Magic Over Sciences

A story of a man who was a very likable, sensitive, and kind kid and turned to be so overtly fascinated with magic when he grown up. He followed one of a magician master to study more on magic and disappeared for 3 years since then. His mom really missed and worried about him. Is he still alive? Are magic acts considered deceiving acts? Is it a proper profession according to Buddhism?

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 27th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18277 ]
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Magic Over Sciences
I am a dedicated student of the Dearm in Dream kindergarten school.  I have satellite dishes (DMC) at both my homes in Thailand and the US.  I was first introduced to the community by a kalyanamitta (good friend) who invited me to join the Buchakaowpra 10 years ago.

I’ve been very sad with unsettled issues regarding my two sons.  One has been so overtly fascinated with magic and disappears from my life.  The other died from his hypertension.  These two incidents have been a long nightmare.  I would like to ask Luang Phaw to kindly free me from my life’s misery.   

I am a nurse by profession.  I fell in love and married my Thai husband.  We have 2 sons together.  Our second child died prematurely 2 weeks before his due date.  The doctor told us he was a perfectly healthy boy.  However, he had high hypertension.  He moved too violently causing his umbilical cord to strangle himself.  He died from lack of oxygen.  We were left with only our oldest son.  

It is my only son who is the source of my sadness.  He was a very likable, sensitive, and kind kid.  When he learned of my pregnancy with his little brother, he talked to his brother through my stomach “I love you, you are my brother.”  When his brother died, he was very sad.  The lost of his brother turned him from a lively child, a 4.0 GPA student who was very engaged in class, into a quiet kid.  He stopped talking to his friends and teachers.  He was sent to see a psychologist.

He is very close to his father.  When he was 14, my husband and I separated because we had very different approaches to conducting our business.  My son lived with me.  This was the second lost in his life.  After the separation he started to act as if he was the man of the house and consoled me “Mom you are not alone, you have me and Diamond (our cat).”

My son and I visited his grandmother in Thailand every year.  He ordained as a novice monk and a monk twice at Sothauta temple.  Back in the US, he asked his friend to join in meditation and making merit at the temple.

He was a very smart young man and volunteered his time for community service, i.e. serving snacks and juices to senior-citizens at assisted-living facilities.  During his last year in high school, many colleges offered him admission.  The offer letters described him as a hard to find student who was not only smart but also cared for the community.  Some colleges offered a combined bachelor and master degree program.  He decided to attend a small school close to where we lived.  His reasoning was he did not want to leave me alone.

While he was in college he was put in an advanced mathematic class.  He was an honor student in English.  He was a teaching assistant tutoring slow students.  He was paid $6.50 an hour.  It was not much but made him and me very proud.

He was talented in many areas, he was good at sculptural work and music in addition to his study.  He was overtly fascinated with magic.  He was a big fan of David Copperfield.  He was a member of a magic club when he was in high school.  There was no magic club in his college hence he established the club himself.  He was elected the first president of the magic club.  He went to children’s hospital to cheer them up with his magic skills.  Sometimes he was hired to perform his magic at Birthday parties and business conferences.  He even had his magic performance at Lincoln center, which is a very prestigious stage for people in performing art.

His presidency at the club provided him chances to meet many famous magicians.  He was further trained and collected more magic equipments.  One day he met a CEO of a very big magic society, which is very renowned internationally.

This society awards prizes for magic competitions around the world, in a way similar to the Oscar awards.  The society offers membership and magic products for sale over the Internet.  My son worked very hard during that time, hence we didn’t have much time together.  Mostly we talked over the phone.

When the CEO learned that my son did not live with his father, he called him “my son.”  He told my son “I’ll be your father and make you a professional magician.  I have trained so many renowned magicians.”  He asked my son to move in with him.

My son moved out with a small bag.  He told me he would be performing a magic show in Hong Kong for a week.  After a week he called and told me he had another one-week show in Korea.  Later he sent me a message that he was in Las Vegas and would be there for a while before returning home.  He didn’t give me his address or phone number.  He had not contacted me for the past 3 years.  I’m very concerned and alone.  I would like to tell him “your mother is so alone now.  Where are my sons?  Why did they leave me alone?’

Last time I heard from him was early 2004 when my mother passed away.  He left a voice message that he was sorry and wanted  me to tell everyone he sent his love.  I have never heard from him since then.  It is a mystery. Either he is performing magic or magic is playing a trick on him.  I would like to ask Luang Phaw to protect him.

