The Ordination of Luang Pu

Dhamma Articles > The Most Ven. Sodh Candasaro
[ Sep 10th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18337 ]
Biography: episode 2

We are the writer of our own book, today is the first page. Sodh also the one who wrote his own articles. It was one day when he was nineteen, when two barges are returned home upstream after completion of his business. It was the darkest night of the month; he did not want to waste the time by going in the main route, so he found a short cut. Bang-E-Tan canal was the route he chose in order to return home quicker. But the canal banks were infested with pirates and rapids; a narrow stretch of the canal dreaded by boatmen, only a few boats could manage to pass this way without being robbed. Whereas, the barges were full of money resulted from business, Sodh decided to return home as fast as he can; the dicey route was chosen. That night, Sodh’s barges were the only group in sight. The fear of death occurred in his mind, and he experienced that when the ship were robbed. The pirates would kill either the captain or the helmsmen first. Sodh order one of his crew to switch his position, he let the crew to be at the helm and he held the rifle and hid in the cargo room; this way could make him survive from the ship being attacked. Being ashamed was in his mind and he thought;
"All the crews get from me to looking after these barges for ten or eleven Baht a month. Why I should let them to be the first to die when I am the owner of these barges? If disaster strikes, they could look after their own skin because they have wives and children waiting for their return. I would be the first to die since I am the owner."

He called the crews back to stay in the previous position and he was back to hold the helm. That night, the fear occurred in his mind, the canal was so narrow and the tide was torrential but one single thought rose in his mind.


"Didn’t my father ply the same river and the same situation until the last day of his life? Didn’t he become fatally ill on just such a voyage? Even though I could earn this life wealthier than him, am I going to learn something more from this? One day I have to die, not a matter from old age or tragedy. Material wealth is so ingrained in our value without seeing a beginning or an end of it. Whoever intend to earn the materialistic, not a matter how rich they are- what is its value when they are in graves? All are dead, my father was dead, soon or later either I am. Death gives a chance to no one to escape.  Here I am, I do not even know if I have a chance to see sun rise tomorrow. On my deathbed, even I am surrounded with my closest friends and relatives to look but helplessly. Only I alone can further my own destiny."

He lit three sticks of incense, and pressed them between two palms and made the following resolution with heartfelt determination;

Don’t let me die now, At least let me die in saffron robes. If only I can ordain, I will remain my monkhood until my days are done.!!
That day he could escape the danger and return home safely, but the vow he made never to leave his mind. He planned to ordain but he could not leave his responsibility and let anyone behind. He needed to leave them enough savings, especially his mother, in order to support their living fro the rest of their life after his absence.  He set the work with a fervour in order to accumulate without delay. Later in May 1903, he loaded the rice sacks in the barges and travel to Bangkok for the last time on his behalf. He gave the most trust to the crewmen and rewarded them as much as he could.
The Ordination
He returned home as freeman and entered Sonpinong temple as a postulant or "Nag" He studied the scriptures and prepared himself fro ordination with Venerable Prapalad Yang at that temple. In July 1903, Sodh ordained in Songpinong Temple and was given a monastic name "Candasaro Bhikkhu". The name Candasaro is the traditional Pali language means "the one whose radiance bright like the Moon". He had an ordination with Venerable Dee from Pratusarn Temple as a preceptor (Upatjaya), Venerable Prakru Viniyanuyok (Niang Indajoto) and  Venerable Nong were his co-preceptors (Anusavanajaya and Kammavajaya).


Newly ordained, Candasaro began his study the next day after his ordination. He began to study the Pali scriptures and practised meditation. Venerable Nong was his first teacher. During the first vassa, rain retreat, eventually, he found a Pali word which he could not translate, Avijjapaccaya. He asked a fellow monk to translate but he received the answer;
"Brother, we do not translate it here in Songpinong, we just recite it. If you want to translate, you have to go to study in Bangkok.... "


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