What are your daily chores and why do you do them?


Dhamma Articles > Frequently Asked Questions
[ Jun 30th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18278 ]
What are your daily chores and why do you do them?
by: Venerable Nicolas Thanissaro

When I am in the UK, I hoover the floor of our kuti (monastic dwelling). Other colleagues empty bins, mop the floor of the meditation hall, clean the toilets or cut the lawn. We also do most of our own repair work. The reason we do the chores is because we believe that serving the community, especially one which is the 'fabric' of our religion earns a lot of spiritual merit for us - i.e. it is good karma. Apart from helping us to feel good about ourselves at the time, we believe it will bring good things into our life in the future.



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