Make Resolutions “To Sell All The Houses”

I must confess to Luang Phaw that in the past, I disliked the temple and do not understand about the temple. But after I came to the temple, my life has become better and better and that’s very astonishing.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Apr 13th, 2005 ] - [ read : 18283 ]
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Make Resolutions “To Sell All The Houses”

Dear the most venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh

I am Dream in Dream student,  

    I like to share my valuable life experience with everyone. So anyone can learn from me.
    I’ve been working in real estate business for 12 years.  I love and like this job very much although I graduated from Law School.  Currently, I am a Marketing Director in a company and have high responsibility.  I’m responsible for almost everything and sometimes I feel so pressurised.  I have to strategise and use whatever method to sell the houses.  Although the economy was bad and the market was highly competitive.  The real estate project that I must sell was surrounded by other big and luxury real estate project.  Those real estate companies were famous and recognised as the top five.  Besides, my project was rather expensive as compared to the competitors.  In each quarter, my target was to sell 12 houses; each cost about 7 million baht.  With this economic condition, it would need a great amount of effort to sell the houses.
    Then as time passed by, everything was in a standstill as usual.  It had been 2 months and I could only sell one house.  I was very depressed and stressed. Until on 26th February 2004, in the late morning, I heard the news that there will be offering to Venerable Luang Phaw for making merit of casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya at the temple.  I couldn’t wait and rushed to the temple immediately to make merit for my parents.  Of course I didn’t forget to make resolutions “to sell all the houses” and to recover from my illness instantaneously.
    After making the merit, I returned to the office that day.  An astonishing incident happened; I set a record of selling 5 houses, each cost almost 7 million baht within a day.  There wasn’t any indication before and I was very happy.  So on 13th March 2004, my wife and I decided to made merit of casting 2 personal Buddha Images enshrined in the inner Dhammakaya Cetiya.  And I made a resolution to sell the houses again.  Then I went back to the office.  I was very astonished again this time that I sold 4 more houses.  Soon after that 2 more houses were sold.  I hit the target of over 81 million baht.
    Today, I must confess to Luang Phaw that in the past, I disliked the temple and do not understand about the temple.  But after I came to the temple, my life has become better and better and that’s very astonishing.  For example, my company suddenly gave me a house worth 6.8 million as incentive and loan me a company car.  Comparing my years of service in the company, actually I need to work much longer to receive all these incentives. But it turned out sooner than it should be.  Apart from that, the company also loan me money to pay off my debt.
    After coming to Dhammakaya temple, I have learnt one thing, when I meditate often; I have very few difficulties at work.  But when I don’t meditate often and make an excuse that I have no time because of too much works. During that time, I don’t know why there are so many difficulties.  It was really strange and you will not understand if you don’t experience it yourself.
    When my father was young, his job was to transport opium during World War II.  He did this job until he married my mother; he quitted and worked in farming instead.  My father drank alcohol and smoked a lot.  When he was 60 years old, he decided to quit smoking.  At the same time he loved to make merit.  Every morning he offered meal to the monks. And he also donated his land to build temple.  During the last period of his life he was partially paralysed and eventually became paralysed.  He suffered for 3 years and then passed away.
    My mother loved to make merit just like my father.  After marrying my father, they have 10 children.  So it was necessary to brew and sell illegal alcoholic drinks to earn enough income to send children to school.  She quitted when the children completed school and could look after themselves.  My mother also smoked pipe tobacco for a while and quitted later. At the last period of her life, she got lung cancer and then passed away.
    My eldest daughter is now 11 years old.  She is 145 cm tall and weighs 53 kilograms. She is considered a very fat kid.  Until today, she still has bed-wetting.  We’ve done whatever we can but it doesn’t help.
    My youngest daughter is 3 years old and she gets sick very often.  She has allergy and pain in her left leg.  We really don’t know how to treat her.
I would like to ask Luang Phaw the following:
1. After I made the merit of casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya and within one day I could sell 5 houses although there was no indication at all? What was the reason?  And after casting the personal Dhammakaya Buddha Images, I could sell 4 more houses. Why was that so?  If it was truly because of merit, will it happen every time and to everyone?  What are the crucial factors affecting the effects of merit? Some people make merit but the reward doesn’t come to fruition promptly.  Some people make merit and instead something bad suddenly happen in their lives such as accidents and etc.  I am asking Luang Phaw to kindly explain about the power of merit that could immediately produce reward and how does it work?
2. What merit had I made to receive a 6.8 million baht house as an incentive and a company car?  And why was it that this car didn’t belong to me?  Why do I love this career so much and can do very well even though I didn’t graduate in this field?
3. Why there were fewer difficulties when I meditated often and difficulties increase when I don’t meditate?  Why was that so?  If I meditate more, will my business be more prosperous and how?  So I can suggest my family to meditate more as a simple way to have a prosperous life.
4. What kammic retribution caused my father to become paralysed and my mother to have lung cancer?  Where were my parents after their death?  How are they now?  After I made merit for casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya and dedicated the merits to them, did they have any messages for me?
5. What kammic retribution caused my eldest daughter to be fat and has bed-wetting until now and my youngest daughter to get sick often and pain in her left leg?  I often have headache and pain in my neck and right eye socket but got better after making merit.  What should we do to rectify these kammic retributions?  Can we possibly get heal in this lifetime?
6. What kammic retribution caused me to dislike and disagree with the temple initially but change my mind later?  How have my wife, children and I pursued perfection with the community?  If we want to pursue perfection with the community in every lifetime, what should we do?
Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
 1.  After you made the merit of casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya and could sell 5 houses that worth 7 million baht within one day was because of your past merit; the merit you had made and persuaded others to make with the community, combining with merit of casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya that all came to fruition.

