the state of suffering. In this instance, it does not only refer to sorrow and tears, but also to the inability to remain in the same condition, as it will soon diminish. Because of uncertainties, change always occurs, and the end of change means that something diminishes. Even the world we live in continues to change and one day, it will come to an end and disappear.
3. Non-self (anattat): means the soullessness of everything. It is beyond our control and we cannot withhold it or possess it. For example, we are unable to prevent aging, sickness and death. If we thoroughly examine the body we believe belongs to us, we find there are only blood, tissue, bone, tendons, skin, and other organs that combine together. It is not the real us; it is just a temporary self that will deteriorate over time and will not last forever.
People who are unaware of these Three Characteristics will be fascinated with or frightened of the Eight Worldly Conditions and will, therefore, be in a state of suffering all the time.
The Lord Buddha understood the truth of everything in this world. He taught meditation so people could learn to still their minds like the earth that is uninfluenced by the Eight Worldly Conditions.
Our grandparents always remind us to still our minds like the earth because they were able to see the world through the principles of the Three Characteristics. Whether or not we encounter the 8 Worldly Conditions, we are all subject to these principles. The most important thing in life is that we must train our minds to calm and be ever ready for life’s uncertainties. If we are well-prepared for the unexpected, we will be able to control our mind to remain alert and be able to live with life’s realities. Everyone is subject to Three Characteristics, which factures the certainty of uncertainty.
If all members of a family follow these guidelines as provided by our grandparents, family conflicts will never occur.
If all members of a family follow these guidelines as provided
 by our grandparents, family conflicts will never occur.
Persons who see the truth of life, who try to keep their minds stable and who are influenced by the Eight Worldly Conditions – like the earth that is not impacted by aromatic or smelly objects – will be able to elevate their virtues to a greater level. This is the fourth magic form of conduct that prevents divorce.
Conclusion – The essence of maintaining a marriage is the elevation of virtue within a person, including every family member, by relying on the following four factors:
1) Must be self-reliant.
2) Must know how to choose the right spouse.
3) Must have a marriage counselor.
4) Must know how to purify the mind.
All four Factors are guidelines that our grandparents provided us to elevate our virtues. After a wedding, many obligations and duties await. Although we think can no withstand them, we must learn to withstand them, Unless person can elevate their virtues to a level that can handle all the duties of marriage, they will not be able to maintain the marriage.
When the couple feel s completely satisfied with their marriage, only two issues remain that must be focused on. First, they must continue to endure anything that comes along. Second, they must remain calm in the face of unexpected circumstances.
If all members of a family follow these guidelines as provided by our grandparents, family conflicts will never occur. Each person will elevate their mind to a greater level. Divorce will mever befall the marriage. Children will have someone to depend on and a good role model of a calm mind. The quality of life will improve socially and economically along with the quality of the mind. If every family in every country can achieve this, it will greatly benefit the quality of the world’s people.


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