You Must Win

What demerit did her younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years? Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack. Where did he go? Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her? What merit caused her to be the owner of the land full of slate? This land provides her with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 20th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18274 ]
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You Must Win
With great respect to Luang Phaw:

My younger sister had the honor of receiving a gold medal and the Southeast Asia Games.  Many people who spend their lives training can only see such a medal.  My younger sister received one for her efforts.  She took the greatest pride in this honor of a lifetime.  But this could not ensure her happiness because on the evening of the day she received the medal, the life of a flourishing athlete became the life of a disabled person.

She had no hope for tomorrow.  Our lives are no different from the sun.  In one day, it rises, shines brightly, blazes brilliantly, then fades with the sunset.  But before her life had lost all hope, DMC satellite TV entered her life.  The hope which had died revived to guide her existence.  She walks forward with a heart of merit on which she always relies.  Luang Phaw says: “I wish that DMC continues to give you the courage to emerge victorious in your life.”

My younger sister was born in the old section of Ayuthaya.  She loved various sports.  They were a key part of her life.  She was tall, thin, and strong.  She played every sport well.  She earned medals at the primary school, secondary school, provincial, and national levels.

After she graduated from secondary school, she studied and taught sports in Bangkok.  During this time, she read the life story of Luang Pu Wat Pak Nam and felt reverence and deep respect for him.  When she read about the building of the first meditation areas at Phra Dhammakaya Temple, she sent money to support these efforts on occasion.  

Later, her life of dreams turned into a nightmare.  She got to know a young police cadet who took swimming lessons from her to pass the police officer’s exam.  After he passed the exam, he constantly came around to see her and cheered her on at every sporting event where she competed.

Two years after he graduated, she married him with love and high hopes.  The working life of a police officer was very irregular.  Some days he worked mornings, some days he worked late nights.  But she did not have even the slightest fear.  But when she became pregnant, he disappeared for many days.

When he returned, he had changed his shirt to one worn by teenagers.  There were lipstick marks on the collar and shoulder areas of the shirt.  When she asked him about this, they started to argue.  After arguing many times, she told him he had a child and needed to stop running off womanizing all the time.  He lied, telling her nothing was going on.  And he did not listen to her.

After this, a female singer dressed up in a way that revealed her occupation went to see her at her school.  She said she was his true wife and that my younger sister was his fake wife.  All this occurred in the presence of her students and other teachers.  My younger sister was deeply embarrassed.  But it did not end there.  The next day, the singer went to his office and presented her marriage license to his commanding officer.  Then she claimed that my younger sister had stolen her husband.  My younger sister had to present herself at the police station.

She learned that her husband had secretly registered a second marriage.  They argued and fought, hitting one another.  But he did not stop womanizing.  He thought it was fun and amusing.

After giving birth to her child, my younger sister focused her attention on competitive sports again.  She earned a gold medal in volleyball at the 1967 SEA Games and a silver medal in volleyball at the 1971 SEA Games.  And in 1975, Thailand hosted the SEA Games so she had to compete.  And everyone in Thailand was united in their cheers for her to successfully win a gold medal.

She won a gold medal at the 1975 SEA Games.  But her happiness lasted only a short time.  She joined the celebration for winning the medal.  In the evening when the celebration had ended and she was on her way back to her room, she saw her husband driving around with the female singer.

What she saw felt like a thorn in her side that she pained her every time she moved.  She was deeply disappointed.  When he knew she had seen him, he went to appease her.  She was furious and not in any mood to reconcile with him.  She ran off and took a taxi back to her room but the taxi broke down on the way there.

So she reluctantly got in the car her husband had driven to follow her.  He did his best to calm and soothe her but she would not give in to his appeals.  She decided to tell him she wanted to end the marriage and that she would give him all her assets.  But he refused.  She opened the door and ran out of the car.  He called out to her “Stop or I’ll shoot.”

She did not stop running.  He pulled a gun out of the car and shot her in the back of the neck.  In that second, her mind went blank and her entire body went numb.  She lost consciousness.  Before she lost consciousness, she recalled her husband’s words: “Whatever I love and worry about, if I have to lose it, I will completely destroy it.”

After she regained consciousness, she realized that was totally paralyzed.  Her mind was unharmed but she could not feel anything in her body.  She could not move a muscle from her head to her toes.  She was disabled.  Later he husband visited her and brought along a new woman.  My younger sister felt like dying.  

When he saw her in this condition, he disappeared and never returned.  She did not accuse him.  She told others that the gun had accidentally discharged.  She was still concerned about her husband.  If she told the truth, he would go to prison and lose his position as a government official.  Their daughter was still young and would not have a father or mother.  

She only thought that she would soon die from her suffering.  Everything would end.  But she is still alive.  Our mother and my younger sister kept their pain hidden.  But what helped her endure was our mother’s profound love.

Our mother had to care for her at the hospital for more than one year.  When they returned home, she had to continue caring for her home.  Later I found someone to care for my younger sister, someone to help feed her food and beverages, and to help her go to the bathroom.  It has been like this for more than 30 years.