 2.  Later you made merit of casting personal Dhammakaya Buddha Images and could sell 4 more houses because of the aforementioned merit and merit of casting personal Dhammakaya Buddha Images that all came to fruition.

 3.  This doesn’t happen every time and to everyone because there are at least 3 crucial factors which are
  • Your wishes or rewards must match the level of merit. For example, big wish will require equally big merit.

  • The amount of merit you have made in the past.
    For example someone persuade others to make merit as well as make merit by themselves as according to the target that was promised. So, when the merit comes to fruition, they will get the wealth as they wishes.

  • The present merit will add to your past merit until it equate to the wish that you have made.

 6.  Nevertheless, the past merit will come to fruition sooner than present merit.  Similar to planting tree where old tree is waiting to produce fruits but the new tree still has to grow. The merit takes time to come to fruition.

 7.  Merit and sin follow us closely and they are waiting for opportunity to come to fruition.  If merit has the opportunity, good things will come to fruition.  If sin has the opportunity, bad things will come to fruition.  So merit and sin are competing to grab opportunity to come to fruition.  Therefore, in the case when you made merit and then have accident is because the past sin comes to fruition before the present merit.

 8.  You received a 6.8 million baht house and a company car because of your past merit and present merit as mentioned before.  Nothing is free in this world.  Everything must have cause and effect, no exception.

 9.  You received a car but didn’t belong to you because of the merit being a Kalyanamitta, persuading others to make merit and joining the offering.  But you didn’t make the merit yourself.  You persuaded others to make merit but you don’t do it; you just touched the tray of the offering.

10.  You loved your career and had excelled although you didn’t graduate in this field because you have selling skill from the past life. In addition to that, your wisdom, intelligence, foresight, good interpersonal skill and past merit supported you.

11.  The past merit connected with present merit hence reduced difficulties.  Wisdom arises from concentration which helps us to made decision or anticipate things accurately.

12.  If our thoughts, words and actions come from a happy mind, success will happen easily and combining with past and present merit, it will come to fruition easily.

13.  Your father became paralysed because of the kamma from drinking alcohol and killing animal for a living.  Your mother has lung cancer because of the fruition of kamma from smoking and killing animal both in the past and present lives.

14.  After your parents died, they became ordinary earth sprite in the lineage of orge living in the earth sprite village.

15.  They have received the merit of casting pillar of edifice around Dhammakaya Cetiya.  They are happier and have better condition in accommodation, clothing and food and they also have more celestial treasure now.  They were both glad that their son still missed them and dedicated merit to them.

16.  Your eldest daughter has verbal kamma in the past life.  In that life, she was a pretty kid with beautiful lips but spoke impolitely.  She ridiculed and despised friends who were fat and had bed- wetting and made them feel shameful. So when the kamma came to fruition, she will have to suffer it herself.

17. Your youngest daughter is weak and often has pain on her left leg because in the past life she often killed small insects such as ants or mosquitoes.  She also beat the dog and broke its leg because it had eaten her meat that was hung out.

18.  You have headache and pain at the neck and eye socket mainly because of stress and worried about your work.

19.  Everyone should accrue every merit intensively and frequently and also have enough sleep and time to exercise in order to be healthy.

20.  In the beginning, you didn’t like and do not see eye to eye with the temple. This was a light kamma for a short period of time when you and your family pursued perfection with the community.  Sometimes you got bored with the community and thought of not pursuing perfection with the community anymore.

21.  It was just only a thought for a very short time.  And when your mood got better, you came back and pursued perfection as before.  So this light kamma has followed you.

22.  If you and your family want to pursue perfection with our community forever, you have to accrue merit constantly. And make resolutions to follow and pursue perfection with the community in every lifetime until the uttermost Dhamma and return to the special merit zone of Tusita heaven, the Bodhisatta area.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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