Buddhist Cosmology; e-book available

Buddhist Cosmology https://dmc.tv/a4065

Dhamma Articles > Buddhist Teaching
[ Sep 3rd, 2008 ] - [ read : 18262 ]
Buddhist Cosmology

Currently, cosmology has come to play a central role in shaping what is now known as physical cosmology by bringing together observations and mathematical tools in order to analyze the universe as a whole: in other words, it is the understanding of the universe through scientific observation and experiment. Cosmology is focused on the universe, as it exists on the largest scale and at the earliest moment, and it is generally understood to begin with the BIG BANG – an expansion of space from which the Universe itself is thought to have emerged from 13.7 billion years ago. From its violent beginnings, until its various speculative ends, cosmologists propose that the history of the Universe has been governed entirely by physical laws.  Between the domains of religion and science, stands the philosophical perspective of metaphysical cosmology.  This ancient field of study seeks to draw intuitive conclusions about the origin of the universe, man, gods, and their relationships. Cosmology is one of the most important aspects of religion because it seeks to explain the existence and nature of reality.  Viewing the creation and destruction of the universe will play a central role in the understanding of humanity’s role within the university.


Questions about the earth’s origination have been discussed throughout history.  Aristotle said the earth was the center of the universe through his experiments.  He said the earth exists unchanged throughout eternity.  This belief was held strongly as a religious philosophy for more than 2000 years.  In 1543 AD, Nicolaus Copernicus, an astronomer, published his theory on heliocentric cosmology, debunking the ancient believe that began the revolution of astronomy.  But many astronomers still doubted his theory on cosmic origination.  There, the questions remain: “What is the origin of the Universe?”  “What is its first cause?”  “Is its existence necessary?”  Or, “What is the ultimate reason for the existence of the Universe?”


In the Buddhist Sutta (the scriptures containing the Buddhist sermons), a consistent Buddhist cosmology is presented with the final analysis and reconciliation of cosmological comments. In several suttas, the Lord Buddha described other worlds and states of being, and one sutta described the origin and destruction of the universe: Agganna Sutta, Dhiga Nikaya.  This sutta was presented as a formal treatment by two novices, Bharadvaja and Vasettha.  Therefore, according to the oldest record of study, the synthesis of this data for a single comprehensive system must have started from te history of Buddhism. Buddhist cosmology is the only religion that can explain the structure of the universe and tell you how all beings have relations with its existence.  Being proficient in the study of cosmology will tell us why we are born and how to develop ourselves into a better life.


The picture of the world presented in Buddhist cosmological descriptions cannot be described literally, with a literal description, or by any scientific experiment.  This picture may be inconsistent with astronomical data that has been used up to the present day.  However, it can be perceived by everyone through the means of meditation: the entire universe has been seen through the Dibbayacakkhu (the divine eyes) by the Lord Buddha and people who have trained the mind enough to perceive the existence of all worlds and their interrelatedness.


Buddhist cosmology can be divided into two related groups:  temporal cosmology, which describes how the worlds come into existence, and how they pass away; and spatial cosmology, which describes the arrangement of the various worlds within the universe.
Written by Thanapol Bumrungsri




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