How DMC has influenced people around the world?

How DMC has influenced or positively changed people around the world?

Dhamma Articles > About DMC
[ Jul 21st, 2008 ] - [ read : 18260 ]

Don’t they love me?
Why my kid has to die at a young age?

No one loves me anymore.

Everything kept going wrong on my hands, really?

What can I do to make my fiancé happy?

What is the true meaning of life?


    All problems caused us to question again and again- what is really good about “life”? Some of the problems caused us hopelessness, anger, loosing love, belongings and depression that might lead us to seek a wrong way of escape. Thus, somebody spent a midnight of sorrow with a handful of pills, ready to commit suicide. Or, might be, someone hung themselves outdoor with bottles of alcohol to drown their sorrow. The teardrops still hung pendent on both cheeks, sleep on the cloudy bed, alone in a quiet room- hearing only painful heart beats and rasping of crickets. Everything seems so dark and no way out.


    Our lives are not a piece of cake easy to swallow. Many times we met with hardships and obstacles. What can we do to run away from such problems? Being associated with hardship and pains will enlarge them. Since the problems seemed to be like a dust in the eyes, it may irritate but not enough to kill us. We should realize that to be born a human is the greatest of good fortunes. No other form of birth excels human birth, because it has the opportunity to elevate the soul higher by themselves. Life passes by very quickly- days and nights that roll into years. The dark side of their lives will not last long; instead of holding sorrow they should cultivate wholesomeness, practice generosity and act on good deeds. Create your own powerful loves and self esteem strong enough to overcome all these dilemmas.


    DMC has changed the lives of people hidden in the dark shadow to see the light of answers. DMC will show you how important and meaningful lives to be worth living. All the DMC programs are based on Buddhist Teaching suitable for everyone. Because we know that humans have problems; no matter what educational level, bank account, social status or any other standards you are in, DMC answers how you can live happily in the world that are full of questions in life. DMC will be a guide and you’ll be blessed in all difficulties. No matter how heavy the burdens are, how dark the night is or how much it hurts; quickly reject all the problems, tell yourselves how important you are and turn on the light of wisdom through DMC.


    Parents can help children by assuring them that family will stick together on the road of warmth regardless of how heavy the burdens or rocky the roads are. Couples will learn how to live their married life in a way of silk as if angles in heaven. Everyone can realize that problems are a cup of tea when they are in the hands of wises and DMC is an option to motivate and balance your thoughts when problems arise.


Mrs.Pienjai Thongtae    Mrs.Pienjai Thongtae was one who dreamt of financial freedom. She occupied her life through wicked earnings of livelihood in Bahrain- as an agency for illegal labors and opening of gambling bars. She was addicted to gambling until one day she gave birth to her son inside the gambling den. Though she could earn a lot of money from evil occupations but they were hot monies. She later lost them through many means; her husband was an alcoholic, some friends borrowed but never returned. She earned richness from those hot monies but found no happiness in life. Until one day she received information from a Dhamma channel through satellite dish. Since then, she had shunned herself from unwholesomeness and accepted all the good deeds.

    “Nothing will assure my life to return to evil but the meritorious fruits of good deeds we have done by our volition. I faced many problems with no solutions in sight and everything was so dark. Until the light of wisdom shining from DMC had thoroughly changed my life”, said Mrs.Thongtae.


    Mrs. Pienja Thongtae was just one epitome out of millions who could turn herself out of sorrow. Her story was also available in full version at this website. Finally, if you cannot think of any solutions of your problems at present, make sure that you do not have a wicked mind. Find yourself a silent place and sit down, attained consciousness through meditation and you will find solutions. Let DMC be one of your choices to lead the way out of unhappiness. May your path of lives been to pursue wholesomeness. May every wish come true by all virtues you cultivated. We will meet each other again on this spiritual path.


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