My mother faced hardship in her life.  She raised me by herself without any help from my father.  She sometimes was very volatile and easily irritated.  She always taught us not to be angry at our father.  She said it was our own retribution.  She liked to pledge donations for casting the principle Buddha images at temples.  Two years before she passed away, I had a DMC satellite dish for her.  She liked to listen to Luang Phaw’s teaching even though she was partially hearing-impaired.  She stared at Luung Phaw in front of the TV monitor so she could hear Luang Phaw better.  She was ill with several disorders including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  One day she passed out while talking to her friends.  They couldn’t admit her to the hospital fast enough and she passed away.  

My father was a senior commissioned officer.  He was a remote cousin to my mother.  They got separated before I was born.  I never met him until I was in high school.  I did very well in school and was mentioned in a magazine.  A colleague of my father saw my picture realizing that I looked like my father and shared the same last name.  He told my father.  My father finally found me and secretly gave me presents whenever I did well in school.  However, I didn’t feel much attachment to him.  It was not until I moved to the US and listened to Luang Phaw Dhatta’s teaching on how we are in debt to our father.  Luang Phaw asked if we are in debt to our parents if they don’t raise us.  Luang Phaw clarified that regardless of their help, all children are in debt to their parents.  Their parents gave them their life and opportunity to pursue perfection.  Luang Phaw’s explanation gave me the right understanding and feeling of love for my father.  

My aunt was a kind lady.  She loved to make merit.  She loved and pampered me.  Whenever I was reprimanded by my mother, she would step in and stop my mother.  She was very healthy until she was bitten by her own dog while she was trying to stop them from attacking each other 10 years ago.  She was bitten on her arm.  I wanted to take her to a doctor but she said “My dog’s are healthy.  They don’t have Rabies.”  The wound however got infected; the infection got worse everyday.  We decided to take her to a hospital.  The doctor diagnosed her with Rabies, which readily spread into her nervous system.  Before she died she had a dream that she went to a village.  She saw many people dressed very well; they were at a fair with plenty of food.  She heard someone asking “When will you come live with us?”  Soon after she passed away.


1.  Why did my second son die before he was due?  Where is he now?  Will I be subjected to any retribution from his death?  How could I fix the retribution?  Did he receive merit dedicated to him from the casting of a Buddha image and other merits?  

2.  Why was my oldest son very good in school?  Why did he possess many talents, mediate well, volunteer for community services, and feel grateful to others?  Prior to his meeting with the CEO, he had a girlfriend.   After he started dating here he turned into a hardheaded person.  His grades dropped.  How were his girlfriend and him related in their past life?

3.  Why is my oldest son fond of and very gifted in magic?  Why did the CEO take him in?   How is he doing now?  Why doesn’t he come home?  Will he ever come home?  When?  How were my son and the CEO related in the past?  Why did they meet in this life?  I would like my son to help with Buddhist work, be a kalyanamitta to his (non-Thai) friends, and ordain for life at Dhammakaya temple.  Has he enough past merit for that? 

4.  Is the magician profession a proper profession according to Buddhism?  Are magic acts considered deceiving acts?  Is magic a study subject of sorcerers?  How would performing magic influence life after death?  How could we fix the retribution?  Would it be sinful if magic is performed only for fun? 

5.  Why did my mother face hardships raising me by herself?  Why had she a sudden death after passing out?  What was her dying vision?  Where is she now?  I told her to come to Dhammakaya Cetiya where her Buddha image and crystal pillar are located?  Did she understand and follow my instruction?  Does she receive merit dedicated to her?  Does she want to tell me anything?

6.  Why was I separated from my father when I was born, but meet with him again afterwards?  My oldest son told me he could talk to his grandfather, whom he saw in a picture, when he meditated.  He said his grandfather would like to apologize to me. Is that true?  Where is my father now?  Is he still alive?  Does he receive merit from the casting of a Buddha image and other merit I dedicated to him?

7.  How were my aunt and I related in the past?  Why did she love and care for me so much?  Why did she die from Rabies?  Where was the place she dreamed of?  Was it a real place?  Where is show now?  Does she receive merit from the casting of a Buddha image, crystal Buddha, and other merits dedicated to her?  How do these merits affect her being?  Does she want to convey anything to me?

8.  My grandmother was a kind person.  She loved to make merit, meditate, and observe the 8 precepts.  She died 30 years ago.  Where is she now?  Does she receive merit from the casting of a Buddha image and other merit under her name?  Does she want to convey anything to me?

9.  I make merit and support Dhammakaya temple and other temples concurrently.  Would this make my meritorious connection with temple less strong?  Would my chance to get back to the forth level of heaven become slimmer?

10.  How were my son, my husband and I related in the past?  Did we pursue perfection with the community in the past Buddhist eon?  What were our duties in the community?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.   Your second son died before he was born because of his past kamma of “abortion.”  In his past life, he forced his girlfriend to get an abortion.  Additionally, he unintentionally killed a puppy from an attempt to train it to walk on two feet.  He tied a string around the puppy’s neck.  Pulled the string up and tied it around a tree making the puppy to stand on 2 feet.  The puppy eventually strangled to death.

