Respect # 2

Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well and prolong the life of Buddhism. One may pay respect by

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Meditation for Peace
Respect # 2
Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well
Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of
the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well
3. Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well and prolong the life of Buddhism. One may pay respect by:
1. Bowing and saluting with serenity.
2. Sitting appropriate and with composure rather than sitting and hugging one’s knees.
3. Not putting on shoes or opening up umbrellas in the middle of a monastic community.
4. Not making exaggerated gestures such as waving one’s arms and legs immodestly when in the presence of monks.
5. Not boasting of Dhamma knowledge unless specifically invited to do so by the senior monk.
6. Not answering questions on Dhamma unless specifically invited to do so by the senior monk.
7. Not walking, standing, or sitting in a way that impedes or encroaches upon monks.
8. Looking after the monks needs with a faithful heart.
9. Giving hospitably to monks with appropriate gifts of the four requisites.
4. Respecting education education means becoming aware of the value of education and expressing respect by studying sincerely in both spiritual and worldly ways. If you study a subject then try to get to the core of the subject you are studying. Be sincere in your studies and do not be reckless. Support your studies in both spiritual and worldly way.
Meditation is in turn the foundation of wisdom which will lead to the liberation of Nirvana.
Meditation is in turn the foundation of wisdom which will lead to the liberation of Nirvana.
5. Respecting meditation means becoming aware of the great benefits from meditation and expressing respect by practicing meditation regularly for as long as you can. Meditation is vital to the cultivation of virtues. It is the way in which we can train ourselves. Meditation is needed to know the real meaning of the Dhamma as explained by the heart of Buddhism which is the Threefold Training [ti-sikkha]:
- Self-disipline [sila],
- Meditation [Samadhi],
- Wisdom [Panna].
The lord Buddha once said that self-discipline is the foundation to practice meditation easily.
Meditation is in turn the foundation of wisdom which will lead to the liberation of Nirvana.
We cultivate self-discipline in order to allow our mind to enter into meditation easily and avoid the evil that might otherwise cloud the mind.
Wisdom takes its origin in meditation. Therefore, meditation is the main principle to cultivate all the virtues as well as the removing of defilements from the mind and enter Nirvana.
Some people refuse to meditate but try to attain enlightenment by exclusively reading about it or listening to Dhamma teachings. No matter how much they read they have no chance of coming closer to enlightenment because all their theoretical knowledge from reading is just the basic knowledge. An inner sphere of knowing will arise only when meditation is put in practice.
Some people even say that practicing meditation is superfluous to Buddhist practice or it is a waste of time. If you meet such person, you should know that person is contradicting the Buddha’s own words and he may thinks he is better than the Lord Buddha.
6. Respecting non-recklessness means becoming aware of the benefits of being mindful during activities and expressing respect by regularly practicing the mind to not be reckless by meditating at all times.

The lord Buddha once said that self-discipline is the foundation to practice meditation easily.

The lord Buddha once said that self-discipline is the foundation to practice meditation easily.
7. Respecting hospitality means becoming aware of the benefits of hospitality and that it avoids the creation of enemies. Naturally we cannot be perfect and please everyone. We have a few holes and flaws still in us. Hospitality helps by covering those holes and allowing us to make new friends. We should comfort our guests in the following two ways:
1. Material Hospitality: receiving people with material things such as a snack and drink.
2. Spiritual hospitality: receiving people with Dhamma, such as talking about the Dhamma or suggesting the Dhamma to each other.
In addition to know the importance of hospitality, people in the house also need to know how to welcome guests. Otherwise everything can turn out wrong. For example, a well-connected senior officer comes to visit you when you are not at home. Although you can receive the guest well, you do not train other people in the household on how to receive guests. Children and housemaids may not talk to the officer nicely causing him to get upset and think unkindly towards the head of the household. The officer could ruin your reputation. Many people are affected in this way without knowing it.
These seven objects of respect is the core of respect. Once you become aware of the value of these seven, you will clearly and deeply realize the goodness in other things so that you recognize the true knowledge and know how to act.
After we trained ourselves in respect, our habit of catching other people’s mistakes will slowly disappear. Whenever we meet anyone, we will only look at his virtue. Then we will not be able to think of bad deeds and only think of good deeds and how to perform virtue.
Paying Respect
Paying respect means expressing the awareness of the good deeds of the people we truly respect seen in their actions and speech. For example: making a path for them to travel on, standing to welcome them, giving up one’s seat to them, bowing while having a conversation, asking for permission prior to action, saluting, etc.
Paying respect spiritually means expressing respect because we are truly aware of the good deeds done by a certain person. A student bowing to a teacher because he is afraid of loosing makes or being disciplined is not respect. A soldier saluting the senior soldier because he is afraid of disciplinary action is not respect. These are just following rules.
meditation is the main principle to cultivate all the virtues as well as the removing of defilements from the mind and enter Nirvana.
meditation is the main principle to cultivate all the virtues as well as
the removing of defilements from the mind and enter Nirvana.
As mentioned previously, respect means honestly becoming aware of the true virtue in other. The person who can realize the virtue in others must have wisdom and right consciousness as the qualifying foundation.
After we express respect, the receiver will know immediately that we have virtue, respect to others and wisdom, Then he will realize our virtue and express respect in return.
On the contrary, a person who receives respect but does not return the respect should be blamed for having arrogance and ignorance.
The people who do not want to return respect because they typically misunderstand that expressing respect reduces the glory in themselves and gives it to others. They regret not to be in the glory, or they are afraid that others will not know that they are important. This is wrong thinking.
The Benefits of Being Respectful
1. Enable you to be cute, charming, and courteous.
2. Be happy and joyous.
3. Not be distressed, misfortunate, or harmed.
4. Easily copy the good deeds of others in one self.
5. Others want to help you improve your virtue.
6. Having a better consciousness and non-recklessness.
7. Have true knowledge, and truly know how to use it.
8. Be born into a family of high social status in future lives.
9. Easily attain enlightenment and enter Nirvana.


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