Her husband’s relatives never once visited her.  They were angry with her and said in her anger she had falsely accused him of shooting her.  This was despite that fact that I and my sister had not made such an accusation with the police.  We thought this would be the end of her demerit.

But her husband’s relatives would not accept this.  They tried to prevent her daughter from seeing her and from knowing anything about what had happened.  It was like this until 1987 until the Department of Public Welfare helped her meet with her daughter.

But when her daughter saw her in her disabled condition, her daughter became even more distant and did not want to visit her.  Now she is ill with a lung infection.  She eats little food and often gets stomach aches.  And she gasps for breathe heavily.  For the rest of her life, she places her hope in merit.  Luang Phaw says: “Persevere my child, carry on.  All my children in Thailand and around the world support you to continue your struggle.  Persevere with all your heart.”

In 2001, we heard news that there was a plan to build a vihara at Luang Pu’s birthplace in Tambon Pi Nong in Suphanburi Province.  I thought about a piece of land with two houses on it that I had purchased from villagers many years ago.  That land was only 100 meters away from the house where Luang Pu was born.

My heart told me to change these worldly assets into noble wealth.  I had my younger sister and everyone in my family come together to offer this land to Luang Phaw.  All of us were very happy with the merit we earned from this.  And we waited to see this project completed.

I have 19 rai of land (7.5 acres) near Pak Chong District.  This land had a lot of slate; the more you dig, the more you find.  The income from this slate supported our family and provided money to make merit.  Sometimes we made offerings of slate to various temples.  Some temple chambers had floors laid entirely with slate from my land.  Even Phra Dhammakaya Temple has some areas with slate that I offered.

Whenever I think of this slate, it reminds me of the first day that I decided to buy this piece of land.  I did not know about the slate there before.  I just purchased the land then wished that if I had merit to support Buddhism, I would have a treasure on this property.  So I received this land in order to make merit.

My mother was kind, hard-working, and generous to others.  She made offerings to monks on their morning alms rounds and chanted every day.  When I was a child, she had me make merit by placing coins in offering bowls and took me to make merit at various temples.  She died in 1997 at the age of 76.  When she died, her face was beautiful and pink and her complexion was clear.

My father came from China.  He was kind and made merit like my mother.  He became sick and died for unknown reasons at the age of 46.

My oldest brother was separated from the family since he was child.  But when we had reunited for 2-3 weeks, he had a car accident and died at the age of 54.

My second oldest brother had brain surgery.  This caused problems with his nervous system so that he could not eat.  He became thin and died at the age of 54.

1.    Did my younger sister excel at sports because of something in her past lives or her present life?  To what extent did her love of and skill at sports come from her past lives or her present life?  In this regard, what proportion of her past life patterns have followed her and arisen in her present life?
2.    What demerit did my younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years already?  Why do her husband’s relatives not understand the truth, even though my younger sister did nothing wrong?  How can she escape from this life pattern?
3.    Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack.  Where did he go?  Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her?
4.    My younger sister is now sick with a lung infection.  She can only eat small amounts, had stomach pains, and gasps for breath heavily.  What demerit caused these problems?  How can she reduce this demerit?
5.    What demerit caused my younger sister’s daughter to be born with a disabled mother?  Why was her daughter separated from her to be with her husband?  Why did her daughter ignore her and not want to visit her anymore?
6.    My younger sister makes merit and wishes to die from natural causes quickly to end her suffering.  Should she do this?  When she is lying down to meditate, she tends to fall asleep.  How should a paralyzed person meditate?
7.    The girl who has taken care of my younger sister for more than 10 years now, she looks after her well.  And this girl gives her moral support by having her think constantly of the Lord Buddha and merit.  She loves this girl like a daughter.  What merit did they make together that led this girl to care for her?
8.    What merit caused my younger sister to receive part of Luang Pu’s monastic robe from Uncle Lom (Luang Pu’s nephew)?  Is this because members of our family were relatives of Luang Pu in our past lives?
9.    Where did my father, mother, oldest brother, and second oldest brother go when they died?  Did they receive the merit I and my sister made on their behalf?  Do they have any messages for me?
10.    What merit caused me to be the owner of the land full of slate?  This land provides me with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.  Is my situation different from owners of land who find gemstones on their property such as diamonds?
11.    Should I sell this land with the slate because I am quite old now?
12.    How did I, my younger sister, and the girl who cares from my younger sister make merit with the Dhammakaya community in our past lives?
With great respect to Luang Phaw.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.    Your younger sister excelled at sports for reasons having to do with her present life.  But in her past lives, she liked to play sports and exercise in the style of those past eras, both when she was a man and a woman.  So this made her have skills and enjoy sports in her present life.

