The Universal Sentiment Expressed

People may have external differences, but their innermost self is the same. It is the similarities that transcend their differences.

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[ 11 ม.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18261 ]


Meditation for Beginners

               The Universal Sentiment Expressed

by Luang Phaw Dhammajayo

     People may have external differences, but their innermost self is the same. It is the similarities that transcend their differences. Nationality or religion does not matter. After they bring their minds to a standstill, all of them describe the same felling : that meditation brings about great unlimited happiness that they have never encountered before.

     If everyone in the world has the same goal or dream of seeing true peace in the world, a world with no borders, no soldiers, no police, a world where people have only love and good wishes for each other, true peace will not be difficult to achieve. True world peace begins with inner peace, when our minds are still and calm. Once everyone can do this, true world peace can happen at this very moment.

     To share in the same dream, we must learn and experience meditation altogether. However, people cannot communicate effectively with one another yet. There are many barriers in our communication, such as custom, tradition, culture, language and geography. If we can overcome these barriers and communicate to the world about how to still the mind, we will have true world peace. This is not just a dream, but a determination to make it a reality.


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