We Need Good Faith

Faith is a major component of training ourselves to be good or bad. When we have good faith, it keeps us doing good. When we have bad faith, it causes us to do bad. https://dmc.tv/a10598

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Meditation for peace

We Need Good Faith
When we have good faith, it keeps us doing good.
Faith is a major component of training ourselves to be good or bad. When we have good faith, it keeps us doing good. When we have bad faith, it causes us to do bad. People who wish to move ahead in their lives need to respect good people. They need to look for and look at good role models, so that they can continue doing good. They can learn and absorb the principles. Role models, so that they can continue doing good. They can learn and absorb the principles. Those who have good faith will then have the right understanding. They then will know how to protect themselves from others who are doing bad.
Faith is a major component of training ourselves to be good or bad.
In addition, respect is the way we admire people who we have faith in all the time. We need to listen and follow their teaching to keep good faith. Furthermore, we can show our respect by either giving things or following their teachings. We can have faith in those who possess all the good, sila (5 Buddhist precepts), and wisdom. Moreover, any good monks, priests, teachers, parents, friends, and employers are those in whom we can have faith.

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