2.    Your oldest son was a very smart kid and had many talents.  He mediated well and loved to volunteer his time for community service and felt grateful towards any gratitude he received.  This is his habit carried over from his past life.  He has merit of association with the wise.  However, he also has retribution from association with the fool.  When the retribution of association of the fool manifested itself, he turned into a person of a different personality.
        Prior to his meeting with the CEO, he had a girlfriend.  Afterwards he turned into a hard-headed person, his school grades dropped.  This was because of the retribution of association with the fool of both of them.  In their past life, they were boyfriend and girlfriend.  They did nothing much but hung out drinking and having fun.  Their life turned downwards similar to what happened to them in this life.

    3.    Your oldest son was overtly fond of and good at performing magic.  He was taken in by the CEO.  This was because the CEO was the master of your son in their past life.  This past relation made them feel connected when they met in this life.
        Your son is still alive.  He has a determination to be a famous magician.  He vows he will not come back to his mother unless he becomes famous.
        He has a connection with our community and used to help with Buddhist work.  You will have to wish for him to come back whenever you practice giving, observe precepts, and practice meditation.  He has ordination merit but only for a short period.  He will need a strong determination to ordain for a long period of time. 

    4.    The magician profession is not considered the perfect occupation.  Even though the performance is deemed for entertainment, the performers obsessively plan on how to create the best make believe magic.  Their mind will not be dull but not clear either.  After death they will be born in the first level of heaven in the Himmabhana.  Magic is a subject, which the sorcerers study.  It is considered a low ranking subject compared to black magic.  He will have to completely stop performing and move into another proper profession.

    5.    Your mother faced hardship in life raising you by herself because of her past kamma.  In her past life she was born as a man.  He left his wife and kid.  He didn’t careless about them.  This is the exact retribution of her past misdeed.  She did not have much giving perfection either.
        She passed out and died in a sudden because her time ended.  
        Her dying vision was clear to a certain level.

        She was born as an angel in an Ogre clan, the beautiful clan.   The saber tooth protrudes only when she is angry.  She did not come to Dhammakaya Cetiya but receives merit dedicated to her, which helps increase her divine wealth.  She would like to rejoice in your merit and thank you for merit you dedicate to her.  She is living well.

    6.    You were separated from your father since you were young, however you met him again later.  This is because of your past kamma, the similar kamma your mother has but to a lesser retribution.  One of your past lives you were born a man.  You left your wife and children.  What happened in this lifetime was the reflection of what you did in the past.  However your retribution was slightly lessened, this was why you met your father who took care of you sometimes.
        Your son said he talked to your father in his meditation.  That was his childhood imagination and he would like to console you.

        Your father was dead and is in the purgatory of the 5th major hell due to his consumption of alcohol.  He is forced fed with hot liquid copper by denizens of purgatory.  He is in great pain. He receives merit dedicated to him and his punishment is lessened.  You will have to dedicate more merit to him.

    7.    You and your aunt loved and cared for each other.  She took care of you well especially when you were young.  This is because you were relatives who helped each other in your past life.  When you met again in this life you cared for each other.
        Your aunt died from Rabies because of her past kamma of poisoning dogs in her past life.  Those dogs excreted literally in front of her house, sometimes attacked her children or workers.  She was angry and poisoned them.  This past retribution came to fruition in this life.  Before she died she dreamed of her dying vision.  She was born as a high-rank earth sprite. 
          She receives merit dedicated to her, which has improved her living condition.  Now she has attendants.  She would like to rejoice in your merit and appreciates all merit dedicated to her.

      8.    Your grandmother was a kind person.  She loved to make merit, meditate, and observe the 8 precepts.  She died 30 years ago.  After she died, she was born as an angel in a golden mansion at the second level of heaven, phase 2.  This is because of her merit made in Buddhism continually throughout her life.

      9.    You have supported both Dhammakaya temple and others.  That is a good thing.  This will be your merit.  Whether you will be able to get back to the forth level of heaven depends on your degree of appreciation and understanding of the goal of the community masters, how you pursue perfection with the community, and your meditation experience either attaining the crystal sphere or crystal Buddha, for example.

      10.    Your husband, son and you were supporters of the community.  You three made merit together in the past, this past merit brought you together again in this life.  In the past Buddhist Eon, you were supporters of the community.
          We cross path in this life, you should make a determination to pursue perfection the best you can.  Make a resolution to follow the community back the fourth level of heaven, the place for Bodhisatta, and never part from the community.


      Case study in real life

      The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

      Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

      This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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