The amount of skills from each of a person’s past lives will not be equal.  For example, some people have a lot of skills from their past lives that follow them.  They add a little skill in their present life and they become talented.  But some people have little skill following them but they train well in their present lives and become talented.  So training in a person’s present life is very important.
2.    Your younger sister was shot by her husband and had been paralyzed for 30 years.  This is because in one of her past lives when she was a man, she was talented in many kinds of sports.  But the sport she enjoyed most was a mixture of boxing and wrestling.  She once kicked an opponent in the back of the throat and broke it so that her opponent was paralyzed for the rest of his life.  This is combined with demerit from womanizing in that life because women were very attracted to you.  You do not take care of these women and the children you fathered.
In addition, during that life the relatives of one woman were angry that your younger sister abandoned and did not look after her.  This woman was your younger sister’s wife in that life.  This demerit arose in the form of your sister’s husband’s relatives not accepting her in her present life.  To reduce this demerit, she must forgive them and diligently make all forms of merit.  She must wish that this life will be the last one like this and make merit on behalf of the people that she hurt physically and emotionally.

3.    Your younger sister’s husband died of a heart attack because he had reached the natural end of his life, and because of his demerit from not maintaining all 5 precepts.

He was taken to the fifth level of hell before other levels.  The hell wardens are beating him, torturing him, and shooting him like he shot your younger sister.  His penis is being sliced off.  His skin is being peeled off and the hell wardens are pouring hot black acid into his mouth.  He is suffering greatly from violating all 5 precepts.  He cannot receive merit made on his behalf.
4.    Your younger sister has a lung infection, can only eat small amounts, has stomach pains, and gasps for breath heavily.  This is due to her past life demerit from torturing animals and playing sports which hurt other people.  Sometimes she hunted animals for food.  These forms of demerit combined to cause her various health problems.
To reduce this demerit, she must accumulate merit by making offerings to monks, keeping the precepts, meditating, releasing animals and fish into the wild, and making merit on behalf of those she hurt and exploited.  And she must wish to be free of this demerit, wishing that this will be the last life she has like this.

5.    Your younger sister’s daughter came when her mother was paralyzed and was separated from her mother to live with her father.  This is due to your younger sister’s daughter’s past life demerit from adultery and encouraging people fighting competitively until one of the competitors was hurt.  This is like present-day cheering at boxing bouts.  Her daughter’s failure to care for your younger sister is new demerit for her daughter but old demerit for her.  This old demerit is from her past life as a man when she played sports and had affairs with many women.  She did not look after her wife and children.  This demerit arose in her present life in the form of her daughter not having any interest in caring for her.

6.    Your younger sister made merit and wished that she would die quickly in order to be released from her suffering.  This is incorrect by the principles of the Vijja Dhammakaya because she still has many opportunities to make merit and meditate.  And she is still able to breath and the center of her body is intact.  So she should continue to make merit and meditate.  And she should wish to have this life be the last one with this demerit.
The human body is important for making merit, even if it is paralyzed.  If a person has full consciousness and is able to make merit, this person has a better opportunity than angels who are unable to make merit.
Those who are paralyzed should meditate in a leaning position.  Meditate with the bed raised in a reclining position because meditating while lying down will tend to make a person fall asleep.  So a paralyzed person who still has full consciousness should be able to meditate by making the mind stop at the center of the body according to the Vijja Dhammakaya.

7.    The girl who has taken good care of your younger sister for more than 10 years.  This girl gives her moral support by having her think constantly of the Lord Buddha and merit.  She loves this girl very much.  This girl was her adopted daughter in a past life and she took good care of this girl.  They met in their present lives so this girl is taking good care of her instead.

8.    Your younger sister received a piece of Luang Pu’s monastic robe from Uncle Lom.  This is because she made merit with followers of Luang Pu in her past life.

9.    Your father died and became a handsome male angel with a golden celestial palace in Tavatimsa, due to the merit he made in Buddhism.  He received the merit made on his behalf and gained more celestial treasures.  He would like to rejoice in your merit and tell you that he is very happy to have a palace near to your mother’s.
Your mother died and became a beautiful female angel with a golden celestial palace in Tavatimsa, due to the merit she made with your father in Buddhism.  They were closely connected to one another so their palaces are next to one another.  She received the merit made on her behalf and gained more celestial treasures.  She would like to rejoice in your merit and thank you.  She would like to tell you that she is very happy to have a palace near to your father’s. 

Your oldest brother died and was born again as a human being.  He cannot receive merit made on his behalf.

Your second oldest brother died and was born again as a human being.  He cannot receive merit made on his behalf.

10.    You have land with slate which provides you with a constant income.  No matter how much slate is dug up, it never runs out.  This is because in your past lives, you made merit by giving land that generated income for a temple.  And you wished that you would have assets which would support you endlessly.

The situation with people who have land that contains gemstones is due to those people making more merit than you.  Or it is from making merit with jewels used to decorate temple structures such as chedis.  Or it is from making major merit and wishing to have land with natural assets.  You are old so you should sell your land.  Sell it during good economic times.  Do not sell it now.  You will be free of worries about it and be able to make merit to the fullest extent, especially by meditating.

11.    You, your younger sister, and the girl who cares for your younger sister made merit in the past together with the Dhammakaya community continually as supporters.

In this life we meet again and diligently make all forms of merit to the fullest degree.  Make the resolution that when you pass away we will all go to Tusita together.  Let us not miss this opportunity.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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