Similarities in the Differences

Achieving inner happiness is necessary in order to create peace for yourself as an individual, for your country and for the world.

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 21 ม.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18275 ]
21  January 2554


Meditation for Peace

    Similarities in the Differences 

By Luang Phaw Dhammajayo
Achieving inner happiness is necessary in order to create peace for yourself as an individual, for your country and for the world. Once achieved, differences which used to divide us become insignificant, and the similarities become undeniably apparent. Despite the external differences in nationality, heredity, appearance, livelihood, and so on, internally, the inner peace and happiness we feel is identical. Awareness will replace confusion and misunderstanding. The corruption of the environment and human life will be terminated when we all reach the Dhammakaya.
True peace and tranquility will be a reality for all human beings. Through meditation we learn of the truth of life, the knowledge of which encourages love and goodwill to bloom in the minds of people who possess it. The happiness and peace dreamed about by generations before us, will become real. The world needs people who pursue inner peace. From them, world peace will be more than a possibility. They are the starting points of peace and a source of knowledge for others who also wish to learn meditation. They inspire us and are role models for others to follow until everyone in the world attains genuine peace. The attainment of happiness through meditation is  our goal. Simply focus the mind inside the body at the centre. There is nothing else to do than this. Through this simple method, our minds will improve, develop and understand life better.
Peace Position 
Although this is merely at the initial level, we will feel a hint of the indescribable inner happiness that awaits. We will live to perform virtues and share these virtues with humankind. Then, true happiness will grow and expand throughout the world. It will become the world where all humankind can live in harmony. I wish for everyone to create peace through meditation because it is effective and does not require many resources. Creating peace is much cheaper than waging wars. Wars waste a lot of money and lives, but peace does not require resources or weapons. We just have to focus our minds to attain the Dhammakaya within. But if we do it only on our own, peace will not reach far. We all need to cooperate. One person cannot make it happen nor can several people. Everyone throughout the entire world must make a concerted effort to help.


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