Teaching Your Unborn Child

Every parent wants their child to be healthy and good. However, there are many parents who do not understand that in order to have a good child they have to practice good behavior https://dmc.tv/a13195

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Meditation for Peace
Teaching Your Unborn Child
Every parent wants their child to be healthy good.
Every parent wants their child to be healthy good.
Every parent wants their child to be healthy and good. However, there are many parents who do not understand that in order to have a good child they have to practice good behavior and be prepared to become a father and a mother even before they are married. They should not wait to begin after the baby has arrived. By then, they will not be good role models for their child. It is then unlikely that he/she will grow up to be the good child that his/her parents desire. Hence, it is good to introduce the subject of Transferring Good Behavior to the Baby in the Womb.
Transferring good behavior to the baby according to Buddhist teachings should be performed even before the baby is born.
Being born a human requires not only the combination of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg, but also the spiritual conception of the child in the womb. The tiny being can only begin life in the mother’s womb under the condition that it possessed kamma, either merit or demerit, at a level similar to that of his parents at the time of conception.
As a result, if the parents are healthy, good, and kind hearted, there is a good chance that the conception of a child will take place in the mother’s womb.
Teaching the baby should begin before pregnancy and it requires the parents to maintain wholesomeness in body, speech and mind. Parents should eliminate all bad behaviors and observe the Five Precepts diligently in preparation for the conception of the child.
At the very least, the new parents must begin training themselves well even before entering the marriage. As soon as they realize that the wife is pregnant, they should try even harder to attend to the fetus. They must become even more attentive to their actions, whether it is walking, moving, consuming food (especially the spicy kind), consuming alcohol of all sorts, taking medicine or even displaying a bad temperament. The parents have to make sure that these things do not affect them because they have a tendency to influence the baby’s behavior.
Transferring good behavior to the baby according to Buddhist teachings should be performed even before the baby is born.
Transferring good behavior to the baby according to Buddhist
 teachings should be performed even before the baby is born.
Chinese people understood this well. They even have a fable called “Teaching your Unborn Child” That has been retold continually since ancient times.
During the Cheng Meng Season (a Chinese tradition of ancestral worship), as two sisters were making their way to pay respect at their family’s shrine, they came across a bag of money that had fallen on the side of the road. The delighted younger sister said to her older sister:
“Dear sister, we are so lucky. This surely is our good fortune.”
The older sister replied, “My sweet sister, we cannot keep this fortune.”
“Why not?” the younger sister uttered, bewildered.
The older sister replied, “In the three months that I’ve been pregnant I have taught my child about good virtues. I have taught it to be a person who does not covet anything that is not his. We should wait here for the rightful owner for a little while.”
At the same moment, a woman passing by saw the two sisters picking up the money. She waited on the side before coming over to ask them. “Did you see a money bag?”
The younger sister answered, “It is here.”
The woman spoke with her eyes wide open, “It is my money that I dropped. Please give it back to me; my mother is waiting to go buy alcohol with that money.”
The older sister then asked her, “When did you drop it?”
The woman avoided the question and said, “Don’t ask me too much.”
At the same time, another woman approached them with the tearful eyes. She asked with a tremble,
Teaching the baby should begin before pregnancy and it requires the parents to maintain wholesomeness in body, speech and mind.
Teaching the baby should begin before pregnancy and it requires
 the parents to maintain wholesomeness in body, speech and mind.
“Dear ladies, I was wondering if you’ve seen a bag of money in this area. A little while ago, I was carrying it while I passed by this way to go buy gold and silver paper to bury with my mother’s body, but I dropped it unknowingly.”
When the first woman heard the second woman’s account of the actual event, she stepped away.
Both sisters gave the money bag to the second woman. She was the real owner. She so impressed and appreciated both sisters.
The two isters continued walking. The younger sister stated, “Dear sister, you settled the problem superbly. I thought if anyone claimed to be the owner of the money, you would give it to that person immediately.”
The older sister replied, “To help people, you must help them to the very end. Regardless of the work you do, you shall never abandon someone. When you begin to help, you should continue helping until it is finished. If I gave the money easily to the greedy woman who pretended to be the owner, wouldn’t it be simpler to just keep the money? Once we picked it up, we had to locate the real owner. I would like my unborn child to be good, so I have to instruct him while he is still in the womb.”
The younger sister nodded admirably.
This fable is included here to show people that teaching a child to be good must begin while he/she is still in the womb. If the mother realizes she’s pregnant, but continues to drink alcohol and smoke, and her husband continues to persuade her to think, speak, and do bad deeds, the fetus will become accustomed to these bad things while still in the womb. These behaviors create the possibility of giving birth to a disabled child. However, if both parents try to familiarize the baby with good virtues while in the womb, the family will absolutely achieve the birth of a good person.
Therefore, in order to teach the baby to be a good person, parents must have good lessons to teach their child even before conception. This ensures that the parents will give birth to a good child and raise him/het to be a good individual until the end.



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